Sentences with phrase «movement experience»

One of the outcomes of this initiative is to educate early childhood educators on the essentials of planning movement experiences for children.
But it's amazing to realize that nearly every single movement your baby makes in her first weeks is a milestone - a new movement experience that lays new pathways in the brain.
We know that not everybody is every body, and make sure everyone has a positive movement experience.
In fact, when you first let children outdoors, their initial movement experiences will actually increase their activity levels.
These new movement experiences can result in positive self - regard and generate enthusiasm for one's work and play.
The recent price movements experienced in the Cryptocurrency market in the past few months have left investors baffled, as...
Synopsis: EDEN is an affecting trip into the 90s Parisian electronic dance movement experienced through the eyes of DJ groups Cheers and Daft Punk who, toget... [MORE]
Synopsis: EDEN is an affecting trip into the 90s Parisian electronic dance movement experienced through the eyes of DJ groups Cheers and Daft Punk who, together with their friends, plunge into the ephemeral nightlife of sex, drugs, and endless music.
For this exhibition, Antonellis has produced a series of digital images based on brainwave recordings of spatial movements experienced within a dream.
Conclusion: «In the end, it is difficult to characterize periods when cultures or movements experience escalating centrifugal force.
No Leapfrog learning device, baby gym class or infant sign language video will ever compare with the brain development that freedom for early movement experiences promotes.
«Stem cells take their cues from the nutrients they receive, the intensity of electrical impulses they feel, how much oxygen they get and even how much movement they experience,» says Gordana Vunjak - Novakovic of Columbia University.
There are a number of reasons why the Beast Battle Ropes allow an intense yet quality movement experience.
Directed by Sarah Gavron and written by Abi Morgan, «Suffragette» makes it look like because one (fictional) woman (Carey Mulligan) testified about her hardships to future Secretary of State for War Lloyd George, the suffrage movement experienced a depth - charge of commitment.
Between the 2008 — 09 and 2013 — 14 school years, the public charter school movement experienced a dramatic 80 percent increase in the number of students and an astounding 40 percent increase in the number of schools.
The fact that the initiative system stops you from having a concrete plan wonderfully replicates the videogame version where you simply charge in like a lunatic and start pulling the trigger, while the way you can use movement points before and after attacks nicely mirrors the constant movement you experience in the videogame.
This immersive, participatory movement experience focuses on celebrating American dance and deconstructs the dance experience to make it accessible to all.
The recent price movements experienced by Monero can be likened to Monero's erratic price movements in the previous year, as well as in 2016.
I try to keep all that urgent information in my somewhat cluttered mind as I set up the multipurpose room for eight sessions of music and movement experiences with our young children of different ages.
For example, they may use the lotion activity mentioned above or swing a child in a blanket to mimic the rocking movements experienced in utero.
Throughout all of this, the civil rights movement experienced major victories in its own push for equality, first with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and then — just days after the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. — the enactment of the Fair Housing Act of 1968.
The recent price movements experienced in the Cryptocurrency market in the past few months have left investors baffled, as...
As a yoga teacher, holistic movement coach, and pelvic floor specialist Jill will guide you through a movement experience for the body, mind, and soul.
A child can be either over responsive or under responsive to sensation their body is receiving from the environment or movement experiences.
The truth is, even though their movement capabilities are extremely limited when compared with even those of a toddler, movement experiences...
«Expect to see it continue to expand in all movement experiences including both group and personal training,» says Carol Espel, Senior Director, Group Fitness and Pilates at Equinox.
More than 80 % of RLS patients also experience periodic limb movements, and they are occasionally treated together: Some of the remedies that ease the strange urges you have while you're awake also sometimes calm the movements you experience during sleep.
Pilates is a method of training the body and mind to work together to create an efficient, integrated, movement experience — both on the workout mat and as you move through daily life.
Train teachers to create puppets, songs, voices, and movement experiences to take back to the classroom
Throughout the duration of the exhibition, NUMU will present a variety of related programs, including music performances, art talks, yoga and movement experiences.
While the movement experienced a brief halt when abstract expressionism emphasized the artist's inner world instead of the outside space, influential artists like Robert Rauschenberg and Allan Kaprow reinvented the practice of flânerie.
Six, 30 - minute workshops allow children to explore, observe and investigate their world and the museum through song, dance and movement experiences.
The recent price movements experienced in the Cryptocurrency market in the past few months have left investors baffled, as volatility seems to increase with each passing moment.
This approach invited each participant to explain what her art, music, and movement experience was like without interpretation from others.
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