Sentences with phrase «mixture model»

A mixture model refers to a statistical concept where a group of data is made up of different subgroups or components. Each component has its own characteristics, such as means or distributions. It helps to explain data that is a blend or combination of different patterns or sources. Full definition
Low, medium, and high rejection trajectory groups were identified using growth mixture models.
I like to use Bayesian Gaussian mixture models to group cells into clusters in this space.
Integrating person - centered and variable - centered analyses: Growth mixture modeling with latent trajectory classes
Finite mixture modeling of non-compliance in intervention studies: Multivariate models with mediators
Latent growth mixture modeling analysis revealed 6 trajectory groups: rare offenders, moderate late peakers, high late peakers, decreasers, moderate - level chronics, and high - level chronics.
Performance of growth mixture models in the presence of time - varying covariates.
Influence of perceived motivational climate on achievement goals in physical education: A structural equation mixture modeling analysis.
Using lifetime diagnoses of externalizing disorders from participants in the Fast Track Project (n = 715), we analyzed a series of latent variable models ranging from fully continuous factor models to fully categorical mixture models.
Assessing covariates of adolescent delinquency trajectories: A latent growth mixture modeling approach
Growth mixture modeling indicated multifinality in personality development depending on the risk status (i.e., maltreated vs. nonmaltreated).
However, most of this research has not included measures of disorders that appear in childhood [e.g., attention - deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)-RSB-, nor has it considered the full range of possibilities for the latent structure of externalizing behaviors, particularly factor mixture models, which allow for a latent factor to have both continuous and categorical dimensions.
They did preliminary testing of the system on with classification of ten bird species native to India carried out using Gaussian Mixture Modelling (GMM) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs).
We used growth mixture modeling with longitudinal data from middle - school students on a Northern Plains reservation (Wave 1 N = 381, M age at baseline = 12.77, 45.6 % female) to identify subgroups exhibiting different trajectories of cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use.
A two - step sampling weight approach to growth mixture modeling for emergent and developing skills with distributional changes over time.
Growth mixture modeling analyses supported declining, ascending, and stable high self - esteem trajectories.
inp (growth mixture models in Mplus; Supplementary File 3).
Gaussian mixture models can be used to estimate such underlying normal distributions.
This article introduces a multilevel growth mixture model (MGMM) for classifying both the individuals and the groups they are nested in.
Differential Growth Trajectories for Achievement Among Children Retained in First Grade: A Growth Mixture Model.
Credit Scores / Rates are based on sometimes simple and sometimes quite complex Statistical Models (Generalised Linear Models, Neural Networks, Regression and Classification Trees, Mixture Models, etc).
The old one relied on a common machine learning technique known as a Gaussian Mixture Model.
Secondary evaluations of MTA 36 - month outcomes: propensity score and growth mixture model analysis
General Growth Mixture Modeling (GGMM) was used to identify distinct pathways of social withdrawal, differentiate valid subgroup trajectories, and examine factors that predicted change in trajectories within subgroups.
Growth Mixture Modeling: A statistical technique used to model individuals» growth over time on a given variable or set of variables classify individuals according to those trajectories.
Growth mixture modeling is one of several person - centered approaches used to understand individual trajectories.
An introduction to latent class growth analysis and growth mixture modeling, Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2/1, 302 - 317.
The role of bullying in depressive symptoms from adolescence to emerging adulthood: A growth mixture model.
She focused chiefly on quantitative methods, including structural equation approaches, latent growth modeling, mixture modeling, multilevel modeling, and other types of advanced analyses.
Growth Mixture Modeling (GMM) analyses demonstrated that the adolescent population was best typified by two latent growth trajectory classes: a low anxiety class (n = 1,199) characterized by a low initial level of anxiety that decreased over time and a high anxiety class (n = 114) characterized by a higher initial level of anxiety that increased over time.
Distributional assumptions of growth mixture models: Implications for overextraction of latent trajectory classes
Growth mixture modelling (GMM, described below) will be used to capture a dynamic picture of unfolding symptom trajectories over the course of adolescence.
Fontaine, McCrory, Boivin, Moffitt, and Viding [73], using a person - centered approach (growth mixture modeling), showed that in children substantial decreases in CU traits across development were more common than substantial increases (see also Frick et al., [86]-RRB-.
We examine the impact of two universal preventive interventions in first grade on the growth of aggressive / disruptive behavior in grades 1 — 3 and 6 — 12 through the application of a latent transition growth mixture model (LT - GMM).
LGMM Latent growth mixture model, M model, AIC Akaike information criterion, BIC Bayesian information criterion, BLRT Bootstrap likelihood ratio test
Latent growth mixture modeling was used to determine groups of students who were similar with respect to their growth trajectories in pathological gaming.
Exploring Heterogeneity in Responsiveness to the Family Check - Up in Early Childhood Using a Mixture Model Approach.
Taken together, the results from these previous studies indicate that a group - based trajectory method, or growth mixture modeling, can be used to group prosocial behavior during school age into two to five separate latent classes.
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