Sentences with phrase «mental aspect»

Along with the yoga, there will be emphasis on birth preparation such as breathing, positioning, and the emotional / mental aspects of birth.
To be an effective coach, you will need to fulfil a number of different roles, covering the technical, tactical, physical and mental aspects demanded by our game.
This practice will tune the student in to the physical, energetic and mental aspects through postures, breath work, and meditation.
Dog yoga not only explores the physical and mental aspects of self, it also strengthens your bond with your canine friend.
If you are one of the working parents out there struggling on how to spend time with your kids, the ways below are the simplest ways that you can nourish their physical and mental aspects in their life.
In our program for fibromyalgia, detoxification includes emotional and mental aspects as well as physiological.
The ideas they impart upon viewers prove that many mental aspects of success are universal, across fields and generations.
Enjoy mental aspect of domination with physical / sexual domination being a
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing combined with other standard methods of diagnosis.
Once you've addressed your energy issues, the mental aspect of focus comes next.
And the fact that I'm a racer made it challenging from a mental aspect.
The real answer is that dealing with the mental aspect is a survival skill you can't learn from a book.
On balance, I'd prefer to believe that the discipline of investing — particularly the mental aspects, and the focus on the long - term — can help us to live longer, healthier lives.
And material things have some mental aspects, even if they be only their intelligible structures.
Prayer is a process in which the one who prays is constantly related in a profound way to his whole objective world (with both material and mental aspects) and is thereby creatively transformed into a mature person.
She would be taught the risks and dangers, and know that she could talk to me (or any number of others) about the emotional / mental aspects of a sexual relationship at any time without condemnation.
Not only did he deal with the mental aspect of family dysfunction and addiction, but there was physical abuse as well.
Whitehead's view of the nature of reality offers a new way of thinking about «things,» and suggest that reality is not composed of things but of self - creative events, individual units, having both physical and mental aspects, and being internally related to each other.
The fourth major component of Whitehead's view is that all events have both physical and mental aspects.
To summarize, reality is not composed of things but of self - creative events, indivisible units, having both physical and mental aspects, and being internally related to each other.
They, of course, are not conscious but do have mental aspects.
God, then, has a temporal, physical aspect as well as a conceptual, mental aspect of his nature.
The concrete is the personally ordered series of actual entities which have both physical and mental aspects.
(Presumably the mental aspects of other types of occasions might also be directly prehended, but this would be trivial.)
It affords no basis for either affirming or denying that the mental aspect of noncontiguous occasions can be directly prehended.
It is a process in which the one who prays is constantly related in a profound way to his whole objective world (with both material and mental aspects) and is thereby creatively transformed into a mature person.
It is also possible to reach a more concrete understanding of physical reality by recognizing its mental aspects.
The contrast is between the physical and the mental aspects of experience, between concrete fact and the abstract element that we conceptualize out of experience.
She outlines not only how to eat healthy and includes tons of different recipes but she talks about the mental aspect of it and also has 30 days of workouts that are super intense and super effective.
I too wrestled with anorexia for many years and so really, really appreciate how you approach the mental aspect of the relationship with food, body image, and health.
Only pace does not make you a starter in football this days you hve to hve alot of skils and mental aspect of the game.
He wanted to work in the mental aspect of the sport along with the strong physical grind the season can put on a high school athlete.
Or do you think he has enough experience to cope with the mental aspect?
The team will be much more confident if the goals are spread around, think of the mental aspect, when we had RVP everyone must have thought as soon as he is injured then we're f*cked.
There is a metric ton of development that happens, especially mentally, between those ages, so again, unless you're a phenom, it's only understandable that those players are likely going to be stronger physically and almost certainly more refined in the mental aspect of the game.
mental aspect is half of it, and the reason there's so many busts.
That has a ton of value for me, speaks to mindset, competitveness, how clutch you are, those are mental aspects that coaches value.
That goes a long way when it comes to the mental aspects of the game and players coming up big when needed.
Our game is [about] psychology and the mental aspect.
Even more than what they do on the field, the mental aspect of what Henry could do then and what Scarbrough could do now is important.
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