Sentences with phrase «material contribution»

The phrase "material contribution" refers to a significant or notable contribution made towards something. It means that a person's actions or efforts have had a noticeable impact on a situation or outcome. Full definition
That paragraph has nothing to do with the meaning of material contribution.
The concept of necessity is relevant to the new material contribution doctrine only at the preliminary level of determining whether the fault could cause the injury in issue.
Both are literally silent on contribution under material contribution.
[14] «But for» causation and liability on the basis of material contribution to risk are two different beasts.
Finally, returning to points 7 & 8, it is literally correct that the Supreme Court did not actually say anything about the status of the Athey material contribution test in Resurfice.
It also helped, I'm sure, that the ABCA claimed it was applying the SCC's own words in Walker Estate v. York Finch Hospital, in declaring that the Athey material contribution test applied, not the but for test, but that's likely water under the bridge, at least for now.
The Supreme Court's summary of the issues in the appeal suggests that that all the Court was asked to do is clarify the meaning of the Resurfice material contribution test for proof of the causation requirements in causes of action in negligence and, then, determine the correct result in Clements based on that test.
The practical explanation, in addition to (2), is that treating successive accident cases as instances to which Resurfice material contribution applies would make that test the default test for those instances and, if one is logically consistent (but see item 5) the default test everywhere else.
I am still trying to get my head around your earlier objection when you said «But the SCC has now suggested that some cases which ARE factual causation are going to be treated as material contribution cases where there isn't factual causation?»
But then, all of the Resurfice and Clements dicta on material contribution are technically obiter, but they are none the less the law.
But if each of the tortious acts could have been a but - for cause, isn't that the Clements explanation of the circumstances to which material contribution apply?
I hope to put a better analysis of the meaning and consequences of the Resurfice - Clements material contribution doctrine on my law firm's website by the end of the month.
In any event, is the rationale of the Clements explanation for material contribution «make the negligent person pay because the person has been negligent and there is a possibility that that person's negligence was the cause and as between the innocent person and the wrongdoer the wrongdoer ought to pay?»
I also still think that you were wrong when you said «But the SCC has now suggested that some cases which ARE factual causation are going to be treated as material contribution cases where there isn't factual causation?»
Tags: bc injury law, but for, causation, Clements (Litigation Guardian of) v. Clements, Material Contribution Posted in Uncategorized Direct Link Comments Off top ^
We've seen only one case where a trial judge seems to have admitted that, before Resurfice, he'd have used Athey material contribution not but for.
[36] Some have suggested that «but for» proof must be logically or conceptually impossible before material contribution to risk is available... Clearly the impossibility in those examples was related to difficulties with factual proof, not to logical problems inherent in the peculiarities of the case.
Wiseman said all of CPPIB's investment teams made material contributions last year, producing CPPIB's largest level of annual investment income since inception, but noted the Canada Pension Plan isn't expected to need to draw money from the fund until at least 2023 and, even then, at a relatively small amount for several years.
Building on its rich exhibition history, extended slowly through material contributions, the collection - in - the - making promises to include primary source material, such as sketches and drawings, from artists and in - house team members, curatorial correspondence, artists» documents, as well as audio and video recordings of artist talks, lectures, and symposia.
It was something called the Atheyy material contribution test.
The Alta CA had the temerity to accurately quote the SCC for that proposition; probably one reason why the SCC granted leave in Resurfice and implicitly interred material contribution to injury, something it explicitly did about 5 years later in Clements.
She expressed her provisional view that in the case of an indivisible psychiatric injury where it is not scientifically possible to establish the amount of the tortious material contribution to injury, it was not necessary for a judge to apportion damages across the board merely because one non-tortious cause had been in play.
The surgery, in this hospital, was a direct material contribution to this patient's risk of exposure to and infection with this antibiotic resistent bacterium.
Because Resurfice material contribution if it is applied, does NOT produce a conclusion that any of the possible causes were, in fact, factual causes (think actual causes).
Perhaps the Court thought it wasn't necessary to formally declare that view of Athey material contribution dead, since the Court seems to have said it was never correct in the first place.
It had to be Athey material contribution since Resurfice was not a case arising out of the negligent screening of blood donors.
The Supreme Court of Canada did not return to the meaning of Athey material contribution until 2007 in Resurfice in February2007.
EXECUTIVE PROFILE - A hands - on manager and critical thinker who learns and adapts quickly, develops expertise, and produces material contributions to systems, business operations and structures.
Clements» comments about multiple tortfeasor situations and Resurfice contribution can not be understood to mean that instances of «indivisible» injuries are now to be handled under the Resurfice material contribution test rather than the but - for test.
But (there's always a but) isn't it the case that, for at least one of multiple wrongdoers win the situations to which the Clements material contribution doctrine applies, law presumes the risk that that person created did not ripen into harm?
If a torfeasor's liability under material contribution is solidary, a P may sue only the T who is at fault and has money, and recover all of P's awarded damages, even though that T isn't the one «more» at fault as between the wrongdoers.
They can however both be held liable on Clements material contribution: the estate can show the loss was caused by a tort, both were sufficiently negligent, and can only defeat causation through a point the finger approach.
We still do not know whether the extent of liability, in cases where Resurfice material contribution does apply, is just proportional (several) or joint and several.
But the SCC has now suggested that some cases which ARE factual causation are going to be treated as material contribution cases where there isn't factual causation?
Is there any reason in principle not to allow contribution between tortfeasors where their liability to the plaintiff is based on material contribution?
But we know that, with respect to at least one of the wrongdoers in the scenario to which the Clements explanation of material contribution applies, the risk that that person created did not materialize into injury.
The Supreme Court never explained what it meant by Athey material contribution after Athey and before Resurfice.
Tags: bc injury law, but for, causation, Clements (Litigation Guardian of) v. Clements, Material Contribution Posted in Uncategorized Direct Link 3 Comments» top ^
There will be regulations concerning the relationships between the community and the numen and between the various members (permanent and transitory relations), regulations that specify how the community is to be governed, the norms by which it is to exist, the representation of those ruled, discipline (admission and expulsion), material contributions, etcetera.
Ultimately, the M.I.T. authors warned, «if more is not done, nuclear power will diminish as a practical and timely option for deployment at a scale that would constitute a material contribution to climate change risk mitigation.»
5.1 hectares: per capita ecological footprint in Western Europe (subregion's biocapacity: 2.2 hectares, meaning Western Europeans depend on net imports of renewable natural resources and material contributions of nature to people)
Nature's material contributions to people, such as food and energy, have been promoted at the expense of both regulating contributions, such as pollination and soil formation, and non-material contributions, such as cultural experiences or opportunities to develop a sense of place.
To handle the vast amount of data generated by the observatories, BL intends to innovate powerful open source software that will enable members of the general public to make a material contribution to the project by creating their own search tools, and donating unused CPU space to boost the projects computing prowess.
Large color - bleeding photograms, minimalist copper surrogates with indelible fingerprints, and humming deconstructed office machines comprise the material contributions orchestrated within Open Source, the artist's second solo - exhibition at Friedrich Petzel Gallery (April 20 — June 17, 2017).
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