Sentences with word «minstrelsy»

In spite of (or perhaps because of) this, the moment I peeked behind the black curtain to enter I was instantly uncomfortable with the decontextualized visual performance of minstrelsy in a room where I couldn't see anyone else or their reactions.
He advocated for the 13th Amendment and also promoted blackface minstrelsy.
The musical gives a postmodern spin to minstrelsy as it revisits the infamous 1931 case of nine young men accused of rape.
But credit where it is due: Bay has at least abandoned the outright minstrelsy of streetwise Autobots Mudflap and Skid.
I'm not advocating blackface or whiteface minstrelsy (that implies bad acting, doesn't it?)
While HBO dramas offered fully fleshed - out characters, their comedic counterparts fell into what we might call «gay minstrelsy
«Artists who engage in this kind of performance should not be surprised to have minstrelsy brought up as a precedent for their work,» she says.
Even if the work isn't minstrelsy per se — «a performance based around stereotypes» — it raises other issues, Peabody explains.
Somerville addresses minstrelsy and the legacy of slavery in a suite of paintings, drawings and sculptures that also were shown last fall at Otis College of Art and Design.
Since Scanlan has only sought black women to play his black female character, this venture can hardly be described as non-traditional casting, but is it 21st - century minstrelsy, as some would have it?
The racial derision of black - face minstrelsy runs uncomfortably through the little icon, while the arrow - shaped, elongated white undershirt with a small black button «eye» recalls a different type of disguise — stylized Fang tribal masks, personifications of ancestral power from the equatorial African rain forests of Gabon.
A 2012 Carrie Mae Weems video installation draws on minstrelsy, a form of theater popular into the early 20th century that cast black actors in grossly caricatured roles.
Those unaware of the history of minstrelsy may miss the racially charged historical reference stitched into those bars: It's a callback to a racist and dehumanizing form of American entertainment from the 19th century that depicted black people as thick - headed buffoons who tap - danced for the enjoyment of white audiences.
When Sam isn't hosting her show, making shorts like Rebirth of a Nation (a post-Obama repurposing of minstrelsy), or literally writing the book on how to sustain one's blackness at a white - dominated Ivy League school, she's bedding Gabe (Justin Dobies), a white TA.
«The Scottsboro Boys,» a musical mash - up of history and minstrelsy that closed early, surprised many on Tuesday by receiving 12 nominations.
Gallagher has said that the «earliest American abstraction» is the minstrel show, and she repeatedly uses the «disembodied ephemera of minstrelsy,» such as thick Sambo lips and Googly Eyes, both stereotypical tropes of the black figure.
Hodge employs work from the same era, using the most prevalent depictions of the Black subject (blackface, minstrelsy, slavery, etc).
Q&A: Artist Mark Steven Greenfield on Minstrelsy and American Culture by Carolina A. Miranda November 19, 2014 — Of all the uncomfortable episodes in American history, that of minstrelsy is one -LSB-...]
They channel and challenge a history of performance that includes forms as varied as minstrelsy and contemporary pop, experimental music and improvisational dance.
Cheshire (2008), a sculptural installation, alludes to the disembodied smile of the cat in Alice in Wonderland as well as to the caricatured wide grin associated with blackface minstrelsy.
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