Sentences with phrase «man job»

It's not a two - man job though, the lemon juice, vanilla yogurt, and of course the blueberries, all carry their own weight in that department, too.
The guys keeps doing a 4 man job on his own..
Those interested in a Maintenance Man job should highlight the following skills in their resumes: maintenance experience, troubleshooting, problem solving orientation, effective communication, and teamwork.
That performance in the FA cup against Southampton suggested that Welbeck can do the same sort of target man job as Giroud and his goals will have given the boss confidence in his finishing.
A philosopher, theologian, scholar of patristics and mythology, and frequent contributor to First Things, Hart maintains that his dissatisfaction with the standard renderings of the Bible — each the product of committees and therefore of numberless harmful compromises — convinced him of the value of starting from scratch and making a one - man job of it.
Diego Simeone now wants Premier League job after snubbing Chelsea: Roman Abramovich could try again to get his man
Kossy has been doing a 4 man job so far this season, He does Mertesackers job game in game out, he has to cover our so called DM's, he does his own job, he has to cover our left backs who just keep bombing forward with no sense of danger at the back.
Fifa selected the best officials for referee and lines - man job during the world cup matches.
This part of the project was a 2 man job -LCB- one woman / and one man: ~ -RCB- so that one could hold and stretch the fabric and the other do the stapling.
It can range from a two person job, with on one the pedal and the other at the bleed nipple, to a one man job where the new fluid is forced through the system under external pressure.
Those interested in a Delivery Man job should be able to demonstrate the following skills in their resumes: safe driving abilities, time management, good numeracy skills, customer service, problem solving orientation, and recordkeeping.
London About Blog London's Professional Handyman Service, specialising in small handy man jobs at home and in your office.
Tallying 16 percent, the women represented by the galleries ranked well below women who are bus drivers (49.2 percent), sales people (48 percent) and managers (43 percent), and between such traditionally he - man jobs as driving trucks (17 percent) and welding (4 percent).
Success is never a one man job.
To live an empowered life of great significance be open to possibility, cooperation, education, success and understanding that success is not a one man job.
Maybe unsurprisingly, being a billionaire is not easy, and it certainly isn't a one - man job.
Thus, Jehovah God took from himself energy and created all the universe and its life, establishing the atomic layout, and the laws that govern how atoms act, whereby God asks the man Job: «Have you come to know the statutes (or governing laws) of the heavens?»
just to prove to Satan how faithful a man Job was.
That it was so much a delight as it was, especially in the latter part of the job, was partly because of a second piece of luck, Paul Weiss's turning up to help with a substantial part of what, as a one - man job, would have been excessively difficult and have taken up too large a portion of the career of one as eager to do his own writing as I (or as Weiss) was.
In combination with the car that we keep at the airfield (a donation that we received last year) and the tow - out kit that we are building ourselves, this means that preparing the glider for flight becomes a one - man job.
We can't be offering the man the job for life based on past glories.
A 17 year old boy just what we need at the moment young boys to do a mans job.
Replacing DJ looks to be a two - man job.
There is no power, and Coquelin has to do a three - man job.
«A five - man job, everybody pitching in there.
The Mans job is to be a Man and bring home the Bacon, money and status talks.
Give this man the job!
As his team's main midfield link - man his job was to try and initiate attacks from deep but looked out - muscled by his opposite numbers in the West Ham defence without the help of Schneiderlin in the second - half.
It isn't a one - man job!
that was the mans job.
«Give that man a job»
I don't think it is a one - man job.
The death of the commission midway through its planned 18 - month lifespan occurred as part of the negotiation of the state budget in March 2014, and it was a three - man job.
Early on in the project, it became clear that this wasn't going to be a one - man job.
For this week's Wardrobe Basics 101 I did the dirty work for you (and by dirty work I mean online window shopping... man my job is hard!)
Hahaha, I'm glad you're not having too much fun of doing such a man job but you guys are good team work when it comes to this:).
Yes I'm a Woman doing a mans job, but don't worry fellas I'm all women!!!
Of course, more and more woman are picking up the tab but in most cases it's still the mans job to pay (at least in my age group mid 30's).
Its the mans job in dance to make the woman look good on the floor, and the man who can give good.
Give this man a job.
«Hitching your mower to the tractor is now a one man job.
All these features make towing a trailer a simple one - man job.
Not light and not a one - man job, taking out those old seats was a back - breaking task.
Keeping your finances in order isn't just a one - man job.
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