Sentences with phrase «man duties»

Dillon will share leading man duties with Bruno Ganz.
All of them have held old man duties before and despite being octogenarians (or in Freeman's case, nearly so), none of them has been hard up for work lately, with appearances in an assortment of blockbuster and prestige fare.
All of them have held old man duties before and despite being octogenarians, none of them has been hard up for work lately, with appearances in an assortment of blockbuster and prestige fare.
«War brings men duties,» they wrote in April 1917, just after U.S. entry:
Welbeck did well but he cudnt pull of the target man duty.
While Brian took care of Best Man duties, I had the chance to lounge around at the pool and catch up on some much needed me time.
Tony is still continuing his Iron Man duties and trying to keep the world safe, so bet on him being at the front lines and breaking out his best tech yet to fight Thanos.
Australia's Samuel arrives at leading man duties from a similarly unlikely background of Twilight sequel and minor horror movies.
Cheadle deserves credit for sterling straight - man duties in an unglamorous role but this buddy movie is Gleesonâ $ ™ s show.
Shame the narrative breaks down halfway through when Andrew Kevin Walker's already problematic script shifts leading man duties to Brad Pitt (from Morgan Freeman).
The just man, whether he is rising above and beyond all creatures to an almost immediate awareness of Godhead or throwing himself upon the world — as it is every man duty to do — to conquer it and bring it to perfection, will have eyes only for God.
He makes the most of this job, a far too rare lead role for him which can only serve to remind other filmmakers and casting directors how qualified he is for leading man duties.
Comedies generally assign leading man duties to someone who's either very funny or funny - looking.
Film Review: The Guard has a strong cast with Don Cheadle giving a sterling performance on straight - man duties.
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