Sentences with phrase «message delivery»

Not a bad price for a fair amount of design work, localized content, and a very powerful message delivery system that lets you easily track and measure your marketing efforts.
Obviously a campaign's about message delivery at the candidate level, but at the campaign level, it is about numbers.
It would be nice to know which chat lines offer priority message delivery to paying members.
Which can be made at the time of opening line dating messages delivery even if they have.
She has a good read on audiences, he adds, and in group presentations changes message delivery to fit the situation.
Now we have female real estate coaches who might perhaps learn better message delivery by recording first and listening to their own presentation.
Great stories are one of the most powerful brand - message delivery systems ever devised.
Like presidents, CEOs need to think about message delivery and encourage effective communications to every associate.
Fellow ICIT & CCIOS The weaponization of digital vectors for a more expedient and potent manner of message delivery has become a pandemic as nation - states use technological means to streamline distribution of fake news,..
TCP guarantees message delivery, which makes it a great option for chat.
With every positive review from class participants and spot - on message delivery during press interviews and presentations, Carmine has made me and my very demanding company proud for over a decade.
It is a removable, repositionable message delivery system which secures to the plastic bags that are in the hands of consumers every day.
The bottom line is this: We can spend hours creating the most envelope - pushing strategies for online message delivery, but if we don't have content that is actually WORTH sharing, we'll be wasting our time.
Among the options for such mobile technology is «geotargeting,» which could enable message delivery to a student who has been identified at risk, at the time and place where heavy drinking episodes might occur.
and then Facebook message delivery told me he'd read a message I sent!)
CCSS demands time - sensitive and critical message delivery.
Most recently, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD upped the ante by creating a Miiverse - based environment themed to the game, and creating a Miiverse message delivery system: Tingle Bottles!
Marketing is a broad term that encompasses developing a message (highly strategic when done correctly) selecting a target market to receive the message (also a strategic endeavor) and selecting a form of media and executing message delivery (this is tactical).
Our system is inspired by the onion routing techniques which are used to achieve anonymous message delivery
Google has provided some major bug fixes and speeds up message delivery time on the updated Hangouts app to offer a faster and more reliable conversation experience.
For salespeople on the go, Motorola introduces the Confirmed Message Delivery PF1500.
Traditional items like printed posters, handouts, public announcement systems and live actors add more than just variety of message delivery, they also keep the less technically savvy players engaged and provide an alternative point of engagement in the event of unexpected technical failures (i.e., wifi outage, dead batteries, etc..)
Axxess latino category: it would be nice to know which chat lines offer priority message delivery to paying members.
Because TCP guarantees message delivery, and in games where every move matters (like a Scrabble turn or tic - tac - toe), it's a great option to power the multiplayer gameplay.
And when a film starts with that degree of existence as a «message delivery system» instead of presenting characters it has nowhere to go but melodrama.
Message delivery must be customized for each investor.
The days of physical storage, communication, planning, data gathering, and message delivery are obsolete.
In a letter on behalf of four public relations firms, Emery Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady LLP argued the proposal relating to message delivery «would be both impractical and constitutionally infirm.»
Message delivery - Teach your dog to deliver notes or other items to other family members.
The weaponization of digital vectors for a more expedient and potent manner of message delivery has become a pandemic as nation - states use technological means to streamline distribution of fake news, propaganda and other ill - intended content.
Messages are encrypted with a combination of technologies including AES 256, public and private key pairings, public key verification, and SSL for message delivery.
Application provided as SAAS to any company supplying Music / Message delivery, Accounting, CRM, Content Repository / Channel administration.
An office clerk is someone who typically works in an office doing a little bit of everything; answering phones, bookkeeping, filing, mailing, message delivery, data processing, running errands, sorting mail etc..
Understanding the sales cycle, marketing priniciples, branding and message delivery, I offer valuable experience in taking products / services to market.
SharperAgent easily dominates in the area of localized content, message delivery, and tracking capability.
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