Sentences with phrase «mental challenge»

A newly divorced mom who admits she married young — 21 and just out of college — to a man with mental challenges.
It is one of the biggest mental challenges in competitive sports.
They can also be very calming to a person who has autism or other mental challenges.
But even so, there still will be a few mental challenged having trouble to pass that stage!
We think this may be because mental challenges are good for us.
In rare instances, people do tend to suffer from mental challenges.
Each rated their own degree of participation in mental challenges such as puzzle - solving.
There are also ways to work mental challenges into everyday life.
As a result of having little mental challenge dogs quickly become bored and resort to undesirable behaviors such as barking, chewing and digging.
One of the most significant mental challenges of the game is letting go of mistakes «'' quickly.
The finding suggests that skills in one game can apply to different mental challenges, similar to the way running is good for parts of the body other than just the legs.
Physical and mental challenges evoke some level of discomfort, and ultimately result in the stimulation of cortisol release.
Mom will practice focused breathing, gentle stretching and relaxation to help her in meeting the physical and mental challenges ahead.
I am kind of quiet but I like discussions and mental challenges once somebody starts one up.
They are able to explore new things, take on new mental challenges, and really harness the natural instincts that all cats have.
As well as plenty of opportunities to exercise, it also needs mental challenges.
Adding extra mental challenge to games such as fetch, perhaps by asking your dog to wait when you throw the ball and then getting him to find it, can be useful.
Contrary to what some dog owners believe, dogs actually do like to work and thrive on mental challenges.
Creating mental challenges and watching our dogs work on them can be great fun.
The consistent mental challenge of tackling each mission is what makes it so captivating, relying on strategy over spectacle.
Dealing with mental challenges is as important as any physical skill you possess.
In case you're past the usual tricks and exercise, we recommend using a clicker to introduce your pet to the next level of mental challenges.
We enjoy working with organisations which help people who have physical or mental challenges in gaining employment and have recruited a number of staff into permanent jobs.
Find ways to add more socialization and mental challenges into your dog's life.
Hide and seek is a great mental challenge for your dog but the game requires two people; one to distract the dog while you hide.
Border Collies are one of those most intelligent and smart dog breeds that enjoy mental challenges because they like their mind stimulated due to their natural ability
We have compiled a few tips and pointers to help you ward off premature memory - loss along with some other common mental challenges facing many of us each day.
Players get unique mental challenges while trying to manuever two Captains through environments.
Incorporate fun mental challenges like stuffed puzzle toys for your pup to work on in solitude.
In addition to burning off calories to keep you and your pooch at a healthy weight, physical activity can help reduce anxiety and build confidence, while mental challenges help to keep boredom at bay.
For Petri the greatest mental challenge comes when the game is almost ready but you are not sure whether players will enjoy it.
You can also see a video that turns the tables on able - bodied people (or, in recognition of the reality that many people develop serious physical or mental challenges as they age or for other reasons, «not yet disabled people»).
Mental Enrichment refers to the addition of new and often problem solving tasks which offer mental challenges for the dog.
The biggest mental challenge for primates, however, may have been keeping track of their social lives, which might explain the enormous expansion of the frontal regions of the primate neocortex.
When I get caught in these moments of mental challenge where for a few nights I can not sleep because I can't figure out what I think about a certain subject that has suddenly presented itself to me and have to live with that ambiguity - well, that's when I feel completely inspired.
Great parents nurture compassion about a child's particular mental challenges and, in the moment, take into account the effect of hormones, hunger, and temperament on behavior.
His team is now considering other pupil - dilating mental challenges that might be more fun to do than arithmetic.
As reported in the August issue of the journal Psychological Science, those whose neurons were primed for exploration in the wild were also more restless and exploratory in Scrabble, whereas those primed for exploitation were more focused and persevering when they switched to the abstract mental challenge.
«Cheat days» are definitely mental challenges I find hard to overcome and master.
Operating many of the on - board systems was like trying to complete a Crystal Maze mental challenge, where you have to complete a sequence of tasks in a specific order in an allocated time — a challenge made even trickier by the firm's trademark hypersensitive trackpad interface.
Shelly loves working with people to help them ensure their dogs have the appropriate amount of daily exercise and mental challenges through daily obedience practice, which will lead to a healthier, happier and stronger relationship over the years!
He learned that providing ongoing mental challenges can help keep dogs sharp well into their senior years.
So, in the case of the Mini Labradoodle, you will have to incorporate a lot of physical exercise and somewhat tougher mental challenges for them to face.
It demands human attention and in thrives if it exercises well and if it gets a solid mental challenge.
Even though the Schipperke is a small breed, they are usually quite bright and will participate in various dog sports like agility, flyball, herding, musical freestyle, and obedience as sport offering physical and mental challenges together with bonding with their family.
Emotional support animals (EAS) however, are those whose job is to be themselves: a companion to those who are psychologically disabled from issues such as panic attacks, PTSD (pot - traumatic stress disorder) or other debilitating mental challenges - ones that truly affect quality of life and day to day function.
A lot of people don't think about mental exercise, but Haley just loves an interesting mental challenge.
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