Sentences with phrase «medicine researchers»

Of particular interest to stem cell and regenerative medicine researchers, the finding may lead to laboratory methods to create heart cells that function more like those found in adult hearts.
This discovery is nothing new to some natural medicine researchers.
The award provides a one - year salary supplement of $ 15,000 for promising equine medicine researchers.
Read the full list here and read about the 15 Swedish health and medicine researchers on the list here (in Swedish).
A decrease in the amount of time spent eating and an increase in overnight fasting reduces glucose levels and may reduce the risk of breast cancer among women, report University of California, San Diego School of Medicine researchers in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
As debate continues on the decision to allow California Chrome to wear a nasal strip in the Belmont Stakes, Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine researchers who tested the product say the focus should be on the nasal strip's health benefits and not on possible performance enhancement.
Now, a new preclinical study from Penn Medicine researchers found that in many cases the root of the resistance may lie in a never - before - seen autophagy mechanism induced by the BRAF inhibitors vermurafenib and dabrafenib.
Patients with chest pain have similar rates of heart attacks and other major cardiac events within two years whether they were evaluated with a new type of CT scan or the traditional stress test, according to results presented today by Duke Medicine researchers at a meeting of the American College of Cardiology.
Areán, a UW Medicine researcher in psychiatry and behavioral sciences, said most of the participants had never used a tablet, let alone played a video game, but compliance was more than 100 percent.
«This regenerative technology, termed AAV gene transfer, provided long - lasting benefit to the entire musculature of affected dogs that would have otherwise perished, extending a healthy lifespan for more than 4 years,» said Dr. Martin Childers, senior author of the Muscle & Nerve study and a UW Medicine researcher in Seattle.
DURHAM, N.C. — Patients with chest pain have similar rates of heart attacks and other major cardiac events within two years whether they were evaluated with a new type of CT scan or the traditional stress test, according to results presented today by Duke Medicine researchers at a meeting of the American College of Cardiology.
While investigating a potential therapeutic target for the ERK1 and 2 pathway, a widely expressed signaling molecule known to drive cancer growth in one third of patients with colorectal cancer, University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers found that an alternative pathway immediately emerges when ERK1 / 2 is halted, thus allowing tumor cell proliferation to continue.
In 2015, Penn Medicine researchers reported in Science Translational Medicine an overall response rate of 57 percent in CLL patients treated with CAR therapy, and a complete remission rate of 29 percent.
Mini-courses designed to increase creative stimulation and variety in physicians» daily routines can sharpen critical thinking skills, improve job satisfaction and encourage innovative thinking, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers who piloted a series of such courses.
A new study led by University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine researchers demonstrates that a protein called Del - 1, can inhibit bone loss associated with periodontitis.
Because of this, Indiana University School of Medicine researchers led by Jonathan Bazeley, MD, wanted to determine if serum phosphorus, which in previous studies of mainly Caucasian populations was associated with adverse outcomes in CKD patients, was an effective predictor in African Americans as well.
A pre-clinical study led by Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center and Department of Internal Medicine researchers suggests that an experimental drug known as dinaciclib could improve the effectiveness of certain multiple myeloma and myeloid leukemia therapies.
Washington University School of Medicine researchers showed for the first time that women with MS have elevated levels of proteins that can allow immune cells into the brain.
That's why representatives from Toyota approached Michigan Medicine researcher Kayvan Najarian, Ph.D., last year with statistics underscoring that danger — and a request for his help.
In the study, published online June 3, 2014 in the journal Nutrition, Keck School of Medicine researchers analyzed the chemical composition of 34 popular beverages, finding that beverages and juices made with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), such as Coca - Cola, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew and Sprite, all contain 50 percent more fructose than glucose, a blend that calls into question claims that sugar and HFCS are essentially the same.
Reporting in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Medicine researchers demonstrate the presence of contamination and substitution of plant species in a selection of herbal products using DNA barcoding.
However, a new study by University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers suggests that, despite promising results in clinical trials, smoking cessation drugs alone may not be improving the chances of successful quitting among smokers in general.
-- says Dmitry Ischenko, MIPT PhD and Institute of Physical Chemical Medicine researcher.
Adding the monoclonal antibody drug trastuzumab — already used to treat certain breast cancers — to the chemotherapy regimen of women with a rare form of uterine cancer lengthens the amount of time their tumors are kept from growing, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers conducting a small phase II trial of the regimen, testing its safety and value.
