Sentences with phrase «month trip»

Today's guest turned a 20 - month trip around the world into a new career as a blogger, author, and entrepreneur.
It could be used for a cruise in 10 years, or a round - the - world 6 month trip in 30 years, or a wedding, or whatever.
Seven out of ten students need student loans to afford college, how can they then reasonably expect to afford a six month trip abroad?
I would love to hear how you guys are able to make a 4 month trip financially possible!
At the time, given we were at the start of a several month trip, shopping wasn't exactly in the cards for me.
My husband and I are on a 10 month trip right now.
The five - month trip made a vivid impression on the artist.
I'm setting off on a three month trip around the world using airline miles the whole way.
With short 1 month trips in one climate I get spoiled going carry - on only.
I've recently returned from a 5 - month trip through South America, and am currently re-living all my experiences by writing about them!
In 2012, I traded in my office cubicle and apartment for a camera and a backpack and set off on a solo, 10 - month trip across Europe and South America.
During my 3 - months trip all across the Philippines, I spent a good amount of time in the picturesque seaside town of Gubat in Bicol.
What started as a three month trip sparked an around - the - world tour that lasted five years, leading Asquith to visit Afghanistan during a war and travel by jeep into Somalia.
Although I wish I went to Trader Joe's as often as I make sweet potatoes, it's more of a once - per - month trip since I recently moved further away from my old TJ's location.
In 2008, after a 4 and a half month trip around the world, I moved to Los Angeles for love, where I spent the first year as the Sommelier / Wine Director for Pizzeria Mozza before finding my current position as the Italian Liaison / Southern California Italian wine buyer for K&L Wine Merchants in Hollywood.
In a 2008 test, several layers of spore samples were subjected to an 18 - month trip on an ISS experimental platform called EXPOSE, which can simulate Martian sunlight and atmosphere.
All this happened in September 2010, when I started my four - month trip from Canada to Asia and Africa via Europe.
«Romantic Getaways in PA: 25 Weekend Trips from Philadelphia & Destinations this Weekend» Back to Top or Free Beaches near Me, Dog Friendly & Known for Attractions this month
First I took a three - month trip up to Canada to work as a tree planter (a manual labor job where you live in a tent in the woods and plant tree saplings for nine hours a day), and then I took all the money I made, and spent it on a seven month adventure through South East Asia which, up to this point, is one of the highlights of my life.
In November 2013, she decided that it was time to leave and embarked on a 6 months trip through Central and South America, which changed her life and gave her the final input to live as a writing nomad.
It took Dean six years of bartending to graduate — at one stage his education was interrupted by a five - month trip with his best friend, Chris, to California, where they lived in a VW bus and pursued girls and good times — but in 1989 he finally earned his degree, in political science.
Just returned from a two month trip in South Africa and Lesotho.
So if you are looking for insurance cover for your gap year in South America or that 6 month trip across Europe you have always wanted to take, get a travel insurance quote and purchase backpackers travel insurance online today!
Even so, the Sport Turismo successfully swallowed enough luggage for my in - laws» three - month trip abroad, the only complication was having to move the car's massive onboard charger.
My trip packing list for a 5 month trip all over Europe.
Currently planning a 6 - 9 month trip around South East and East Asia for 2016, and now I know I will need to budget for some of these beautiful designs by Anatomie too!
Judith told jurors that Tamerlan's adherence to his Muslim faith changed after his six - month trip to Russia.
I'm on 6 month trip around the world (on month three now) and missing my Vitamix more than ever!
I am also taking off on a three month trip and I was wondering if I could pick your brain.
I tracked you down because I read you were planning a three month trip to Europe.
We got chatting to two girls my age at the table next to us who were planning a 3 month trip to India and Nepal.
Defender Mamadou Sakho is also reported to be out for the Wembley trip after picking up a hamstring problem which could see him out for up to a month
In 2008 I took my first 3 - month trip to India.
A few people have wondered what happens to the children's educations during our two month trip around Italy and France.
When I embarked on a six - month trip to visit farms around the world to research my forthcoming book, «Growing a Revolution: Bringing Our Soil Back to Life,» the innovative farmers I met showed me that regenerative farming practices can restore the world's agricultural soils.
Eastern European countries weren't as open then as they are now, and visa troubles turned his annual 1 - month trip to Hungary into a year - and - a-half-long hiatus.
SPACE PUPS Mice born from sperm that took a nine - month trip to space were healthy despite the gametes being exposed to massive amounts of solar radiation.
The highlight of his undergraduate education was a 4 - month trip to Kenya, during which two professors taught ornithology, animal behavior, and human ecology to approximately 20 students.
The final night of camping during the two - month trip, near Baker Lake by Hudson Bay.
That was during a two - month trip to India that Gillian took following her BSc in geography at the University of Edinburgh, while she mulled over her career options.
That just leaves a few details: creating protection from savage radiation and the effects of zero - gravity, building a Mars - capable rocket, contriving fail - proof sustenance for the 18 - month trip, devising a means for a massive vehicle to gently touch down on the martian surface, and, oh yes, finding the societal and political will to finance the trip.
Smith describes a different vision of federal support for science in his bill, which his committee approved in late May after a rocky, 13 - month trip.
It was on a seven - month trip through this region that Grant realized she needed to leave her advertising career for a new...
Despite my strange symptoms, I survived the seven - month trip, and headed back home.
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