Sentences with phrase «mental focus»

"Mental focus" refers to the ability to concentrate and direct your thoughts towards a specific task or goal. It means paying attention to something and avoiding distractions, so you can think clearly and accomplish what you want to do. Full definition
From helping to maintain a healthy weight to improving mental focus in kids and adults, breakfast offers up a ton of benefits.
Finally, it increases mental focus for an all - around great workout.
Babies are infamous for their erratic and disruptive sleep patterns and a very few jobs demand little by way of mental focus.
It has been suggested to help promote healthy memory, enhanced mental focus and vivid dream recall.
Using postures and conscious breathing in combination with mental focus to develop awareness, strength, flexibility and relaxation.
The brain brew is my favorite it gives you such great mental focus and tastes really good.
Power Yoga Challenge your balance and mental focus while increasing energy, strength, and flexibility practicing this Power Yoga discipline.
Experience skin - tearing pumps, endless endurance, sharp mental focus, and the ultimate mind muscle connection.
Whether you're studying for an exam or trying to pay attention in a mundane business meeting, maintaining mental focus sometimes seems impossible.
Much like organized sports, it helps develop mental focus, endurance and physical stamina.
It is formulated to support mental focus, concentration, and memory.
At the same time we all want to optimize our energy and mental focus so that we can achieve more in a given day.
But it also requires mental focus and discipline, and helps to build confidence.
You will have more mental focus and it's much easier on the stomach.
The aim of this class is to strengthen the body by sustaining more challenging postures at a moderate pace and developing mental focus through meditation and breathing practices.
It does not matter the defender arsenal buys, once the group mental focus is not one we will continue having a problem in defence.
Avoid this trap by reviewing applicants when you can achieve your optimum mental focus.
I get solid, consistent mental focus and energy, particularly when I add this to a low carb diet.
Does your energy or mental focus drop off sometimes?
The role it plays in improving mental focus and clarity may also be useful, as it requires an extreme ability to focus on performance.
It contains eggs for iodine and omega - 3 fatty acids, which work to keep your hormone levels balanced and enhance mental focus.
The first step to increase mental focus is to eliminate distractions.
In this way, it helps people living with ADHD maintain mental focus and concentrate on tasks for longer.
These balance - based exercises require mental focus and muscular control to make slight adjustments as you attempt to keep form.
Having a sharp mental focus on what he was eating was the key to Gyllenhaal's body transformations.
Before a Race Why: Like doing strides before a workout, you'll get your body ready to work, and it will also sharpen mental focus so you can go after that PR, says Gainacopulos.
Endurance athletes have come to the month - long teacher training as part of their training regime, and have reported increased running stride, better mental focus for endurance, and fewer aches and pains after runs.
He also says that Prefuel amps him up with great mental focus for his workouts without jitters or crashing.
Plus, sprouted whole grains support sustained energy, boost mental focus, and are easier to digest.
I felt a subtle boost and, more notably, a disturbingly sharp increase in mental focus.
The scientifically validated plant extracts in Life Extension's Adrenal Energy Formula supports the ability to maintain energy and mental focus by modulating different body chemistry changes and working...
Retraining the core muscles takes mental focus and practice.
But green tea differs from coffee in that it also contains a substance called theanine that encourages mental focus and feelings of calm.
If you want to create a small homemade pre-workout stack and boost the effects further, add in 1 - 3 grams of l - tyrosine (also very inexpensive) as this amino acid works downstream from caffeine to increase energy and mental focus further.
For some older adults, a stacked treatment of both testosterone and growth hormone pack a double - punch in restoring mental focus, metabolism, and energy, and can even help eliminate the irritability and night sweats that can come about during this period of hormonal fluctuation.
Intraoperative TSMB may represent a practical, effective means to reduce surgeon pain, enhance performance, and increase mental focus without extending operative time.
What is amazing about matcha is its combination of theanine and caffeine which works as Yin and Yang for helping us gain mental focus and energy.
This clinical research suggests Suntheanine helps promote mental focus and clarity during the day while helping to improve sleep quality at night.
By: Stacy Kennedy, MPH, RD, CSO, LDN; Reboot Nutritionist If your days are anything like mine, mornings are organized chaos involving speed, serenity and serious mental focus to get everyone out the door on time, well nourished and in a happy mood ready to tackle and enjoy the day.
They have to do a better job and start games with not only the right intensity but also proper mental focus!!
Practice and mental focus allow Henning to control the powerful gag reflex, which can not be completely suppressed.
The main reason why you should choose dumbbell over barbell rows is that if you want to use the barbell row in order to build muscle you will need to exert additional mental focus and effort to maintain the right body posture during the execution of the movement.
«My main mental focus while training and pushing through my last rep always circles back to what was embedded in me as a professional athlete.
That's the gist of it but it's a training practice that requires a great deal of mental focus when you're first learning it.
Fruit also contains Vitamin C and fiber that will help to manage hunger and with increasing your with mental focus throughout the day.

Phrases with «mental focus»

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