An experimental drug has shown promise in treating influenza, preventing lung injury and death from the virus in preclinical studies, according to University of Maryland School of Medicine researchers publishing in the journal Nature on May 1.
The mouse lemur — the world's smallest primate — has the potential to transform the field of genetics and serve as an ideal model for a wide range of primate biology, behavior and medicine, including cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease, Stanford University School of Medicine researchers say.
The Institute of Medicine researchers conducted a comprehensive review of published and unpublished data and testimony on the relationship between secondhand smoke and short - term and long - term heart problems.
Heidi L. Rehm, PhD, FACMG is a board - certified clinical laboratory geneticist and genomic medicine researcher.
Penn State College of Medicine researchers Jeremiah J. Johnson, Dr. Andrea C. Loeffert, Jennifer Stokes, Dr. Robert P. Olympia and Dr. Harry Bramley also participated in this research.
University of Chicago Medicine researchers have built a model system that uses multiple cell types from patients to rapidly test compounds that could block the early steps in ovarian cancer metastasis.
A small study conducted by sleep medicine researchers at Harvard Medical School indicates that e-books can interfere with readers» sleep cycles.
UA Center for Integrative Medicine researcher Esther Sternberg said each experiment begins with causing a volunteer subject to sweat.
That is why Dr. Weedon and three fellow shelter medicine researchers from the University of Minnesota, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Mississippi State University recently published a review article * evaluating the relevant literature and drawing conclusions about gonadectomies, especially regarding the optimal age to perform this procedure.
Current research includes collaboration with veterinary and human medicine researchers at the University of Saskatchewan's College of Medicine, at the Saskatoon Cancer Centre and at other oncology centers in North America.
The Infectious Agent Repository provides College of Veterinary Medicine researchers with a resource to store and access various clinical isolates of infectious organisms for research.
Preventive medicine researcher Yu - Fen Li and her colleagues at the University of Southern California found that smoking by a maternal grandmother during her own pregnancies doubles the risk that her daughters» children will develop asthma.
University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers screened 10,000 colonies of bacteria found on the epidermis to determine how many had antimicrobial properties and at what rate these are found on healthy and non-healthy skin.
These may either be sports medicine physicians (who will treat a sprained ankle for example) or sports medicine researchers (who will be looking for answers in a lab), and may accordingly come from a variety of backgrounds — bioengineering, medicine, and physical therapy.
The research involved Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine researchers Dana Vanlandingham, assistant professor of virology, and Yan - Jang Huang, postdoctoral fellow in diagnostic medicine and pathobiology.
University of Missouri School of Medicine researchers compared two common postsurgical therapies for metastatic brain tumors and found that stereotactic radiosurgery can provide better outcomes for patients compared to whole - brain radiation.
UW Medicine researcher William Catterall, one of the authors of the PNAS paper, noted, «There has been increasing interest in the lay press about parents who have used cannabidiol to successfully treat their children.»
Several University of North Carolina School of Medicine researchers played a key role in crafting diagnostic criteria and patient questionnaires for the Rome Foundation, an international nonprofit aimed at improving the lives of the millions of people suffering from functional GI disorders (FGIDs), while developing and legitimizing the field of FGIDs through science and research.
Duke Medicine researchers collaborated on the design and analysis of the trial and authored the findings.
«Ending DACA could have dire public health consequences: Penn Medicine researcher predicts reduced mental health for 800,000 DACA beneficiaries plus their families if legislation fails to save the program.»
UW Medicine researchers David Mack, Melissa Goddard, Jessica Snyder, Matthew Elverman, and Valerie Kelly co-authored the report, «Systemic AAV8 - mediated gene therapy drives whole - body correction of myotubular myopathy in dogs.»
A new study by Yale School of Medicine researchers provides insight into how much women of reproductive age in the United States know about reproductive health.
Twelve years ago, UNC School of Medicine researcher Brian Strahl, PhD, found that a protein called Set2 plays a role in how yeast genes are expressed — specifically how DNA gets transcribed into messenger RNA.
A new study led by Wayne State University School of Medicine researcher Vaibhav Diwadkar, Ph.D. suggests that the brain network interactions between regions that support attention are dysfunctional in children and adolescents at genetic risk for developing schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Part of the Shingopana skeleton was excavated in 2002 by scientists affiliated with the Rukwa Rift Basin Project, an international effort led by Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine researchers Patrick O'Connor and Nancy Stevens.
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