Sentences with phrase «middle latitudes»

The phrase "middle latitudes" refers to the areas on Earth that are located in between the equator and the poles. It includes regions with temperate climates, not too hot or too cold. Full definition
In the positive phase the pressure is low at the pole and high at middle latitudes.
Work then will also focus on studying to what extent chlorine - activated and ozone - depleted air masses will make its way into the densely populated middle latitudes.
In the negative phase the pressure is not as low at the pole and not as high at middle latitudes.
Researchers previously used MRO's Shallow Radar (SHARAD) to map extensive underground water - ice sheets in middle latitudes of Mars and estimate that the top of the ice is less than about 10 yards beneath the ground surface.
«The results suggest that the winter atmospheric circulation at high northern latitudes associated with Arctic sea ice loss, especially in the winter, favors the occurrence of cold winter extremes at middle latitudes of the northern continents.»
That is likely to be the reason why there have been a number of notable incursions of cold air into middle latitudes in recent years.
This approach was particularly successful in middle latitudes where travelling depressions could be clearly identified in pressure observations and could be tracked from day to day.
The AO has been described as «a seesaw pattern in which atmospheric pressure at polar and middle latitudes fluctuates between positive and negative phases.
And the differential between the frigid Arctic and the warmer middle latitudes drives the jet stream, the high - speed current of air that regulates much of the Northern Hemisphere's weather.
More rainfall was reaching the dry places in the interiors of the great continents (except in the Americas where the lee effect, or «rain - shadow», of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes became more marked as the prevalence of westerly winds in middle latitudes increased).
Transitions seasons (autumn and spring) in tend to be highly volatile throughout the Earth's middle latitudes as cold, dry polar and warm, moist tropical airmasses interact with high frequency.
It is not clear whether separate periods or instances of middle latitudes fluctuations forced by the tropics (and vice-versa) exist in isolation, or whether some degree of two - way coupling is always operating.
Walsh, J. E. Intensified warming of the Arctic: causes and impacts ion middle latitudes.
Current observations suggest that Titan has lakes mainly in the northern polar region and has tropospheric clouds mainly in the southern middle latitudes and polar region.
Weather in the Northern Hemisphere depends largely on the temperature difference between the temperate middle latitudes and the Arctic.
For middle latitudes, extratropical cyclones are the principal actor in the energy cycle in the atmosphere.
Obviously satellite providesthe best coverage of the low and middle latitudes land and oceans.
In contrast, during the summer at high latitudes, the troposphere warms significantly as a result of the long hours of daylight; however, owing to the oblique angle of the sunlight near the poles, the temperatures there remain relatively cool compared with middle latitudes.
Finds that decadal variabilities in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans accounted for 43 ± 27 % of the recent increase over the NH middle latitudes
9 0 ° 23 1/2 ° S 66 1/2 ° S Climate Zones Based on Latitude Low Latitudes 23 1/2 ° N Middle Latitudes 66 1/2 ° N High Latitudes Arctic Circle Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn Antarctic Circle © 2012, TESCCC
When the scientists restricted the simulation to middle latitudes such as the continental United States, the picture was not quite so clear.
When the AO index is negative there tends to be low pressure in the polar region, weaker zonal winds, and greater movement of frigid polar air into middle latitudes.
It was Francis who, with a colleague, proposed in 2012 that sea ice loss in the Arctic slows the polar jet stream, a band of air currents flowing above the northern and middle latitudes of Earth.
Similarly, Kazakhstania was a neighbouring continent to the east in the same northern middle latitudes.
The principal mountainous regions where fjords have formed are in the higher middle latitudes where, during the glacial period, many valley glaciers descended to the then - lower sea level.
«The Arctic Oscillation is a pattern in which atmospheric pressure at polar and middle latitudes fluctuates between negative and positive phases.»
Arctic air rushed into both North America and Eurasia, and, of course, it was replaced in the polar region by air from middle latitudes.
That is the reason for the observation of more frequent and intense incursions of polar air across middle latitudes in recent years.
If the phenomena are the same, the Korean measurements would suggest that «radiation clouds» may exist at middle latitudes, too.
The changes lead to invasions of Arctic air into the middle latitudes, increasing the likelihood of severe winter storms, like the ones which occurred in the eastern U.S. in 2010 and 2011.
But the military might ultimately opt to launch the sensor on something such as the International Space Station, which travels over the Earth's low and middle latitudes.
A large kink in the jet stream, a high - pressure blocking pattern over Greenland and a mass of Arctic air pushing southward over North America's middle latitudes each contributed to Sandy's unusual strength.
Additional Asian pollution from the east, transported from the monsoon in the upper troposphere, crosses the Mediterranean tropopause, which pollutes the lower stratosphere at middle latitudes.
In short, assisted by tropical convection, the Hadley circulation exports energy from the upper - tropospheric tropics to higher latitudes, and circulation features of the middle latitudes link the tropics with the polar regions.
This lowered the temperature difference between the Arctic and the middle latitudes, calming the high - altitude cyclones that swirl above the northern latitudes.
These eight scarps, with slopes as steep as 55 degrees, reveal new information about the internal layered structure of previously detected underground ice sheets in Mars» middle latitudes.
The clouds are not uncommon in the polar regions, but they are rarely seen in the middle latitudes, as they are here, photographed in Colorado in 2006.
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