Sentences with phrase «manner similar»

Visual imagery used in drawing regulates arm movements in manner similar to how hunters visualize the arc of a spear.
According to the law of karma, every virtuous act is rewarded and every sinful act is punished in an inexorable manner similar to the laws of physics.
However, this results in having the bombastic score toned down dramatically, with many of the numbers presented in a benign talk - sing conversational manner similar to how Rex Harrison performed his numbers in «My Fair Lady.»
Yuka Kashihara uses oil paint applied in a thinly diffuse manner similar to that of Japanese nihonga painting, and by applying it in numerous layers she is able to create a unique depth of color.
He painted in a brushy manner similar to theirs until the late 1970s, when his style turned crisp, emphasizing bright light and sharp shadows, and he concentrated on still life themes.
During a recent interview, the topic of drop - in co-op was brought up; the ability to move into another player's game, affect the world, help or hinder quests and interact in manners similar to that of Fable II or Crackdown would definitely be an interesting mechanic.
The chart below shows us how much college football players might be worth at the top programs if they were able to play in a free market system and receive compensation in a manner similar to that of the NFL.
The robo advisor operates in a manner similar to its peers by creating a customized portfolio based on account type, income, risk tolerance, and more.
MolecuLight is developing a non-invasive optical technology that acquires images in a manner similar to standard point - and - shoot digital cameras.
They claim that collecting the feedback from employees in a manner similar to Net Promoter customer feedback can provide companies a way to maintain focus on their culture.
The phrase is used to reference a coin or token that is exhibiting massive gains in the crypto markets within a short period of time in a manner similar to a rocket that is destined to the Moon as was witnessed during the famous Apollo missions of the 60s and 70s.
The Dogs of the Dow tend to move in a manner similar to a value - based strategy, rewarding stocks that have lagged in the past.
Tislelizumab and zanubrutinib work in a manner similar to some of today's most successful new cancer therapies.
Experiment either kills or spares processes, so human procedures themselves evolve in a manner similar to the sequences that build complex organs.
He was rabidly anti-institutional in a manner similar to the anti-institutionalism one finds in Evangelical revivalism, Pentecostalism, and even someone like H. Richard Niebuhr who insisted that the true church was an organic movement, not an institution.
I've been frustrated by the bloggers with influence who have used their voice and influence in this situation in a manner similar to Warnock, basically instituting the «always be nice» and «don't talk rules» against those who have experienced abuse.
However, the concrescing entity must decide what lures to pursue in a manner similar to the choice that must be made by the computer operator.
That is, he seems to at least entertain the idea that his eros for her is deluding, irrational, and harmful in a manner similar to Plato's poison metaphor.
«Black Christians believed that just knowing that Jesus went through an experience of suffering in a manner similar to theirs gave them faith that God was with them, even in suffering on lynching trees just as God was present with Jesus in suffering on the cross.»
In response to the second assumption, I believe that Mill would respond in a manner similar to his later account of the relationship of virtue and happiness (U 45 - 49).
Starting from the bottom, braid the pods around the twine in a manner similar to braiding hair.
Supporting players from both teams converge over the ball on the ground, binding with each other in an attempt to push the opposing players backwards in a manner similar to a scrum.
If a player can sign with an agent and not lose his eligibility, it would help police a lot of the activity the NCAA is trying to control — especially if the NCAA licensed agents in a manner similar to the players» associations in the NFL and NBA.
Nordtveit gave the defence some protection in a manner similar to Obiang, and once again I was impressed by our two wing backs, Fernandes and Masuaku.
Designed to rock back and forth in a manner similar to that of human arms, these swings act as comforters, soothers, sedatives, and nurturers.
For six thousand years humans have parented in a manner similar to that of other mammals who nurture their young.
Some parents continue to use them in a manner similar to fitted diaper, stuffing them and placing another cover on top.
Once you've compiled your «short list» of possible birth partners, approach candidates about a playing a role in your delivery in a manner similar to the way you would interview a doula.
Any UK government would therefore have been forced to intervene in a manner similar to Brown.
«Registration with the Charities Bureau is one existing mechanism that can help shed light on 501c4 organizations engaging in this political activity, though campaign communications and expenditures by veiled third - party entities and individuals should be disclosed in a manner similar to candidate campaign committees.»
Sometimes a local party with have related «committees» such as a «Hardin County County Officials Committee» that operate in a manner similar to committees for Senatorial and Congressional campaigns.
Krueger also disputed claims that the sport empowers women, by reading a letter from an opponent who said it simply lets them show off their «tits and ass» in a manner similar to a wet T - shirt contest.
Actually, all that statutory underpinning means is that the independent regulatory body would be established by legislation, in a manner similar to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) that now administers MPs» expenses, after they blotted their copybook on this score a couple of years ago.
According to Citizens Union executive director Dick Dadey, «registration with the Charities Bureau is one existing mechanism that can help shed light on 501 (c)(4) organizations engaging in this political activity, though campaign communications and expenditures by veiled third - party entities and individuals should be disclosed in a manner similar to candidate campaign committees.»
Companies would pay the tax based on their compensation to workers; the money could be withheld from paychecks in a manner similar to current income tax withholding.
«This work adds a plausible hypothesis to explain the way in which liquid water could have formed on early Mars, in a manner similar to the seasonal melting that produces the streams and lakes we observe during our field work in the Antarctic McMurdo Dry Valleys,» Head said.
This «push - pull» mechanism appears to work in a manner similar to other biological processes that maintain homeostasis, such as the regulation of heart rate or body temperature, but the researchers are the first to show this kind of regulatory network for epilepsy.
They write: «Based on our current best knowledge, it seems reasonable to advise plastic surgery candidates to cease e-cigarette use in a manner similar to what is advised for [cigarettes].»
Those universes with laws similar to ours will produce stars, some of which collapse into black holes and singularities that give birth to new universes — in a manner similar to the singularity that physicists believe gave rise to the big bang.
The visual imagery employed in drawing regulates arm movements in a manner similar to how hunters visualize the arc their spears must make to hit their animal targets, he concludes.
Helfand speculates that Indy mutations might alter metabolism in a manner similar to caloric restriction, which extends life - span in mammals and other animals.
According to Ke, the compound could be used in a manner similar to applying salt to contaminated water.
Specifically, relevant messages may allow students to encode lecture content in a manner similar to the processes that occur during note - taking (Peverly et al., 2013).»
It is indeed ironic, as Fields describes, that we have long ignored the glial functions of thought processes, thinking of them as merely support for the nervous system, in a manner similar to the ancient Greeks thinking the brain was simply an organ for cooling the blood.
It features two openings set about the same distance apart as our own eyes, and detects colors in a manner similar to human vision.
The authors controlled for other possible explanations, such as the possibility that hermit thrushes could select notes using the resonances of their vocal tract in a manner similar to wind instruments like the alphorn.
HFCs extinguish fires in a manner similar to CO2 or N2 — by absorbing heat and reducing the concentration of oxygen.
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