Sentences with phrase «manner of some»

You know — the naked truth of getting naked as it were, in manners of speaking: exposing the roots, as you have described it.
Die and go to hello, so to speak, in manners of speaking?
It is love, a new manner of life, thought and speech, a new way of dealing with one's neighbor.
I talk read and talk about about manner of gods.
Employers should be aware that manner of dismissal must be done correctly to avoid costly damages and injury to one's dignity.
A series of friendly critters tries to determine what manner of creature the protagonist is, finally discovering that she is herself: a unique human child who is loved.
Any application for the use of images should indicate the proposed purpose and manner of use.
Each of these artists has carved out a unique manner of working with the mediums of sculpture, painting and photography, respectively.
It's a shift in ideas, in foundations, in manners of thinking and acting.
And all of this can occur via derivatives if this is the best manner of doing the trade.
Maybe you need a simple project written in style close to your own manner of expression?
Same info, same manner of writing, same reference to previous statements made by resource.
Otherwise, the usual manner of service is by certified mail.
The dog's size coupled with a child's enthusiastic manner of playing with the dog can be detrimental to the toy dog.
Commercial awareness is about understanding the impact of a whole manner of events on your chosen industry area and the sectors in which you work and are considering working.
Today, those same siblings have kids of their own and they're looking for vehicles that blend the road manners of a sedan with the practicality of a compact SUV.
Still, you can't discount the fact that this particular manner of treating a pink eye is all natural.
But I would not say that this was a religious conversion for me, not in that traditional manner of being born again or saved.
Additionally, it presents the impressive manner of presenting the key credentials like key skills, educational qualifications and work experience details.
As an overall rule of thumb, you should always be wary of unsolicited offers whether they are through email, phone call, or any other manner of communication.
In addition to weight control, your low - carb manner of eating may have other health benefits too, like lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
You might think online dating is the easiest, least heart - involved manner of lesbian matchmaking on earth.
At present, shock collars are used to check an assortment of persistent and ineligible manners of family dogs.
Are the transactions unusual because of their size, nature, frequency, or manner of execution?
Both the substance of the lectures and the general arrangement and manner of treatment are preserved, at the cost of some repetition, but the material has undergone a measure of revision.
It might not be a willing manner of employment, but it remains nonetheless.
The film knows only one manner of travel, and that's to put everything into high gear and keep it there for the duration.
We are young and energetic and have the ability and facility with new technology that replaces the old manner of litigation that required countless bodies and resources.
Not just cats, but dogs, and every other manner of pet.
Time to move on from that fear - based manner of decision making.
This portrait is the earliest known example of what became the conventional manner of depicting an architect by having him holding one of these instruments of his profession.
A calm and balanced manner of training is needed, as they are a very sensitive breed who will listen to the tone of your voice.
It can be very stressful (and, again, the bedside manner of medical professionals can make it a 100 times better or a million times worse).
You certainly have a comforting manner of expressing your thoughts and feelings of how to provide a nurturing home.
He is known for his right - wing views and aggressive manner of putting them.
Nevertheless new trends can contribute toward the development of online learning as one of the most effective manners of spreading knowledge across the world.
Note that there is no particular manner of ordering or naming the sections on a resume.
You need embroidered boxes, so pretty that no one will ever guess what junk manner of junk lies inside.
The truth of the text is found in the lives of it's believers, past and present, what manner of folk their scriptures have transformed them into.
Where else could anyone get that type of info in such a perfect manner of writing?
But it is not just your physical appearance and manner of conversation that can become a problem.
From the moment we booked our holiday we were impressed by the way we were kept fully informed, and the clear and detailed manner of the timetable for each day.
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