Sentences with phrase «manner of presentation»

His appealing manner of presentation is readily enjoyed by his student audiences.
Mr Atwal deliberately set out to deceive the doctor or expert in question by falsely representing the extent of his continuing symptoms, either in the physical manner of his presentation or by lies told by the doctor or expert, or both;
In both she has met some disappointment but no matter the lively manner of her presentation always fills its audience with hope, even expectation, that it will all sort itself out and if she has her way, it will.
I've been trying without much success to discover the best way with the tools at hand to parse and lay out complex legislation, something that Many Bills shows us should be possible, whether or not IBM's particular manner of presentation is ideal.
While the content of each section is of paramount importance, the actual manner of presentation is equally crucial when it comes to you resume.
One of the reasons I'm low on download allotment for this month is that I did watch a lot of Dr. Greger videos and like his manner of presentation although I keep trying to read the actual research papers often shown in the background when he makes some nutritional point... frustrating as it never shows the whole paper..
When constructing answers, try to keep them interconnected by theme and the manner of presentation.
I also liked her manner of presentation.
they should they must -RCB- be convinced by your term paper that you just don't only possess academic brilliance however that your manner of presentation and your style of writing ought to be emulated by students who aspire writing the term paper.
This amazing artwork that borders somewhere in between installations and performances due to its manner of presentation was born from the creative mind of Marta Jovanović, a leading conceptual artist from Serbia.
«Imagism» refers to the manner of presentation, not to the subject» and the «direct treatment of the «thing,» whether subjective or objective.»
The history of modern art shows us that the extreme, whether in terms of the work itself, the ideas behind it, or the manner of its presentation, has become a kind of normality as a creative mode.
The format you decide to adopt will affect the content of your resume and the manner of presentation.
The resume's tone and manner of presentation must be professional from top to bottom.
Your resume's final impact is determined by various components including your functional skills and the manner of presentation.
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