Sentences with phrase «manner of reasons»

From my point of view, this is a very hostile and pompous manner of reasoning.
Holt perhaps overstates this claim in his copy — he writes: «Cleverley was made the scapegoat,» which is both stronger and more exclusive than the quote above — but it's true that Cleverley does get a lot of stick from United (and occasionally England) fans for all manner of reasons, and certainly more than most of his clubmates.
There are all manner of reasons children have asthma and allergies and method of birth is not likely to be one of them.
It is a braking system linked to the handle and if you let the handle go, for any manner of reasons as we busy parents might be prone to do, your stroller automatically stops.
There are all manner of reasons other than the «Benefit» for an activity to favor it over something else.
There are so many different ones and I use them for all manner of reasons.
I've heard all manner of reasoning.
I think it would be entirely possible to come up with all manner of reasons as to why BBY should be trading at 200p and just as many reason why it should be more than 400p.
Raw meaty bones are natural and good for Dogs for all manner of reasons.
While games slip for all manner of reasons, my years of reporting has taught me that developers know if their game is a few months or years away.
There are all manner of reasons that plea bargain offers can change.
But corporate needs vary (and change rapidly), decisions are made for all manner of reasons, often hard to articulate outside of a directors» meeting, and learning curves vary.
There are all manner of reasons that evidence can be excluded at a trial, most of which are set forth in rules of evidence.
Clearly there are all manner of reasons for this... from disability, to legal inability due to infancy, conviction, suspension, the elderly, and / or a whole host of other reasons; however, (almost) nobody would suggest that just because you can not drive somehow limits your right to go somewhere when someone else is driving.
«This appointment is wrong for all manner of reasons, and Aboriginal people in the Territory will not have confidence in the appointment of Brian Martin.
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