Sentences with phrase «manager someone have»

Most hiring managers wouldn't say they need someone with self - awareness or career management skills and you won't see these words in most job descriptions.
So get your inner writer to surface and begin writing a cover letter the likes of which a hiring manager has not seen before.
Many people have asked me why other fund managers haven't gone down this path.
Teams in his homeland were ready and a couple of managers have made it clear that he preferred to stay.
It's insane, no other manager would do something like that.
Just like a good hiring manager would do in a job interview, turn the tables at the end of the performance review and allow them to speak and ask questions.
If a 5th or 6th place finish would guarantee a new manager I would take it.
The property manager has made it explicitly clear that the owner intends to pass along every penny of that license fee to us residents.
If you could convince the hiring manager you've got them, you'd have the job in seconds.
LOL — I wonder how many managers would like that «problem».
While she expected that bond yields might not fall too much near term as managers would need to allocate some funds to cash bonds, swaps and futures would likely remain under pressure.
With the boom in real estate, market property managers have become the must - haves for every big and small real estate company.
If that were true, which active managers would lose assets to index funds?
However, in that regard no one's resume is ever successful because no hiring manager would take responsibility and offer a position in the company on the basis of application documents only.
This makes her the most qualified and youngest computer science project manager I've seen.
A space shuttle blows up only 73 seconds after take off because a group of top managers would not listen to the warnings of some lower level engineers.
The French manager has come under increased scrutiny in recent months, which is starting to become a regular occurrence in each season of late.
Other sources also indicate that some foreign fund managers have already acquired licenses, though they were required to form a joint venture with local Chinese firms.
The new managers have said they're sticking with their holdings.
But what if managers had known beforehand which regions would be most vulnerable?
I remember one project manager I'd worked with as a colleague.
The pitcher also feels that no general manager has ever taken advantage of him.
So yields are falling, but fund managers have also been able to bolster returns by deploying leverage.
So, what happens when an investment manager has more money to invest than there are good things to invest in?
The new manager would want to play players based on merit.
Various studies suggest ways in which managers have become more responsive to shareholders.
General managers have just realized that free agency makes everybody important.
Many of the largest investment managers have already made changes to comply with the fiduciary rule.
Our core group of managers have worked together for years to provide high - quality leadership with excellent principles, integrity and a caring attitude toward our clients.
Recruiters and hiring managers would never leave their laptop so that nobody else can change it for you.
«I think managers would do well to take this research [on the benefits of limiting how much time you spend checking email] to heart,» he said.
If you are still looking for a great manager I would love to speak with about my qualifications and your current needs.
But there have been plenty of studies done showing that 75 % to 80 % of active managers have failed to outperform broad market indices over a 10 - year period.
What manager would take a guy who has scored 199 career goals and stick him on the wing?
The situation would be a bit different for an actively - managed ETF, whose money manager would get paid for stock selection.
The French manager has now claimed it feels like his side passed a test, but he had felt like they would be punished for not being clinical enough in front of goal.
Over the past few years, asset managers have tried to make «smart beta» even smarter by combining known investment factors into a single approach.
This is typically not the case in large private - sector firms, where senior managers have their own retirement benefit plans.
The hiring manager has called you and offered you the position.
As a store manager I have experience in payroll, scheduling, store specific time keeping systems and merchandising.
Other managers would always try to finish their transfer kitty..
However, as tight as sales managers would like their team's pipelines to be, forecasting is based on gut assumptions.
Different HR Managers have different perceptions of how long a resume should be.
A new manager would bring in fresh ideas and a difference face.
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