Sentences with phrase «movement path»

No readings or conceptual movement paths were previously defined.
Microscopy image of time - resolved data overlaid with automatically determined movement paths of HIV - 1 particles, shown in different colours.
Translocated snakes moved straighter and faster than control snakes and displayed movement path structure indicative of oriented movement,» said the study.
This exercise (done standing), while stabilizing the load for you, allows you to shift your body around under that load to still find the right movement path for your shoulders.
Basically, Sakurai wrote each enemy's individual movement path, from the start to finish, hexadecimal.
«Say goodbye to predefined enemy movement paths.
These will always be created as a monster roams through their set movement path.
Even when you do your best to protect your sensitive users, and your admins have complex passwords that they change frequently, their machines are hardened, and their data is stored securely, attackers can still use lateral movement paths to access sensitive accounts.
The method enables determining the movement paths of objects and quantifies relevant parameters such as speed, path length, motion type or object size.
Movmote is a single - player game where the player controls a moving object by slowing it down and changing its movement paths.
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