Sentences with phrase «month window»

In addition, the bill includes a six - month window for people to revive cases barred under current law, which is six months less than advocates have been seeking.
Cats Are on Top labels it the best flea collar for cats, speaking to the efficiency and safety of the collar as well as its 8 - month window of protection.
The biggest drawback to these awards is that they have to book them within a month and fly them within a 1 to 2 month window in most cases.
Usually a 3 month window before testing is needed if any thyroid drug is being administered.
A grace period is a 6 - month window after your graduation date where lenders don't require a payment towards your student loans.
Your student loans have a six - month window where they do not accrue more interest — this is called the student loan grace period.
Very few toddlers make it through the 16 - 20 month window without some aspect of their sleep getting temporarily disrupted.
In my case, I get a 15 % discount on the lowest 6 month window price from the last two years.
The money is basically the same either way, but the two month window makes it harder (but by no means impossible) to directly argue there's an implied discount.
Keep in mind that the seven - month window starts the moment you're approved, and if you still carry a balance after seven billing cycles, interest charges will kick in.
Also, when they reach age 65, a 7 - month window surrounding the birthday provides ample time to select a Supplement or Advantage plan.
The six - month window helps mitigate the differences between a new agent selling homes at comparatively lower prices than an agent selling homes during the housing boom, for example.
Nothing says «we're serious» quite like offering a two - month window for hot money investors to join the fund.
After you leave school, you may or may not have a six - month window before you have to start making full repayments.
So apart from the timescale — previously a six - month window between October 2018 and March 2019 — nothing much has changed, Sturgeon's «reflection» having resulted in little beyond a minor change to her previous strategy.
Do the math: The Blue Cash Everyday is still a great deal in our opinion, as it's tough to find 3 % or higher on a regular basis with no annual fee (cash back cards like Discover and Chase Freedom have historically offered up to 5 % back on supermarket items, but they do it only for a limited, 3 - month window with a spending cap).
While giving a concrete release date instead of a several - month window looks promising, it hardly acts as a guarantee, and after two delays, the question of whether this date can be believed had to be asked.
He also faulted the one - month registration as against the usual three - month window coupled with the cumbersome registration challenges, describing the policy as inhuman and insensitive to the yearnings of Nigerian students.
He announced troop withdrawals would begin from June 2009 with the final exit coming at the end of a two - month window finishing before August.
They chose the 5 - month window because it corresponded with a surge in gun sales.
The authors of the new paper estimate that an additional 3 million guns were sold nationwide from December 2012 through April 2013, the 5 - month window immediately before and for several months after a lone gunman killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook on 14 December.
And data from other nations with 12 - month blood donation deferral periods for MSM — including Australia and the U.K. — showed that a 12 - month window did not increase the risk of HIV transmission from blood supplies, according to an FDA statement.
In the «perfect foresight» scenario, this three - month window spans two months back and one month forward from the analyzed point in time.
We've got a two month window here, if you could get a couple of payments made in advance of when you're proposal says you're going to start paying, well you know what?
This basically leaves a six month window during Q4 2018 and Q1 2019 for Ubisoft's next bullet sponge festival.
Since last month my Windows 10 PC has been caught in an endless loop of installing this app via the Store (it just runs through this process automatically) with the install never completing... the end result is that I've been unable to use this app for the last two months.
Earlier news reports indicated that there was a 2 month window of when this falling space lab would hit Earth, but this «entry is much more stable» and it has «narrowed significantly.»
The announcement earlier in the year indicated a three to six - month window for release, and late September is right on the cusp of a full six months.
She made a pitch for the watchdog to be able to conduct «no notice inspections» and seize documents, and also said major players in referendum and election campaigns should be compelled to provide spending returns in «real - time» rather than having a six - month window in which to file.
The launch was delayed to sometime in the 3 - month window between March and June 2019.
And, of course, they traded Aroldis Chapman in the two - month window when teams pretended to care about his domestic violence case, which meant they got a modest return.
After the book's launch, within that three - month window after release, if positive things happen, whether on purpose or by accident, the publisher will revisit the situation and decide if more investment would bring greater rewards.
Once we've seen a six month window without major regressions from DX to D8, we'll enter the second phase.
While giving a concrete release date instead of a several - month window looks promising, it hardly acts as a guarantee, and after two delays, the question of whether this date can be believed had to be asked.
Do the math: The Blue Cash Everyday is still a great deal in our opinion, as it's tough to find 3 % or higher on a regular basis with no annual fee (cash back cards like Discover and Chase Freedom have historically offered up to 5 % back on supermarket items, but they do it only for a limited, 3 - month window with a spending cap).
At any given time a Kindle, for example the current Kindle 3, has only a 6 - 9 month window before all the best ideas are copied and replicated and a solid competitor shows up.
The plan announced Thursday provides Bombardier a six - month window for getting the first CSeries into service, between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2015 — up to 15 months later than expected.
«We had this four - month window to build as much traction as we could, and then we'd stand the company in front of investors and try to raise money,» he recalls.
My experience, and conversations with other entrepreneurs, shows that a 6 to 9 month window is required to see if a new initiative or venture will bear fruit.
For $ 15 backers of Olive, a stress - management wearable, will be refunded if they don't receive their Olive within that three - month window.
«I would imagine a lot of companies have been able to run the NPD [sales] numbers and see outside of the three - month window
Once approved, the restrictions will apply immediately to recreational marijuana, while a Health Canada official says medical marijuana packaging will be granted a six - month window to comply.
He also gave the Pentagon a six month window to devise a plan for transgender Americans currently servin.
Secretary of Defense James Mattis said at the time that he would take advantage of that six month window to convene a panel of experts to come up with recommendations.
We still believe that risk and EM should do fine over the next few weeks, as the Fed set a two - month window of steady rates.
Very important to remember is that a Medigap insurer can not use medical underwriting in the 6 month window of opportunity (Medigap Open Enrollment Period) which begins on the first day of the month in which you're both 65, or older, and enrolled in Medicare part B!
Most of all, the Republicans have to be using this two - month window «to regroup and refurbish their tactics and communications.»
He has like a 5 - month window of time where the whole returning thing could happen...
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