Sentences with phrase «material object»

A "material object" refers to something that can be physically touched or seen, such as a book, a chair, or a pen. It is something that exists in the physical world. Full definition
Her works continue to inform his artistic formal language as well as his radical use of material objects and inquiries into the meaning of art.
That is to say, in these works the body is presented as a site of representational investigation — not only as material object, but also as a manifestation of history and identity.
But, I also travel as much as possible, indulge in my passion for nice cars, and put experiences over any other material object.
Many people know that experiences will make them happier, and yet they continue to spend money on material objects because of their perceived greater value.
The infinite was just another name for everything we can never know, since we know material objects only according to their form.
I like my culture and my freedom... women are not material objects and you're a pig for supporting the oppression of them.
They all agreed that nature is composed of things that could be called material objects.
Painting as material object took on a personal meaning as well.
He never lost his love of paint for its own sake, as material object, and for the glow within.
A common sense approach would have been to say that now that we understood that human thought and feeling are part of nature, we should no longer suppose that nature consists only of material objects in relative motion.
Dongwook Lee (Korean, b. 1976) shrinks and twists the human form, sculpting hyper - realistic figures that are darkly humorous reflections on the absurdity of contemporary preoccupations with material objects and comforts.
Mika Tajima employs sculpture, painting, video, music, and performance, often drawing on contradictions in modernist design and architecture to consider how the performing subject (e. g., speaker, dancer, designer, factory worker, musician, filmmaker) is constructed in spaces in which material objects outline action and engagement.
A patent granted in 1985, for example, and titled a «system for reproducing information in material objects at a point of sale location» was originally intended for retail kiosks to sell cassettes.
This conflict is even present etymologically: the word «abstract» boils down to meaning something along the lines of «drawn away» — or «separated from material objects or practical matters,» indicating that there is something immaterial able to be separated in the first place.
Like Jeffrey Vallance, Kelley's interest is in how material objects become associated with personal histories and then become charged with meaning.
Then is true causality strictly a relation between material objects, merely a matter of some sort of correlation?
Mika Tajima employs sculpture, painting, video, music, and performance, often drawing on contradictions in modernist design and architecture to consider how the performing subject (e. g. speaker, factory worker, musician, filmmaker) is constructed in spaces in which material objects outline action and engagement.
«This exhibition highlights that art isn't about material objects, it's about setting our imaginations alight, and that's what the artists in this show do in many varied ways.»
Truitt's works accomplish this task by revealing the interactive motion of our embodied relations and how material objects can actually help to ground our reality and hence human potentiality.
The Refusal of Time (2012) is an all - enveloping, multi-sensory installation that explores the transformation of time into material objects, sound, images and mechanics.
This world outside of our own minds is then envisaged as inhabited only by dead, inert and passive material objects.
In fact, the cinematography is not just crisply shot, but experiments with interesting quick zooms and close - ups, crosscutting between facial expressions and focusing quirkily on smaller material objects as a way of foreshadowing later events.
They examine material objects such as pennies, audiocassette tapes, and even photographic paper as telling markers of daily use, technological change, and neglect, revealing photography's connection to impermanence and deterioration.
The majority of the works comprising Material Object are concrete and assert their objectivity through their material, as a result the pictorial becomes more or less a byproduct of the production of the work.
One material object precludes others in the space that it occupies, but in the real world, there is interpenetration among the actualities.
Although even the iconoclasts of the early church had believed that divine power could operate for the good of human beings through some specially blessed material objects, the Reformers were reluctant to affirm that God's grace was mediated through the physical world.
In the latter, derivative kind of causation that pervades the massive material objects studied by classical physics, transfer of power is purely external.
To sum up what he feels is his obligation and responsibility Anthony said: My mom taught me that life was transient, material objects decay, but our contributions live on beyond our existence.
Quantum theory allows tiny things like atoms or photons to be in two places at once, but nobody has ever seen such behavior in a macroscopic material object.
He was a mathematical Platonist, arguing with boldness that the human intellect is capable of perceiving pure mathematical abstractions, just as the human senses are capable of grasping material objects.
In this case, the expansion rate of the universe becomes so great that in 22 billion years or so material objects begin to fall apart and individual atoms disassemble themselves into unbound elementary particles and radiation.
Because of a little phenomenon called the hedonic treadmill, focusing our attention on amplifying what we have will always have a greater impact on net happiness than pursuing more money or more material objects.
A known essentialist whose «interests» on Facebook have included minimalism and meditation, Zuckerberg thinks certain material objects distract from a fulfilling life.
I hear all kinds of things at my day job: «I don't know if I should start my 401 (k)» or «Maybe I will just take a 401 (k) loan to pay off my credit card debt», or the very worst «I will just withdraw from my 401 (k) to buy this unnecessary material object».
Sheets of paper pressed insistently by her pencil up against windows, walls and doors become heavily material objects, while things in the world — windbreaks, found photographs, a fireplace — are redrawn as artworks through subtle alteration.
Fred Wilson reinterprets material objects to expose the cultural and racial hierarchies that subtend their acquisition, treatment, and display.
Consequently, the show investigates visual ways of mapping such experiences through layered material objects, panoramic formats, cartographic views, chronographic vistas, and visionary and vast worlds.
Snapshooters, photojournalists, and commercial photographers rarely produce material objects as the final step in their process.
Charlie James Gallery is delighted to present Material Object, a group show curated by Justin Cole, featuring works by Phil Chang, York Chang, Justin Cole, Emilie Halpern, Soo Kim, Evan La Londe, and Gina Osterloh.
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