Sentences with phrase «manner of death»

Essex County officials aren't releasing final toxicology and autopsy reports on the cause and manner of death of bobsled gold medalist Steve Holcomb, because the late bobsledder's family has threatened to sue the county coroner if he releases details.
Sadly, early reviews of the film (largely out of Diana's native U.K.) are absolutely not good, with one critic, The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw, going so far as to call the film «car crash cinema,» a remark whose unsubtle reference to the princess's manner of death suggests an all - stops - pulled adverse reaction indeed.
Data on manner of death came from the National Death Index, and predictors of suicide and other types of death came from VHA clinical records.
Regardless of the physical manner of death, a person who is killed unjustly has his dignity violated; a person who is killed justly does not.
But you get your money's worth because it lets people know that, even on foreign soil, we can still kill you (the unusual manner of death ensures the 24/7 news cycle picks the story up).
«Legislating is about problem solving, and I believe it is a significant problem that New York State has no mandatory reporting law for parents, legal guardians, caretakers or other responsible adults to not notify law enforcement of the death of their child, accidental or otherwise, within atimely manner of the death being discovered.»
Thus, they assert, «the more that participants believe that a person at the centre of a death - related conspiracy theory, such as Princess Diana or Osama [bin] Laden, is still alive, the more they also tend to believe that the same person was killed, so long as the alleged manner of death involves deception by officialdom.
The primary duty of the Coroner is to determine the cause and manner of death through on - scene investigation, examination of evidence, interviews, medical records, toxicological analysis, forensic pathology examinations, and autopsies.
The chief medical examiner practices forensic pathology for the city to ensure public health protection and comply with legal requirements in determining the cause, circumstance and manner of death fro deaths not caused by medical reasons within jurisdiction limits.
One day I thought they can tell me how old the universe is, the mass of, chemical makeup, temperature at various depths, rate of energy emission, life span and manner of death of the sun.
Lazzarini emphasizes the corporeal participation of the viewer as a way of offsetting stasis in painting and sculpture and as a way of referencing the physical manner of her death.
Petty's cause of death in the report is listed as «mixed drug intoxication» with the manner of death being deemed accidental.
Instead of fixating on «controlling the time and manner of our death,» or escaping the fact of our death in frivolous or Quixotic pursuits, we can let our sure end be our inspiration to live positive, worthy, and meaningful lives until that time when «there is no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.»
When Christ told Peter of His manner of death, Peter turned and saw John.
Legends are often made in the manner of their death — in a helicopter crash, say, or collapsed on the bathroom floor....
Following him with our cross is an attitude of life, not a manner of death, because he says it is something we do «daily» (Luke 9:23).
I wish, however, that someone had told us that pleas for mercy on the soul of the deceased are always part of the Catholic funeral rite and were not meant as a special comment on the manner of death of the deceased.
It is evident, then, that Bonhoeffer had no intention of constructing a theology by eliminating the living God of the Bible after the manner of the death - of - God theologians.
Jesus insists that the manner of death tells nothing of the guilt of a person, but in this case it can point to a more important lesson.
They were totally denied such consideration given the manner of their deaths.
Death (2)-- When we talk about death, oftentimes we're really talking about dying, or the manner of death.
------------ They are equally important seeing as His manner of death was prophesied in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53.
I also thought how God had graciously given me an entire resignation to his will, with respect to the kind and manner of death that I should die; having been made willing to die on the rack, or at the stake, and if it were God's will, to die in darkness.
21:23, to say that Jesus was «cursed» when he hung on the tree is to say he underwent death, the punishment or result of sin, not that he was a sinner... [Moses was] simply prophesying the manner of his death, and in so doing, neither impugned nor slandered Jesus.
This is closely connected to Indian mythology and funeral practices, which hold that when a person dies, he or she leaves behind a ghost — the very rough equivalent to a Christian soul — and that ghost parallels the personality and manner of death of the deceased person.
I spent my day at the York County courthouse at a coroner's inquest to determine the manner of death of a baby that was born at my old birth center in January.
Within upfront safeguards to determine mental capacity and terminal diagnosis, dying people should have choice and control over the manner of their death.
The recommendation about the Medical Examiner's Office came after the Attorney General's Office said the medical examiner insisted «on speaking with the officers before making a scientific conclusion about cause and manner of death
The cause and manner of her death are pending, according to police, who note that an autopsy was performed Monday.
«[It] will have the potential of going into a trial, which would be public, but the resolution of the manner of death is still quite a way away,» Bratton said.
«The coolest thing about my job is that my death investigation starts with a phone call from either the police or a hospital and at the end of the day, my cause or manner of death could be a 5 - micron thick section under my microscope,» he says.
attorneys, assisting with determination of the identity of the decedent and cause and manner of death.
«We have not finalized a cause and manner of death, so it sounds like the insulin issue is just a rumor,» Florida's District Six Medical Examiner's Office, which is currently conducting Piana's autopsy, told Men's Health.
Scott's Take: Commissioned by Drafthouse Films, 26 filmmakers were each given a letter, a little money, and an average of about four minutes to make the horror - themed short about some manner of death or another.
The manner of death, as well as some of the markings are similar enough to deem this the work of the same person, but the victims all bear another similarity as well — they all have engaged in sex with Shepard in the past.
«To reach a final determination as to the cause and the manner of death we must
There still is a tons of bad guys being dispatched by all manners of death.
The manner of the deaths turns suspicion to Marks, himself, and even his boss (via phone) believes he's the terrorist.
Soon, she's asking more probing personal questions about Chris's mother — the manner of her death (a car accident) and his memories of that day, when he was unable to help her.
Alan Gregory Series Order Privileged Information (1991); Private Practices (1992); Higher Authority (1994); Harm's Way (1996); Remote Control (1997); Critical Conditions (1998); Manner Of Death (1999); Cold Case (2000); The Program (2001); Warning Signs (2001); The Best Revenge (2003); Blinded (2004); Missing Persons (2005); Kill Me (2006); Dry Ice (2007); Dead Time (2008).
It would be a shame if the manner of her death overshadowed the splendor of these poems; Hannah's command of form, her fluid yet controlled use of floral imagery, and her wicked sense of humor make these poems buzz with an energy that seems at odds with her early death.
What does the manner of his death suggest to Brunetti?
Worse, the manner of death for these cats is gruesome in most cases, as any veterinary hospital can attest.
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