Sentences with phrase «mixture of gases»

When plant matter burns, it releases a complex mixture of gases and aerosols into the atmosphere.
The problem then lies in knowing how to tell the difference in a three dimensional mixture of gases such as the atmosphere which has many chaotic movements at all levels.
The Arctic ocean floor hosts vast amounts of methane trapped as hydrates, which are ice - like, solid mixtures of gas and water.These hydrates are stable under high pressure and cold temperatures.
Moreover, the system is designed only to handle steam and not the denser mixture of gas and liquid that can spew from an exploding mixture.
Stars form from the interstellar medium — a diffuse mixture of gas and cosmic dust that is a galaxy's reservoir for star formation.
The instances of noncompliance include failing to report all significant facts when reporting the incident to the National Response Center and performing welding on pipeline components that contain a combustible mixture of gas and air.
This noxious mixture of gases is formed when sunlight acts upon certain pollutants, which can come from sources such as liquid fuels, solvents and, organic chemicals, or from burning fossil fuels — for example, while running a car engine.
Nitrox, or Enriched Air, is one of the most useful PADI courses to enroll in as it teaches you to dive with a different mixture of gas that will allow you longer bottom times.
Experiments have been done as below using containers with various mixtures of gases exposed to external electric lamps, and the containers with CO2 heat up more as expected.
A naturally occurring mixture of gases, chiefly nitrogen and oxygen with small amounts of argoin, carbon dioxide and water vapour - we sometimes call this our atmosphere
Do you have any evidence (other than simple extrapolation) that at the very low concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere AND in a complex mixture of gases which naturally occur in our atmosphere that CO2 is in FACT a greenhouse gas?
Stothers, R.B., 2002: Thermodynamics of a homogeneous mixture of gas, radiation, and turbulence.
While the vast majority of carbon emitted by wildland fires is released as CO2, CO, and CH4, wildland fire smoke is nonetheless a rich and complex mixture of gases and...
Just as a piston moves up to compress a mixture of gas and air in the cylinder of a reciprocal engine and is in turn forced down again by the explosion of the mixture, the rotor in a Wankel slides around a specially shaped chamber, first compressing, then being pushed by that same explosive mixture.
The smell of motorboat fuel, a mixture of gas and oil, hung heavy over the Esopus Creek near the Hudson
The pollution is generally a mixture of gases — such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides — and particulate matter, microscopic solids or droplets that can be inhaled into the lungs.
A mixture of gas turbine and diesel generators should be used, he says, and water and air cooling systems should both be considered for diesel generators in case a shortage of air or water might be an issue at the generator location.
Here's how a two - stroke engine works: In the first stroke, a mixture of gas, lubricating oil and air in the cylinder is compressed by the upward movement of the piston, which ignites when the spark plug fires.
A third route, known as pyrolysis, heats dried and ground biomass to about 550 ˚C in an oxygen - depleted chamber (so the biomass doesn't burn), producing a mixture of gases, liquids, and a gray, carbon - rich solid called coke.
The process produces a mixture of gases.
This mixture of gases may be a better signature of life than oxygen, which was fairly scarce for most of Earth's history, the researchers argue this week in Science Advances.
A similar problem plagued researchers trying to convert biofuels: When heated, they clogged the pores of the catalyst used to transform them into syngas, which is a mixture of gases that include hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
Here's the idea: A mixture of gases that would normally react until one is completely gone simply can't exist over the long term, unless one or both of the gases is being constantly replenished — possibly by the biological activity of life forms.
The mixture of gases was jetted out of the microreactor through a tiny nozzle at supersonic speeds, arresting the active chemistry within the heated cell.
The Hubble telescope peers deep into Uranus's atmosphere to see clear and hazy layers created by a mixture of gases.
After optimizing the preparation of SBMOF - 1, Thallapally and his team at PNNL tested the material by running a mixture of gases through it — including a non-radioactive form of xenon and krypton — and measuring what came out the other end.
After optimizing the preparation of SBMOF - 1, Thallapally and his team at PNNL tested the material by running a mixture of gases through it - including a non-radioactive form of xenon and krypton - and measuring what came out the other end.
I have determined the total emissivity of a mixture of gases containing 5 % of water vapor and 0.039 % of carbon dioxide in all spectral -LSB-...]
About 900 km (560 miles) Mixture of gases, solids, and liquids.
It would have turned coal into a mixture of gases and captured the carbon dioxide before combustion.
The mixture of gas, demand response, interconnection and storage this will bring forward, mean capacity shortages won't be an issue.
For example, could a permitting agency decide that an electric generating unit is not BACT - compliant unless the facility switches fuels from coal to natural gas, or from natural gas to a mixture of gas and wind?
The mixture of gases in the atmosphere (such as carbon dioxide and methane) as well as solar and volcanic activity are also contributing factors.
This process produces a mixture of gases — primarily methane, some carbon dioxide and tiny portions of other gases such as hydrogen sulfide.
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