Sentences with phrase «manner someone like»

Class includes basic manners like sit, down, stay, come, and polite leash walking, along with exercises designed to build focus, calm, and confidence.
Does your dog need to learn good manners like how to walk on a loose leash, sit, and lay down instead of jump, pull, and bark for attention?
As she masters using utensils, start to work on basic table manners like not playing with her food (something that often occurs when a child eats with her hands).
Generally, you can divide property in whatever manner you like or not at all.
To write in a poetic manner like that is not natural, especially if the person does not talk that way.
He / she must know some basic manners like greeting people, talking politely and others.
I'm always impressed when they're dressed up in a chic manner like you have with yours!
You should state your information in positive manners like give information for what you want rather than what you don't want.
Likewise, if the employee is handling debt in a reasonable manner like bankruptcy protection or debt consolidation, the importance of the problem is significantly reduced.
It's important that the puppies are taught basic manners like staying off furniture, not begging, not jumping on furniture or on people, etc..
As such, I can travel in a financially sustainable manner like this for as long as I wish.
Next, choose one of those topics to explore in a straightforward manner like the essay example above.
Variable Life insurance gives policy holders the chance to accumulate cash in a tax - free and low - risk manner like whole life insurance does.
Most importantly, these details and information need to be arranged in a neat and tidy manner like in the templates provided here.
Considerably more modern than its G - Class counterpart, the Mercedes - AMG ML63 is a cutting edge crossover sport utility with road manners like a car — in addition to an outstanding array of comfort and convenience features.
He is perfecting some of his basic manners like leash - walking, but is making great progress.
I would greatly appreciate if you could briefly explain again the process and it could be perhaps in a simple manner like below in order not to take too much of your time ex: talking on the phone with the seller — making an offer — contacting an investor - buyer — etc..
It is simple if you stay clearly focused on your goals, not in a manipulative way but in a strategic manner like a big national brand would do.
Lee's research team experiments with technology for creating objects in an «additive» manner like Carbon3D's machines as opposed to a «subtractive» manner in which objects are created by cutting away at large hunks of materials.
Some of the things wenger does, only he can explain.cant say song left in a disrespectful manner like nasri, rvp, or cesc; then why wouldnt wenger sign him??
The best technique you can apply when your baby seemed to overly glued at exploring dirty shoes, divert his or her attention through using a toy - introduce it to him or her in a playful manner like, «Hey little angel, my name's Huggy bear, come and play with me!».
It may sound old fashioned, but it's very important to teach your child basic manners like saying «please» and «thank you.»
Not only is it incredibly entertaining for one or one hundred (and everyone in between), it can also help develop gross and fine motor skills as well as stimulate creativity and help teach manners like taking turns.
Manners like letting her walk in front of you when you're entering a room, and opening the car door for her.
Numerous healing manners like Mushrooms or status improvements should still remain aswell as it could greatly affect the playing field in battle.
However when idling or driving in a relaxed manner like how these cars are supposed to be drivers it's very quiet and free from vibrations.
Trading in a simple de-cluttered manner like this is critical not only to accurately see what the price action on the chart is doing, but also to develop the correct trading mindset and attitude that we talked about earlier.
You either figure out that what you were doing before wasn't working and try to fix it in a logical and straight - forward manner like we've discussed here today, or you continue on in your old gambling ways, or you give up trading all together.
Lesh compares it to getting a physical: When you get back all of your test results, you want someone whose bedside manner you like explaining what the results really mean for your long - term health.
There are times when moving to breakeven is a good idea; in very volatile markets or if you have pre-planned to trail up your stop in a logical manner like we discussed above.
By giving home equity loans, lenders give clients a rare chance to utilise their properties in a gainful manner like construction or tuition fees.
Hopefully they don't get too careless and start bolting on acquisitions in sloppy manners like ARCP.
Do you allow your dog to get away with undesired manners like barking for attention or acting up when it is time to go for walks?
Work on Leash Manners like walking on a loose leash and sitting when a friend approaches to say hello.
The world of Dark Souls II is presented in a similarly open - world manner like the original Dark Souls, so it's nice to have a place to come back to to stock up on supplies and beef up your character.
«I created KILLER IS DEAD with the hopes that fans will experience the story and world in an episodic manner like they do watching TV shows,» said SUDA51, CEO of GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTURE studio.
Time will tell if new private blockchains will be produced in a fervent manner like so many Alts created with Coingen.
Ensure that you state the educational qualifications in a proper manner like Certified Dental Hygienist or Bachelor's Degree in Dental Hygiene.
The Mercedes - AMG ML63 is a cutting edge crossover sport utility with road manners like a Mercedes - Benz passenger car — in addition to the outstanding array of comfort and convenience features you've come to expect from the company credited with inventing the car in the first place.
This class helps you achieve good manners like not bolting out the front door, keeping 4 paws on the floor and walking on a loose leash.
The four external antennas are adjustable (but not detachable) and aren't too large, so you can display them in whatever manner you like (no guarantees that will give you the best signal though).
The chart below shows us how much college football players might be worth at the top programs if they were able to play in a free - market system and receive compensation in a manner like that for NFL players.
I like the Fanspeak site, which can allow me to make trades in a manner like I think Rick Spielman likes to do, which as a time killer is fun.
It is normal for a two - year - old toddler not to share their toys, and your job is to encourage them to have that manner like to pretend that the truck toy could speak, «Hey buddy, your friend wants to play with me, pass me please!»
«My hope is that these prosecutors send a message to any candidate that tries to game the system in a manner like this,» Morano told the Advance.
I am a divorced dad of three adult children Like to think of myself as a gentleman, still have manners I like being outdoors sports music.
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