Sentences with phrase «month mark»

The phrase "month mark" refers to the point in time that is one month after a particular starting point or event. Full definition
In the instances we found, the overheating happened at around the one - month mark of ownership.
Last month marked the end of the warmest 12 - month period the nation has ever recorded.
The company's been working continuously since 1984 and next month marks its 30th anniversary.
I am so glad your breastfeeding journey is going well and you reached the six months mark with no intention of stopping yet.
Now that you have graduated and are approaching the six - month mark since you left school, your student loan payments will be coming due.
But when the 12 month mark came around and my shares were still only trading in the $ 65 range did I sell?
I say keep it safe and use the nine month mark as your guide.
If you want to wait until the 12 - month mark before transitioning baby to the crib, great!
Usually at about the six - month mark after opening up new credit, your credit score will start to go back up.
You'd just pay for the year and be done with it until the twelve month mark rolled around.
At the 12th month mark, you have a decision.
After the three month mark baby will get such a fun little personality, it's so exciting to see them becoming interested in their surroundings and trying to grab things.
Even making it to the 6 - month mark opens options for dealing with the complications that regular separation can present.
The first month marks the beginning of the first trimester.
To be perfectly honest, I was never sad when that 12 month mark hit, the goal was met, and we could be done.
Up until the 6 months mark only 14 % of infants were exclusively breastfed.
Once your baby comes closer to the 18th month mark then there are many ways to gently encourage them to night wean without tears from you (or your toddler)!
Once they near the 18 month mark many toddlers are able to understand these statements.
Once your baby gets past the 3 - month mark though it is a good idea to ensure more structure in their naps and routine.
At the fifth month mark, your baby will be ready for her first feeding of solids, starting with rice cereal and then moving on to more flavorful fare.
As the one - month mark approaches, follow - up with bloggers and other media outlets if you've not yet heard back from them.
She told me this when were at the 4 month mark of dating.
It's so hard to believe that next month marks my six year mark of blogging.
The six - month mark came, and the merchants began talking about their options.
If you're really serious about quitting and know that you will make the 12 months mark as a non smoker, I recommend you temporarily get a short term life insurance policy.
I plan to send out reminders at the one month mark for the «no replies» to encourage them to get their copy.
You'd just pay for the year and be done with it until the twelve month mark rolled around.
But at the sixth month mark, he started to grow like a weed.
While this is entirely a personal decision, many parents stop co-sleeping around the 6th or 7th month mark when they trust that baby sleeps and breathes well, while other parents don't want to stop until their child is around 2 or 3.
LG itself recently started rethinking its smartphone strategy in its entirety, having decided to drop the practice of releasing new Android flagship models after an arbitrary 12 - month mark which it previously followed only because its main rivals did.
As we approach the two month mark until Animal Crossing: New Leaf begins to release worldwide, the marketing machine will start to warm up.
The dramatic drop by the six - month mark reflects the interplay of a number of factors: struggles with the mechanics at the beginning; the need to attend to older children; the difficulties of maintaining breast - feeding upon the return to work; the embarrassment of baring a breast in public places.
Either way most woman realize around the 7th month mark that this thing really is coming out and you have no idea how (see: hiding pregnancy book) so you sign up for a childbirth class and there will be videos.
This past month marked the 15th year of iUniverse offering supported self - publishing services to authors.
Guru also revealed that Celkon plans to cross 1 million phones sales per month mark.
I'm personally comfortable with 9 to 12 months, so my goal is to have 9 months of my normal monthly expenses saved, but 12 months is my stretch goal (I will be investing and building up to the 12 month mark at the same time).
«Well before the several month mark, a dog who has seemed impossible to housetrain should have a good veterinary workup,» she says.
That means any job filled in the second half of 2015 was counted in this number - but not included in the net new job count because it did not reach the six month mark by the end of the year.
I'm just past the six - month mark now and I don't see my leggings lasting the next three months so I caved and bought some staple items during the sales this weekend (particularly, ASOS and J.Crew!).
That way, by the time the six - month mark actually rolls around, your team «can be on the twentieth iteration instead of the first iteration,» says Kelley.
Last month marked Gordon Salon's fifth annual «Trashion Show,» part of the company's all - out celebration of Earth Month.
Having just passed our 6 - month mark January 1st of this year, we must reset our minds and our passions every day to fill this place with the energy and freshness that defines the brand.
This week saw the Spaniard pass the six months mark into his Newcastle United career, and to match the occasion, the Geordies scored 6 unanswered goals against QPR on Tuesday.
The nine month mark notes a huge change in feeding, with the daily feeding the same as month 7 — 8, but an uptick in solid foods will really begin to show at this time.
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