Sentences with phrase «message movie»

A "message movie" is a film that tries to convey a specific moral, social, or political message to the audience. It aims to make people think or reflect on a particular issue or idea through its storytelling, characters, or plot. Full definition
There are two messages this movie presents: The ones you love can never be replaced, and two, love is not always true.
The official Oscar submission from France, rather than Agnes Varda's Faces Places, Robin Campillo's BPM (Beats Per Minute) is a very long message movie about the struggle in the early 1990s to recognize HIV and AIDS as an actual crisis.
A lot of message movies in this category, yet I choose the clever lark with no grander meaning outside of itself.
Good Message Movies — We were sent a couple of videos from Iesodo (pronounced Ya - Sa - Doe) that retells Bible stories with animated animals, mainly birds.
It was the early»80s, and Nixon soon fell into the pack of child actors making after - school specials and message movies like Little Darlings and My Body, My Child, in which she and Sarah Jessica Parker starred as the daughters of a woman — Vanessa Redgrave — agonizing over whether to abort a child with severe birth defects.
This is a genre take on the poster child for the liberal message movie, 1967's «Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?»
I like to swimming, working out, all games, all music, movies, TV, and hanging out with my family and friends if you want to know more message me
«The Post» is a smart, fleet - footed message movie about the importance of journalism and speaking truth to power.
im 18 go to college at M.A.T.C. I ave two jobs working at the movie theaters and boat club anything else just message me
Essentially In the Fade is a revenge thriller without many thrills, and poses as a heavy - duty message movie that is really only a pulp thriller.
As a Big Message movie about the racism inherent in the criminal justice system, Crown Heights succeeds admirably enough.
Writer / Director Damien Chazelle has turned his Sundance award - winning short film into a fascinatingly brutal message movie that begs for discussion and debate.
Black to Basics: Binder's Safely Bland Racial Message Movie The latest film from actor / director / screenwriter Mike Binder,...
-- It's a Wonderful Life — My favorite Jimmy Stewart movie, my favorite Christmas movie, and I think Frank Capra's best and most subtle message movie.
A transparent message movie which might deserve to be forgiven for moralizing and politicizing, given the urgency of the underlying environmental issue.
Vanessa Hudgens gets her hands dirty in Ronald Krauss» pro-life message movie Gim me Shelter.
A film with a message but no mere message movie, In the Heat of the Night is a vivid evocation of a time and place.
Inspired by a landmark class action sexual harassment suit that brought victory to female coal miners in the 1980s, Niki Caro's award - mongering message movie throws in a rape subplot and a disease - of - the - week strain for good measure.
This film may not challenge its audience's prejudices — anyone against a story of this calibre would be hard pressed to find themselves attending it — but it's never a touchy - feely message movie.
And although the film feels strongly familiar in pathos and promise it is still a capable message movie about disenfranchised youngsters that overcome their desperately humble beginnings in the face of unflattering odds.
Part message movie and part thriller, Elah — the title refers to the area where David slew Goliath in the Old Testament — follows Vietnam vet and former MP Hank Deerfield (Tommy Lee Jones) as he searches for his missing G.I. son Mike (Jonathan Tucker, seen in flashbacks).
«Disconnect» can tread into overt message movie territory and has a small handful of unsuccessful heavy - handed moments, but the piece is so enthralling and entertaining, you power through it, making that nearly two hour running time feel like far less.
A product of a decade marked by message movies that won raves for overdramatizing current issues like antisemitism (Gentleman's Agreement) and alcoholism (The Lost Weekend), Best Years avoids that type of fleeting significance by giving us a number of challenges facing new veterans and not hitting us over the head with them.
This time out, she quells the raunchiness, and instead serves us a PG - 13 message movie aimed squarely at adolescent girls.
Unfortunately, the contrivances are too many and too frequent to allow the film and characters to breathe and achieve the greatness of a true message movie.
Like just about every movie by South Korean genre extraordinaire Bong Joon - Ho, Okja is hard to classify: Its genetically enhanced DNA includes strands of sci - fi, comedy, social satire, girl - and - her - pig fairytale, and earnest omnivore message movie.
What's more aggravating is that it promises to end on a graceful (if unremarkable) note, but then takes a sharp left into a heavy handed message movie.
Heaven Is for Real by George Wolf Whatever message a movie may have, subtlety in sending it is... read more →
Yes, it is true that in its broad contours The Way Way Back could be mistaken for a tedious, coming - of - age message movie full of canned sentiment and idle uplift.
When it comes to writing message movies, there's laying it on thick, and then there's stucco.
So while the film might look like a green - skewed message movie, it ends up just being an interesting story with a good cast and some nice twists.
Like all good message movies, ’71 encapsulates its message in an absorbing thriller that can be enjoyed in its own right.
Director Jason Reitman, usually more present in his stories, lets the script speak for itself, treating it more like his recent popular L.A open table script readings than a direct - message movie like Up in the Air.
Jordan Peele's dizzying racial horror thriller takes as deep a dive into the psychology of African - American experience as just about any film you could name, yet it's no liberal message movie; its cosmic joke is that liberals are part of the problem.
My favourite Christmas character has to be Ebenezer Scrooge as I always loved that movie and its message
hello im richard im 39 yrs old im looking for a younger gay guy who want to have fun and loves homecooked meals as well old cars i enjoy movies long drives and much much more if you want to know more give me a message
If you'd pay to see a film called «Hotel Rwanda: Maniac Manager,» you might be receptive to this mixed - message movie, but skeptics should keep one eye on the exit.
Annihilation isn't set up as any kind of «go girl,» «strong female character» message movie, but there is some feminist triumph in seeing this kind of story told from an entirely female perspective.
It's a message movie, a window into a culture that makes the specific and personal universally relatable, and still manages to tell a good story.
Combining the fairy - tale idealism of «Edward Scissorhands» with «Hairspray's» devilish sarcasm, the directors try for the sincerity of a message movie while affecting the hip facade of satirists.
«Snitch» is passable thanks to a sturdy second act and a decent performance by Dwayne Johnson, but it's never captivating, which should be a requirement of all «message movies
«Moneyball» looks like a sports film on paper, but on closer inspection it's a message movie about fighting an entrenched system that doesn't recognize or reward the true value of people.
Summing up, Tony decided Showgirls was a message movie, a cautionary tale that asked us to consider our psychic hygiene, the very state of our souls.
«It's certainly not a message movie,» Macdonald said.
See, another message movie kids!
If this sounds like a «message movie,» it is, but unlike Bahrani's previous film, At Any Price, his agenda is seamlessly absorbed into the dramatic narrative.
Weaknesses: Writer Jim Taylor's idea for shrinking people to create a sustainable world is brilliant, but the usually reliable Payne doesn't quite pull off this ambitious and sincere ecological - message movie that feels caught between the accessible studio mainstream and smart specialty sphere.
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