Sentences with phrase «mass quantities»

The phrase "mass quantities" means a large amount or a large number of something. Full definition
I'm sure I've told you in the past my least favorite thing about being grain free is the use of mass quantities of nut flours, coconut flour, and eggs.
They provide a strong evolutionary signal of nutrient and energy density which was an evolutionary advantage for us to consume in mass quantities when we were hunters.
I can not imagine mashed potato remnants, but that's because my family consumes mass quantities of my mashed potato casserole every time I make it throughout the year.
But, seeing the public buying mass quantities of their e-books, now, suddenly, these writers are «good enough» for the legacy folks.
But, my stomach does NOT like it when I eat mass quantities of nuts so I had to find an alternative.
Potential obstacles include instability and figuring out how to manufacture mass quantities.
I know of no reason to supplement vitamin c when a plant based diet can supply mass quantities of this single nutrient.
And it's not as cheap to manufacture in mass quantities as refined - sugar.
THAT is why there are no spikes in the graph, not because CO2 is not released in mass quantities during eruptions.
If mass quantities of snack foods are going to be consumed, veggies will be in the mix, particularly ones that fall into the «superfoods» category.
And it has some very nice «delete all» features that allow users to delete mass quantities of classes or assignments with one click.
Unfortunately, the majority of pet store puppies originate from puppy mills, or farms where the dogs are bred in mass quantities with no regard for their health or well - being.
AI will help lawyers work smarter, faster, and cheaper, by allowing them to automate routine tasks and better understand mass quantities of data and make better decisions for clients.
Your best bet is to buy mass quantities and store the excess, allowing you to drop the price per pound and compete with anyone.
I know that anything in mass quantity can become toxic.
Employers need new technology to seamlessly train and track the development of mass quantities of leaders across the organization.
Companies are producing mass quantities of wearable technology, but the market is not oversaturated.
He's spent most of them figuring out how to get mass quantities of appealing food from a central kitchen to schools that are ill - equipped to do more than run the lunch line.
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), which will supply Apple with A11 chips, will begin producing in mass quantities on June 1.
«Palantir has proven to be an invaluable tool in finding patterns and linkages within mass quantities of multi-modal data, and has since been adapted for use by numerous government agencies.
Other than my blood pressure being up and having to consume mass quantities when I watch the Blue Jackets?
OnePlus must finally be ready to sell mass quantities as it increases its cellular connectivity with support for 34 different frequency bands — meaning it should work on your carrier.
Apple could also make cheaper laptops with plastic cases and cheaper CPUs, but making mass quantities of cheap hardware doesn't seem to be part of Apple's current strategy.
If you need a gluten free bread in a pinch OR in mass quantity for breakfast or school lunches, then gluten free pancake sandwiches (panwiches) are for you!
The company now has 40 foodservice accounts in the United States, bringing mass quantities of Slap Ya Mama items to hotels, restaurants and cafeterias.
Now, before you stuff yourself with corned beef and drink mass quantities of beer and spirits in celebration of St. Patrick's Day I've got some great, HEALTHY,... [Read more...]
Some people collect little porcelain figurines... and I collect mass quantities of chopped rhubarb.
You see, our muscle mass is our main protein store, and the body degrades our muscles to release plenty of proteins that are then converted into mass quantities of sugar.
I struggle with this personally when on climbing trips and must ingest mass quantities of food to sustain my strength, endurance and to to recover effectively.
Destroying mass quantities of robots with a laser sword and a co-op buddy by your side is my idea of a good Thursday evening.
With his best friend Topher (Kenny Wormald) and a group of childhood friends he devises a plan to smuggle mass quantities of marijuana across the border.
has experienced accelerated growth as more and more organizations request mass quantities of ebook for events, corporate rewards, and client retention.
A credit card thief then uses a stolen credit card number to purchase mass quantities of the book; they cash out the money in the account they've set up through Amazon, leaving the author none the wiser.
The eBook allowed authors to distribute mass quantities of their work at a low cost, as well as enhance the reading experience with the ability to incorporate multimedia into their story.
With acute awareness of the aesthetic and physical properties of the materials she uses, Donovan takes mass quantities of a single everyday item — tape, plastic cups, straws, pins, toothpicks, buttons — and «assembles them in different ways, providing the viewer with a compelling, perceptually transformative experience,» according to The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, which named the artist a recipient of one of its 2008 «genius» grants.
Combining elements of visual, installation, video, and found art, Kim's work explores the contradictions inherent in our modern consumer society by repurposing mass quantities of common product labels into striking composite images of nature»
OLED panels for the redesigned iPhone, as other suppliers won't be ready to supply mass quantities until later, Bloomberg News reported last year.
In the last decade or so, the Amazon hardwood market has exploded, sending mass quantities of flooring to the U.S., Europe, Canada, and China, at prices that keep inching lower.
I was either going to go broke buying mass quantities of this incredible pumpkin treat, or I needed to find / create a recipe that replicated this treat perfectly.
Strawberries are one of those foods you actually know what to do with when you get mass quantities (unlike, say, summer squash).
Reading a blog like this is a nice pep talk, though I ope that once I have books in mass quantities on Amazon and elsewhere, it will mean I won; t have to market as much.
On a gross note, I read somewhere your not actually supposed to eat mass quantities of clif bars (specifically clif) because it can cause some major stomach issues!
McCollum's oeuvre is defined by his preoccupation with individuality within mass quantities and we are hearing whispers that this exhibition is going to be real highlight.
Although chocolate has become a delicacy that is enjoyed around the world and in mass quantities during holiday seasons, it can cause a significant amount of harm to your canine companion.
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