Sentences with phrase «message carriers»

If you are the chief executive of a bus company and you spend all your time talking about the gospel and not looking after train timetables and your staff you would probably get sacked and it felt to me that as the main message carrier for the party it was a little bit like having your main advertising hoarding permanently damaged, permanently vandalised so your me.
During WWI, Belgian Sheepdogs distinguished themselves on the battlefields, serving as message carriers, ambulance dogs, and even pulling machine guns.
They list pigeons as the first long - distance message carriers, in Egypt about 2900 BC.
Similar reports are coming in from AT&T and Sprint — with one clear message the carriers have: Blame Apple.
Bright and loyal, these canines worked during World War I as message carriers and ambulance dogs.
He said: «There are message carriers, senior Republicans as well as Democrats, who are appalled by the idea of Trump being president.
Think of your cravings as a message carrier for your body, instead of something to control, conquer, ignore, or even feel bad about.
It's not long before she's actively brought back into the intrigue circle when a special group captures an operative thought to be the message carrier for a chain of very bad guys with malicious intentions.
These message carriers are necessary to keep one's calm, focused attention and maintenance of a new memory.
Being a shaman was about becoming a vessel, or a message carrier, the person who finds a way to bring the news.
Far more than a «message carrier,» Don helps parties look for solutions to their disputes that may not have to come to their minds.
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