Sentences with phrase «movement data»

In the study, researchers examined movement data gathered from 37 children with autism, aged three to six years.
On top of that, they all have movement data for when when the motion is canceled halfway through.
Analysis of movement data from mark - recapture studies and tracking of adult female bears with satellite radio collars indicated that there are two populations of polar bears in the area, one that inhabits the west coast of Banks Island and Amundsen Gulf and a second that is resident along the mainland coast from about Baillie Islands in Canada to approximately Icy Cape in Alaska.
«New technologies, like the drones and computer vision we used in our study, are really exciting because they give us the ability to collect movement data on every single individual in a group simultaneously,» says Berdahl.
There's the M8 motion coprocessor, which analyzes movement data from the iPad's compass, gyroscope, accelerometer and now a barometer.
Combining turtle movement data with ocean circulation models aids scientists in understanding how juvenile turtles orient themselves in response to a current flow.
The total dataset consisted of 80,553 locations, the largest collection of jaguar movement data analyzed to date.
In 2012, CI scientists repeatedly observed this peculiar situation, and in 2015 opportunistically deployed the world's first fin - mounted archival satellite tags on wild whale sharks prior to their release — resulting in a wealth of movement data which has since helped to inform the management and conservation of the species in Indonesia.
By combining climate and plate movement data in a computer model, geophysicist Giampiero Iaffaldano of the Australian National University in Canberra showed that the monsoons can explain the acceleration.
To view historical waitlist movement data by lottery year and school, click HERE.
Globe - trotting scientists are surprisingly hard to track, but data from ORCID provide a window into their movements
Beck combined this GPS movement data with satellite imagery taken over the months of the migration.
These use Bluetooth to continually and remotely upload movement data to a smartphone or tablet.
They used an electroencephalogram (EEG) and movement data logger in conjunction with minimally invasive EEG sensors designed for use in humans, to record sleep in 66 owlets of varying age.
The authors of this article studied human mobility using movement data from individuals active on Twitter in New York City for 12 days during and after Hurricane Sandy in 2012.
Cassim Ladha at the University of Newcastle, UK, has developed a plastic wristband called the ClimbAx, which contains sensors to collect key movement data during climbs.
A big oversight on the part of both military officials and fitness app developer Strava seems to have resulted in a major leak of sensitive movements data about military personnel from around the globe.
SensorCore API's are now upgraded correctly from Windows Phone 8.1; allowing applications, including many fitness applications, to correctly access movement data.
iOS 7 uses the gyroscope movement data to pan around the panoramic image.
The UP app for HealthKit is new, and relies on the iPhone's step tracking ability to gauge your overall movement data.
The company promised eventual integration with the ergonomic furniture's onboard brain and wearable health platforms, and it's finally delivering, with a partnership with Fitbit that will see desk and wrist - band share and log movement data.
The main focus will be on eye - movements data from a combined Eye - Tracker / FMRI acquisition while participants underwent an ongoing audiovisual stimulus.
Its sensors keep track of my steps taken, calories burned, and how many minutes I've been «active» based on my heart rate and movement data.
The movement data also suggest the bears were not pausing to rest or feed during long - distance swims.
Our analytic engine can overlay communications between traders discussing that stock - on - top - of - price - movement data to compare the times they both occurred.
This is way more advanced than the smartphone apps and wrist - worn devices that rely just on movement data to judge the quality of your sleep.
The mouse then sends this movement data to your computer as mouse input, and the computer moves the cursor across your screen.
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