Sentences with phrase «manner of ways»

There are all manners of ways for a well - intentioned aid package to wind up getting little bang for its buck, experts said.
These materials were combined with each other in all manner of ways, but it is important to see that the guiding principle of such organization was not practical usefulness in the adaptation to the environment, but intrinsic satisfaction.
The conference was entitled «The Future of Reproduction» and was troubling in all manner of ways, not least because it was unclear whether I was witnessing a naïve attempt to really speak about the renewal of American culture, or a cynical undertaking to destroy the whole enterprise from within.
26 Behold ye are worse than they; for as the Lord liveth, if a prophet come among you and declareth unto you the word of the Lord, which testifieth of your sins and iniquities, ye are angry with him, and cast him out and seek all manner of ways to destroy him; yea, you will say that he is a false prophet, and that he is a sinner, and of the devil, because he testifieth that your deeds are evil.
II suppose any of us could die instantaneously in all manner of ways; however, in the meantime, I think I'll up my odds just a bit by * not bull riding.
They make a wonderful, light alternative to traditional wheat pasta and can be dressed up in all manner of ways to make a healthy meal or side dish.
But why is it that those so vehemently opposed to using federal dollars to improve school food never seem to object to using federal dollars to subsidize in all manner of ways the corporations manufacturing the junk food we currently feed our children?
I use it in all manner of ways: To make bolognaise, as a pizza base, to eat with boiled rice, plantain or yam and of course to make our beloved jollof rice,» she told the BBC.
Wtf??? As you know the blog has been testing me technically recently in all manner of ways.
They can be styled all manner of ways from feminine to bohemian.
As one might expect, those who fell victim to the actor's pranks reacted in any manner of ways, from delight to supreme irritation and hostility, but his popularity grew so widespread among European viewers that it spelled success for Damiens and helped him establish a successful movie career, specializing (unsurprisingly) in European - produced laugh-fests from 2006 onward.
Jane Austen novels prove handy in all manner of ways - as a splendid read, an opportunity to observe that matters of the heart have scarcely changed since the early 1800s and as an abundant source for screen adaptations, not just of her oeuvre but also for spin - offs such as «Clueless,» which is a contemporary retelling of «Emma,» and the recent «Becoming Jane,» very loosely based on Austen's unfulfilled romantic life.
The trophies can be collected in a manner of ways like completing certain game modes like Classic or All - Star.
New information about Howard's movie will be arriving in all manner of ways: new stills, new TV spots, or even - as we're seeing today - via a Facebook post from Solo composer John Powell, who just revealed the soundtrack's full track listing.
Access to the entire school site all year round is vital to ensure sufficient play space for each pupil and there should be lots of opportunities for each and every child, not just a dominant group, to get out of breath, to climb, to leap, to build, to create, to kick or throw a ball and to continually test themself in all manner of ways.
I am confident that we are serving the community in all manner of ways.
The dog food you pick should help in a manner of ways:
The game allows the player to really customise the game in all manner of ways from the ring size, life gauge, timer, match points and of course a bouncing breast mode.
It is tough to judge a game which came out in 1991 that has seen so many adjustments, re-releases and all manner of ways to milk its poor teats dry.
You'll obtain them in all manner of ways such as defeating so many enemies, opening a certain amount of chests, chatting to so many people and so on.
Even if only for the month of October, the fair functions as an epicentre and crucially engages with the broader local art community, and as a result exciting creative ideas pop up across the city in all manner of ways.
Today the lineage of geometric abstraction is being continued by younger artists in all manner of ways, from the crisp paintings of Sarah Morris that combine Mondrian's compositional intricacy with vernacular touches to the colorful arrangements of talents like Mai Braun that pursue an obsession with color that Albers would recognize.
PubMed has a fantastic search page, offering you all manner of ways of focusing your search into the medical literature.
It's also customisable in all manner of ways - to the point that there's even an extra weight included in the box that you can add to the mouse if you feel like it's a bit too light for your gaming taste.
There's all manner of ways to fail an interview and manage to make a fool out of yourself in front of your interviewer, but recent Barclays research has revealed the top ten most common mistakes you can make.
and any manner of ways that causes them to buy and sell real property.
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