Sentences with phrase «manner of people»

Road Junky is proud to publish high quality travel stories and guides submitted by hippies, hitchhikers, backpackers, professionals, seaboat captains, mountain climbers, shamans, hobos and all other manner of people who just didn't fit in in their home town.
Only, look at the images made available in connection with this exhibit, imagine what manner of people made them, and perhaps for a moment consider what all the big words might mean.
Fonda not only works well with old friend Tomlin, from «9 to 5» to «Grace and Frankie,» she's also got the regal, slightly soused manner of the person pulling the strings down pat.
Erin Cosgrove's pseudo-historical, multimedia epic «What Manner of Person Art Thou?»
In speaking with all manner of people during my visit, it's hard to overstate how important this is — and how different it is from North America.
We have gay people, Democrats, Republicans, atheists, Muslims, ans all manner of people in our pews on Sunday morning.
I choose to pray for the souls of all manner of people not only those who commit crimes, but also those whom misfortune has twisted to refuse to see virtue past their own narrow group, and they are to be found among people of all cultures and traditions.
Self - styled enlightened men started interfering with the customs and manners of people, in an effort to civilize them.
As with all religions followed by all manner of people, their needs to be understanding brought about thru civilized conjectures found out to be as an educational sermon toward all and everyone's faith subjective rationalisms.
Mental health professionals and other supporting personnel are learning to extend their helping abilities through consultation with all manner of persons who shape community attitudes and events.
One can not preach Jesus on the cross while behaving in the manner of the people who put Jesus on the cross.
Drug dealers stuck around the playground, and all manner of people were there eager to meet the local celebrity and draft in his wake.
In some ways we were the guinea pigs back then and now you have all manner of people who give you advice on how to get the most out of your body.
Despite his pledge «to do right to all manner of people without ill will or malice...» and to uphold rule of law, President Akufo - Addo, in less than two months in office has aggressively been shopping for «evidence» to nail family members and associates of immediate past President, Mr John Dramani Mahama.
Nana Addo he said swore to protect all manner of persons when he was inaugurated and has challenged him to uphold that oath.
But [not] when you are appointed as a High Commissioner and you swear an oath to the constitution of Ghana which says there shall be no discrimination and you shall do justice to all manner of persons
«But when you are appointed as a High Commissioner,» he noted, and then you swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of Ghana and the Constitution of Ghana says: «There shall be no discrimination, and that you shall do justice to all manner of persons, that's what the constitution of Ghana says, then you come and say — have you read animal Farm before?
But when you are appointed as a high commissioner and then you swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of Ghana, and the Constitution of Ghana says there shall be no discrimination and that you shall do justice to all manner of persons, then you come and say...
2face, while addressing journalists on Wednesday in Maiduguri immediately after the visit, said, «Unless government and politicians step up their games by doing the needful in eradicating poverty among the masses, particularly youths, and do justice to all manner of people, ending insurgency and other forms of violence currently happening in some parts of the north east and the country as a whole may be difficult and unrealistic.»
Farmers, hoteliers, filling stations, transporters, mechanics, shoe makers and all manner of people in the locale often look forward to the crusade as it offer them unequalled opportunity to smile to the banks.
The former president who joined his party's unity walk said: «When you are appointed as a High Commissioner and then you swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of Ghana and the Constitution of Ghana says: «There shall be no discrimination, and that you shall do justice to all manner of persons, that's what the constitution of Ghana says, then you come and say — have you read animal Farm before?
The statement quoted Buhari as imploring Muslims to seek maximum benefits from the Ramadan period «by being helpful to all manner of people, learning and following the true message of the religion as taught by the Holy Prophet.
The Second Lady told the participants who are drawn from all over the world that while all manner of persons could be affected by human trafficking, some people were more vulnerable to trafficking than others.
Now the yuppies have grown older, and BMW has spawned all manner of people movers to meet their needs.
The Toyota, in its various forms, will swallow all manner of people and cargo and carry them to the ends of the jungle, desert, or what have you — time and time again.
Conversely, all manner of people ask me almost daily to share or retweet something for them, and I usually do not mind if they've spent the effort to build a relationship with me.
The brainchild of Reddit (the self - described «front page of the Internet»), AMA is basically just a series of chats that allow you to engage in interactive Q&A sessions with all manner of people (usually celebrities or other current news - makers).
The brainchild of Reddit (the self - described «front page of the Internet»), AMA is basically just a series of chats that allow you to engage in interactive Q&A sessions with all manner of people (usually celebrities or other current... [Read more...]
He'd photographed all manner of people: traffic cops and forensic, the lunatics from the morgue, the paper - monkeys in clerical.
But she soon realizes that the university, which admits all manner of people — including the fire - wielding, winged Icarals, the sworn enemies of all Gardnerians — is a treacherous place for the granddaughter of the Black Witch.
Before then, your puppy must be positively introduced to all manners of people, dogs, sounds, textures, sights, and situations - not to mention get a foundation in house - training, crate training, bite inhibition, and manners.
Before then, your puppy must be positively introduced to all manner of people, dogs, sounds, textures, sights, and situations — not to mention get a foundation in house - training, crate training, bite inhibition, and manners.
If a puppy is exposed to all manner of people, dogs, noises, smells, sights, sounds, surfaces to walk on, and so on during this period, he is much more likely to be happy and confident as he matures.
In the past people were transferring points to all manner of people, but some accounts got shut down — mine was among them (I still have an Ink Bold and Freedom, but I am now an authorized user on Megan's Sapphire Preferred).
There are certainly all manner of people, at all different times of life, on the road in all different types of ways.
This was picked up by all manner of people as being a bombastic declamation when, as he rightly points out, and Gamasutra attempted to communicate in its first - person version of the speech, it was a humorous quip with an edge of typically Rein-esque sarcasm.
That implies that a true Christian spirit would not conduct themselves in the manner of these people and of those who pay them.
[183] As it observes, all manner of people and organizations seek and obtain regulatory approval for all sorts of projects and undertakings.
The oath requires the judge to «do right to all manner of people after the law and usages of this realm, without fear or favour, affection or ill will».
Baroness Hale, who succeeds Lord Neuberger, pledged to «do right to all manner of people» while saying her oaths.
Then, a battery of technicians does all sorts of things — I have an R.N, and every manner of person coming in, and they're plugging everything into the computer.»
Emotional empathy: You will deal with all manner of people in all manner of states, and it's not a nurse's job to judge.
Emotional Maturity: Behavior analysts meet with all manner of persons; especially persons with mental disorders, so, he / she must be able to handle all kinds of people irrespective of their behavior.
Disregarding the beautiful landscape, wonderful weather, and access to the various activities that all manner of people have come to expect from any place they decide to call home, medical assistants will appreciate the lavish salary given them in any of the popular cities.
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