Sentences with phrase «low utilization»

"Low utilization" refers to the situation where something is not being used or employed to its fullest extent or capacity. It suggests that the item or resource is not being utilized effectively or efficiently, resulting in underutilization or waste. Full definition
What are the main causes of low utilization rates?
I have credit cards with low utilization ratios and a mortgage, but I hadn't paid off an installment loan for a couple of decades.
Cats have lower utilization of benefits, plus cats do not go to the vet as much as dogs.
The more credit lines available to you, with only a small amount actually being used, will help lower that utilization percentage, which in turn will bring up your credit score.
Credit utilization is the scoring formula's way of assessing how much of your available credit is being used, with lower utilization leading to a higher score.
That's because a larger limit will increase your available credit and help lower your utilization rate, the percentage of your credit that you use.
Another benefit of converting credit card debt to an installment loan is credit score growth, which results from lower utilization and higher credit diversity.
Higher interest means a longer time to pay down your debt, and a longer time before you see lower utilization reflected in a higher credit score.
You can also lower your utilization rate by transferring a portion of your credit card balances to credit cards with higher limits, or asking your credit card companies to increase your limits.
Higher interest means a longer time to pay down your debt, and a longer time before you see lower utilization reflected in a higher credit score.
Another way to show lower utilization is to simply use your credit cards less.
They also report to all 3 bureaus on or shortly after end of billing period, so as long as your bill reflects low utilization then your score will go up.
In my case, an exceptionally low utilization ratio and a lengthy credit history offered the biggest boost.
A relatively low utilization rate is a sign to lenders that you aren't desperate when you apply for a loan.
So, steadily lowering your utilization ratio may be more beneficial than large strides in a short amount of time.
Turns out men generally achieve lower utilization ratios and therefore higher average credit scores than women.
This is a simple way to quickly lower your utilization rate — just don't treat this as a reason to charge more to the card!
These plants have a 21 percent lower utilization rate than their counterparts located in low or medium water - stress regions.
Another way to lower your utilization percentage is to raise your credit limit.
The behaviors most likely to cause a rating to rise are becoming current on any past - due balances and lowering your utilization ratio on revolving balances.
That's because a larger limit will increase your available credit and help lower your utilization rate, the percentage of your credit that you use.
Obviously, you can lower your utilization rate by paying down your balance.
Can I charge $ 1500 and pay it off immediately, charge another $ 1500 and pay it off except for the remaining 15 % to have something to show on my balance and get the 1.5 % cash back reward benefit on $ 3000 and still keep low utilization?
High utilization of any one card or line of credit would be a lesser factor, where one could further optimize their credit score and perceived credit worthiness by lowering the utilization on a single card well below a percentage threshold.
Consumers with high credit scores often have a good mix of credit including revolving credit, installment loans like a mortgage loan, very low utilization of credit cards and a long credit history.
The best proxy for understanding how law firms can translate lower utilization into greater profits is to consider, explicitly, how to translate «non-billable» time into dollars.
Only if his credit score is not so good or he doesn't have any of his own cards could the removal of this card's positive payment history and low utilization contributions hurt his score.
(Simply making sure there are no relatively large balances on any individual cards is a safe bet for lowering your utilization ratio.)
But remember, if you have to move, or get a car loan or be evaluated by your credit in any way, you will get unfavorable circumstances if you aren't reporting low utilization at that point in time.
Low utilization boosts balance transfer deal approval odds — Zero percent balance transfer deals are often reserved for those with high credit scores... (See 0 % deals)
Forecastable (seasonal) and unforecastable (cyclical) fluctuations in demand for services reduce law firms» ability to staff accordingly therefore lowering utilization rates.
If we were to accept lower utilization as the new norm, how would we approach non-billable hours differently?
While all of these efforts are real and each may have its place in devising a solution for your firm, what if, instead of lambasting lower utilization, we were to embrace it?
Lower utilization percentages are best, with the ideal proportion ranging between 1 and 9 percent.
It's true there there will be some short - term dips from hard inquiries and new accounts, but your credit score will eventually rise (probably to an all - time high) so long as you maintain low utilization and make on - time payments.
It's a relatively simple process to review the policy; the most important factor is to ensure that the minimum premium on your policy is low enough to allow you to benefit from low utilization or stacked equipment.
For instance, a balance of $ 2,000 on a card with a $ 4,000 limit that's transferred to a card with an $ 8,000 limit could minimally improve your credit by lowering your utilization ratio from 50 % to 25 %.
My credit score is 825 + with low utilization ratio and 100 % perfect credit in every way.
The best thing I can reinforce from your article is: 1) clean up your past 2) don't ever be late 3) keep a very low utilization rate.
Researchers said all the groups in the study — Black, White and Hispanic — reported high rates of discrimination for one reason or another, and they urged continued monitoring of patients» experiences, since reported discrimination is associated with worse health, lower satisfaction with health care and lower utilization of health services.
For instance, a balance of $ 2,000 on a card with a $ 4,000 limit that's transferred to a card with an $ 8,000 limit could minimally improve your credit by lowering your utilization ratio from 50 % to 25 %.
As mentioned, lower utilization rate means higher credit score.
Personal loans help your credit score because they lower your utilization rate.
If you find yourself using more than that on a regular basis, you should try to reduce your spending or get an additional loan or line of credit to lower your utilization.

Phrases with «low utilization»

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