Sentences with phrase «member nations»

The phrase "member nations" refers to countries that have joined or are part of a particular organization or group. Full definition
It is comprised of 50 different blue - chip stocks from member nations and usually forms one of the most liquid of the world's major indexes.
When member nations didn't like what was said about their country, they made protests to the executive board.
That's a question that all 10 new member nations are asking themselves.
Individual member nations can be contacted for their views.
Military members nation - wide confront a multitude of problems during their careers, the last thing they need to worry about is their pet's care during their service commitments.
Mr Ablakwa said the National Research Fund is intended to scale up investment in Research, so as to meet the African Union target of one percent GDP by member nations.
So all members of the United Nations are both legal and recognized (by the majority of UN member nations) states.
Coming into fruition after more than four years of deliberation (see timeline), the GDPR aims to standardize and strengthen data protection policies for residents of EU member nations.
Fairbanks and Anchorage will both get a big economic boost in May during a series of events to be held in conjunction with a major meeting of top diplomats from the eight Arctic Council member nations.
And with member nations ramping up their enforcement capabilities as we speak (the United Kingdom alone is hiring 200 enforcement staff), it is becoming clear that all companies, not just the industry giants, could be targeted.
Member nations also contribute to a shared, inter-operable military command, as well as sharing information and intelligence.
Squabbling among member nations has strained ESA's budget, forcing it to create dual - purpose programs, such as a space station cargo module that could eventually double as a crew orbiter for European astronauts.
Although IWC enacted a moratorium on commercial whaling in 1982, one provision in its conventions allows member nations to kill whales for research.
The proposed TPP «agreement» involves Australia as well as a host of other potential member nations including Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Vietnam and the United States.
For the past five years, the committee has been working on a Revised Management Procedure for IWC member nations to follow in managing the natural resource adaptively.
Instead, they cooked the books to gain admission into the Euro and to hide their high debt levels from other member nations.
By comparison, European Union member nations use about 11.5 million animals per year, about four million of them used by the six largest university laboratories in the U.K.
«What Russia is sponsoring and doing is not counterterrorism — it is barbarism,» Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, told member nations at a UN Security Council meeting last Sunday.
«What Russia is sponsoring and doing is not counterterrorism — it is barbarism,» Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, told member nations at a UN Security Council meeting on Sunday.
It would not be strong enough to impose its rule unilaterally on member nations.
President Trump used his inaugural address at the United Nations to criticize the world body for not living up to its «potential» because of bureaucracy and urged member nations to reject «business as usual» and take «bold stands.»
The BBC reports that the European Commission will issue a report on Wednesday that member nations need to cut their fishing fleets to deal with overfishing.
According to Scientific American, should an errant space rock start to move into our traffic lane, the asteroid defense group would collect data from U.N. member nations and coordinate an interception plan.
Some high - performing OECD member nations like Finland, South Korea, and Germany are known for distributing both human and material resources equitably.
European Union member nations use about 11.5 million animals per year in laboratory procedures, about four million of them used by the six largest university laboratories in the U.K.
Asking member nations to support a Resolution on Cetaceans and Ecosystem services that notes the increasing research showing that far from eating all the fish, as Japan and other countries have claimed, whales actually enhance ecosystem productivity and help regulate carbon dioxide in the atmosphere;
After obtaining a Schengen visa, citizens from these countries will be able to freely travel back and forth between member nations of the EU.
Its membership was endorsed by a number of member nations such as the United Kingdom and New Zealand.
This comes more than two years since oil prices were kneecapped, wreaking havoc on several OPEC member nations» economies.
The EU was to provide member nations more clout and influence by being part of the politico - economic entity that comprised the 2ndlargest economy in the world, based on gross - domestic product (GDP).
The fact that many member nations of the U.N. today were colonies at its inception is the key historical fact.
But the world has changed a great deal since the height of OPEC's power in 1979, when member nations accounted for 50 % of global oil production, compared with less than one - third today.
This accord -; one of the few provisions welcomed by environmental groups -; allows groups and ordinary citizens to accuse member nations of failing to enforce their own environmental laws.
Although several ASEAN countries already conduct joint exercises, other China - aligned member nations oppose such operations, making a consensus at the summit difficult.
The deal she was negotiating, known as the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA)-- a trade agreement between Canada and 28 EU member nations nearly eight years in the making — was receiving pushback from Belgian region of Wallonia, whose Prime Minister, Paul Magnette, felt the accord had the ability to undermine the local farming sector.
The central bankers and finance ministers of G20 member nations are meeting today and tomorrow in Buenos Aries to discuss the future of the global economy.
A ranking of PMI export orders growth in May showed euro member nations dominating the global leader board, holding seven of the top eight places.
Trump has called NATO «obsolete» and said member nations were not paying their fair share for U.S. protection.
For example, the initiative could enable member nations to partner in the development and distribution of climate - smart rice varieties adapted to region - specific conditions of drought, flooding, and salinity brought on by climate change.
Attendees at the Portland conference represented member nations with still fledgling organic sectors to ones with well - established organic systems — Argentina, Chile, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Panama, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Spain, Costa Rica, and the United States.
Mr Cameron will need a number of other allies if he is to be successful in forcing the EU to change and he's in a race against time as the opinion - formers of the new, more Eurosceptic member nations develop a taste for the Brussels gravy train.
The pact requires member nations to phase out or reduce mercury from products such as batteries, certain lightbulbs, cosmetics and pesticides.
Environment ministers from 27 member nations except for the United Kingdom will give their formal blessing to that plan at a meeting next week, and Brussels could approve the deal the following week.
The petition, addressed to E.U. officials, declares that Italy's restrictions violate E.U. rules prohibiting member nations from introducing more restrictive rules.
UNAIDS issued the report today to coincide with the U.N. General Assembly High - Level Meeting on AIDS, which will gather member nations in New York City from 8 to 10 June to hammer out a new declaration about how best to address the epidemic.
Although most applications come from the ESO member nations, researchers from any institution worldwide can apply to use the telescopes.
Among 27 member nations tracked by the OECD, U.S. primary - school educators spent 1,097 hours a year teaching despite only spending 36 weeks a year in the classroom — among the lowest among the countries tracked.

Phrases with «member nations»

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