Sentences with phrase «manner of one's choosing»

This will actually allow them to cover any topic in any manner of their choosing.
It even expressed hope that God would lead them «in a time and manner of His choosing» years from now into altar and pulpit fellowship with one another.
Given the circumstances, he should not be permitted to leave the Assembly at the time or in the manner of his choosing
It is long past time that those who are of sound mind but are terminally ill or incurably suffering — like Noel, and like Tony Nicklinson and Paul Lamb who took cases before him — are granted the choice and autonomy to end their lives with dignity, at a time and in a manner of their choosing
«Now is the time for parliamentarians to reform the law to one that upholds people's fundamental human right to die with dignity, in a manner of their choosing
We need a law on assisted dying that is sensible, ethical, forward - thinking and which upholds people's fundamental human right to die with dignity and in a manner of their choosing
Now is the time for parliamentarians to reform the law to one that upholds people's fundamental human right to die with dignity, in a manner of their choosing, and protects those who are motivated by compassion to assist another's death.»
Humanists UK Chief Executive Andrew Copson commented, «It is morally wrong that the UK is denying individuals such as Noel Conway the opportunity to die with dignity at a time and in a manner of their choosing.
The technology ranges from processing payments to homework monitoring and parental engagement, and gives schools the freedom to operate in a manner of their choosing.
According to the group, Sony has committed an «offense against free speech and internet freedom» by «deny [ing] consumers the right to use products they have paid for, and rightfully own, in the manner of their choosing,» essentially «renting [their] products.»
With the average cost of a funeral being roughly $ 9,000, having burial insurance provides a financial cushion that allows for the loved one to be buried in a manner of their choosing.
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