Sentences with phrase «metal skewers»

"Metal skewers" refers to long, thin, pointed rods made of metal that are used for cooking or grilling food, typically to secure and hold pieces of meat, vegetables, or other ingredients in place. Full definition
My response is, «Have you ever tried flipping shrimp on metal skewers while the shrimp spin round and round on the metal rod?»
Bake the cake for about 45 minutes or until a cake tester or fine metal skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.
I prefer using metal skewers, but bamboo skewers will work.
After just one minute, he would lower a long metal skewer into the oven and peel the blistered and bubbled naan from the wall.
Thread the meatballs onto flat metal skewers, 4 per skewer.
Equipment: Cast Iron Grid, bamboo or metal skewers Set the EGG for direct cooking with the Cast Iron Grid.
Skewer the chicken pieces (metal skewers preferred) and grill over direct high heat until cooked through, about 3 minutes per side, flipping once.
Place vegetables and sausage on skewers (I used four 12 - inch metal skewers).
I invested in metal skewers years ago and so can skip the hour soak for bamboo, a time saver.
I have a few different types of metal skewers which I prefer, but you can also use inexpensive wooden skewers also, just soak them in water for 30 minutes before you use them.
The next strolled by briskly, as if he were on his way to the photocopier, although metal skewers pierced his sides.
For the last 5 minutes of baking I'm there with a wooden or metal skewer testing until I think the correct amount of gooey has been achieved.
Skewer four to five Brussels per metal skewer, going through the root end and leaving at least 1 / 2 - inch between each sprout.
Speaking of skewers, you can use either wooden skewers or metal skewers like these.
If using thin metal skewers, doubling up for each row of shrimp can help avoid that annoying habit of spiraling around the skewers.
I just purchased some fancy metal skewers and I'm going to make these!
Trusting a corporation is akin to bending over and shoving a hot metal skewer into your derriere.
If you don't have a grill basket, thread potatoes on metal skewers and turn occasionally to brown on all sides.
Broil on second highest rack using metal skewers.
Thread the meatballs onto flat metal skewers, 4 per skewer.
Thread the meat cubes directly from the marinade onto metal skewers (don't pat the meat dry before skewering it), leaving a small space between each piece of meat.
Thread beef onto eight 9 - inch metal skewers, leaving space between pieces.
If you have a gas burner or stove, simply place the pepper as close to the heat as possible using tongs, a long metal skewer.
Put the pans in the oven and roast until a metal skewer can be easily inserted into the fish and, when left in the fish for 5 seconds, feels hot when touched to your lip, about 6 to 7 minutes.
(If you are using metal skewers, skip this part, of course.)
Thread the meat on metal skewers or wooden skewers that have been soaked for at least 20 minutes.
For the kebabs, soak wooden skewers in water to prepare them for the grill for 10 minutes (or use metal skewers).
«Why not use metal skewers
(We opt to place them on metal skewers to make grilling a bit easier.)
Metal skewers are more convenient; just make sure they fit on your grill so the lid can close if necessary.
Let these beauties rest and the metal skewers cool a few minutes before serving.
Use a pointed object, such as a metal skewer, to tap a hole onto the top of one of the eggs.
Thread on metal skewers and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.
Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake 10 - 12 minutes, or until golden and a metal skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Alternate tuna cubes, bell pepper squares, and onion squares on each of 6 metal skewers.
My hubby made «normal» potatoes like this a few weeks back and read to put a metal skewer through the base of the potato to avoid cutting too far but I like your idea better, especially for wonky shaped sweet potatoes.
Thread jalapeño chile halves onto 2 metal skewers, dividing equally.
And grab a metal skewer to do your poking.
Thread garlic cloves onto another metal skewer, spacing slightly apart.
Fill popsicle molds with alternating layers; swirl together with a metal skewer.
metal skewers and place on a baking sheet.
Simply run a metal skewer from end to end through the length of the potato.
Add the potatoes, reduce to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes, or until a metal skewer inserts easily with a little resistance.
If you have metal skewers, go ahead and use those, running the skewer through both the head and tail of each shrimp.
Stir until just mixed then pour into prepared tin and bake for 35 - 40 mins or until golden and cooked through (to test, insert a metal skewer into the centre, if it comes out clean the bread is ready).
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