Sentences with phrase «man servant»

The phrase "man servant" refers to a male person who works as a servant or assistant. Full definition
Paul Bettany puts on a cockney accent as man servant Jock and steals every scene he's in.
Rom.14: 4 ``: Who are you to judge another mans servant for to his own master (Christ) a servant stands or falls.
He will take the best of your man servants and maid servants, of your cattle and your donkeys, and make them work for him.
Well, Abbe, at least you now have a man servant.
I just hope my man servant can catch.
Obviously the women that use those on a day to day basis aren't running errands or maybe they have man servants to carry their clutches when they are busy with something else.
My man servants aren't currently available to carry me on my chair me everywhere so I had to create more outfits and take even more photos to convince myself the length and fullness weren't deal breakers.
My man servants aren't currently available to carry me on my chair everywhere so I had to create more outfits and take even more photos to convince myself the length and fullness weren't deal breakers.
I love your clever solution to keep them clear of the dishwater too, although much prefer the notion that you have a man servant!
Just chillin» wearing green in my boudoir wondering where my man servant has gotten off to.
Here I am on the phone telling my girlfriend about my man servant problems and deciding that this dress looks too good to sell.
Where are our man servants when we need them!!!
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