Sentences with phrase «manner described»

If you receive a distribution after the participant's death that you do not roll over, the distribution will generally be taxed in the same manner described elsewhere in this notice.
The objective should be written in a short yet powerful manner describing the aim of the applicant.
By submitting your application with us, you agree to our using your personal information in the manner described above.
By displaying respondents» scores graphically in the manner described in the next section, the test offers, moreover, a way by which members can see how their answers compare with those of the rest of the church.
Religious people often claim they are being persecuted in the same manner you describe.
That's a famous, influential Greek philosophical text describing * 3 distinct s.exual orientations * (het.ero / male g.ay / le.sbian) in the same manner we describe it today.
Frye depicts four levels of literary criticism, of which the most identifiably religious, the analogical level, conceives poetry in the manner described.
Especially by forcing them to deal with separation anxiety in the manner described above.
The chances of any entry winning a prize depends on the number of eligible entries received between the Start Date and the Deadline and the quality of that entry as compared to the other eligible entries, as evaluated by the Judges in the manner described above.
It is impossible to make adjustments for proper fit, in the manner described in the video and manual, because of the weight of the fabric.
Whether it should be regulated in the manner you described is a different matter.
Specifically, cell cultures from bone tissue were incubated in 10 % DMEM containing 10 ng / ml TNF - α and 10 μg / ml fluorescent probe of acetylated LDL, DiI - Ac - LDL (Biochemical Technologies, Cambridge, MA), for 4 h. Cells were harvested in the manner described above with the exception that during this labeling period, the rat anti-E-selectin mAb (10E9.6) conjugated to FITC replaced PE - conjugated 10E9.6.
Start taking your thyroid supplement for a period of 21 days, while continuing to check your temperature every morning in the manner described in step four.
Try it out and provided that you follow a good diet along with it (by just limiting yourself to pre-selected cheat meals in the manner described above) you should avoid the catastrophic effects that the Holidays leave behind in some people.
By accepting this Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions, you expressly consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.
I set aside my worries and started telling stories in the manner described in my earlier post.
(4) If the employee chooses not to use the device, or in all cases in which a new test is necessary because the device did not activate (see paragraph (a)(7) of this section), you must insert the device into the employee's mouth and gather saliva in the manner described by the device's manufacturer.
If the employee uses it, you must instruct the employee to insert it into his or her mouth and use it in a manner described by the device's manufacturer.
The airline is free to offer travel vouchers as an option to passengers who are involuntarily denied boarding, but material restrictions must be disclosed in the manner described above.
in the manner described above, asking questions to prompt listeners to notice details in the art.
Then, only use your credit cards in the manner described above in: Taking Advantage of Credit Cards Properly / Normal Use.
Indeed, the degree of negligence involved directly relates to how easy it is for opposing counsel to «pierce the veil» in the manner described in this case.
The closing indicative note value of the ETNs is calculated in the manner described in the product prospectus.
You may change the communications you receive from us by logging onto your account online and managing your subscriptions, or by contacting us in the manner described in the Privacy Policy.
The fees paid to debt settlement companies are intended to compensate the company for its efforts and will only be refundable to the extent they have not been deemed to have been earned in the manner described in the Client Agreement.
When people say things like «value stocks have not done well lately» or «value stocks have outperformed lately» they are inevitably referring to the use of value as a statistical factor in a manner described by Eugene Fama.
The fees paid to GRT Financial, Inc. are intended to compensate them for its efforts and will only be refundable to the extent they have not been deemed to have been earned in the manner described in the Client Agreement.
Two things are (almost) universal though: The first is that «free feeding» a cat in the manner described above is a pretty sure recipe for obesity, «scarf - and - barf,» urinary obstruction, and a host of other problems for your cat.
In my view, if Microsoft does not commit to opening PC UWP up in the manner described here, then PC UWP can, should, must and will, die as a result of industry backlash.
Furthermore, each characterizes invention and imagination in a manner described by Walt Whitman as the «scientific spirit» — an individual's quality of «holding off, the being sure but not too sure, the willingness to surrender ideas when the evidence is against them.»
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