Sentences with phrase «manner of work»

Each of these artists has carved out a unique manner of working with the mediums of sculpture, painting and photography, respectively.
Rather than working in the conventional setting of a company's headquarters, teams opt for a more flexible and agile manner of working — tapping into diverse sources of creativity and connecting with other ambitious companies and individuals.»
This source and recipient we call God, whose character and whose manner of working are nothing other than Love - in - act.
What if an artist's final manner of working differs significantly from the work that preceded it?
Since the Industrial Revolution, our self - organised manner of working - and playing - has been standardised, made to fit the factory whistle and the office clock.
Prince's controversial manner of working has caused the artist legal issues in the past.
By then a signature manner of working had been arrived at: imagery pitched to a towering scale; terse juxtapositions of figure and ground; and surfaces that were scabby, tenuous, and abraded.
Technology that satisfies your wishes, or sets a new manner of working in motion, with an eye for accessibility, and above all practical to use and maintain.»
In practice this vocation is embraced by women engaged in all manner of work, not all of which will be directly for the Church, and there are also hermits whose life of service is a hidden one.
All manner of working dogs are trained to dependable performance using a balance of positive and negative — intentionally incorrectly labeled «negative» or «punishment based» by positive trainers.
Known for other painting series, such as the Haystacks, Water lilies and the Weeping Willow, this manner of work demonstrates the artist's concerns about time.
Motherwell's friendship with David Smith revealed his commitment to other artists and to a manner of working.
While this manner of working with pairs, trios, and series is certainly not unique to Matisse, his need to progress methodically from one painting to the next is striking... For Matisse, the process of creation was not simply a means to an end but a dimension of his art that was as important as the finished canvas.»
Concentrated on the act to even paint and not on the result, these tendencies more assert a manner of working a true style.Abstract painting finds its origin in works of the new school of Paris where two tendencies are established: the gestural painting of Pierre Souages, George Mathieu, Serge Poliakoff, Hans Hartung and the group which was constituted around Jean Bazaine and Alfred Manessier who includes all the painters of landscapes.
While the technique that produced these works may have been far from new — several members of the then just - emerging New York School had already experimented successfully with it — Donati added something that gave this manner of working a uniquely personal touch: a Surrealist's predilection for the macabre and mysterious coupled with a draftsman's ability to use line for maximum effect.
Within Pollock's sprawling scale and loping gestures, McNeil divined a manner of working that would liberate his intricate arrays of punk rockers, dancers and mythological beasts and endow them with a bustling authority.
It also re-introduces a mindset and manner of working that is completely different from that which comes with fast - paced digital imaging technologies.
Your unique policy will depend on a number of factors such as the type of business you own in West Virginia, the number of people you employ and the nature and manner of work you do.
I'm skilled at overcoming challenges of varying expectations, perspectives, experience, knowledge, communication styles, and manners of working.
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