Sentences with phrase «movement problems»

Sometimes the baby will have a stiff stomach, shows signs of discomfort when passing stool which all indicate a bowel movement problem.
Even too much normal apples can cause bowl movement problems.
Symptoms displayed by the genetically altered pigs include movement problems.
It is a proven method for solving movement problems that can cause chronic pain and stress and enhances health and well - being with proven therapeutic results which include improved mobility, postural alignment, energy level, performance, effective relief from chronic stiffness, tension and stress.
Online reader Glenn wondered if drugs for Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease that help with movement problems could also remedy learning difficulties that accompany these conditions.
Brain stimulation is already used to treat some patients with PD, but the therapy targets specific areas of the brain that are important for motor control (not the frontal cortex) and only improves movement problems of PD.
Because movement problems are such a big part of HD, Yin has begun investigating HD mouse models.
It is most commonly thought of as a disease that causes movement problems, but neurologists now know that PD can significantly affect patients» thinking, or cognitive abilities, too.
Their approach to treat movement problems in Parkinson's disease is based on replacing dopamine - producing neurons after they degenerate.
«People with Parkinson's disease often show signs of depression before the onset of significant movement problems, so it's likely that the neural imbalance in Parkinson's is also responsible for some behavioral changes associated with the disease,» said Dr. Kreitzer, who is also an assistant professor of physiology at the University of California, San Francisco, with which Gladstone is affiliated.
However, arthroscopic surgery still can help people with joint movement problems caused by meniscus tears who have not developed moderate or severe knee osteoarthritis, said Shea.
We often point to our digestive system (the gut) when issues like bloating, indigestion, nausea, cramps, and bowel movement problems arise.
Generating data movement code, compiles code, execute the code and troubleshoot data movement problems.
- A child born with a condition that left him with serious movement problems has learned to walk with the aid of a NASA - designed «space suit,» which corrects movements and reflexes.
It is a proven method for solving movement problems that can cause chronic pain and stress and enhances health and well - being with proven therapeutic results which include improved mobility, postural alignment, energy level, performance, effective relief from chronic stiffness, tension and stress.
Bowel movement problems may be caused by a more serious condition.
Now my child is strictly on formula, and is having bowl movement problems and spitting up constantly!
The technique used is called deep brain stimulation, and is already used to treat the tremors and movement problems of some people with severe Parkinson's disease.
Kittens who have cerebellar hypoplasia are born with movement problems, a condition known as cerebellar ataxia.
First, as I wrote back in August, is the movement problem.
High - end virtual reality is going to face a number of obstacles in gaining acceptance — cost, movement problems and bandwidth issues, which I'll address in a separate post, are among them.
Whey protein may cause abnormal heart rhythms, changes in cholesterol levels, headache, increased diabetes risk, increased fracture or osteoporosis risk, kidney dysfunction, liver damage, stomach or intestine symptoms (acid reflux, bloating, constipation, cramps, gas, increased bowel movements, movement problems, nausea, reduced appetite, swelling of limbs, and upset stomach), and thirst.
The researchers used a scale to evaluate patient's movement problems, with Stage One on the scale being the least severe and Stage Five being the most advanced.
That's because the movement problems and other symptoms of the disease are caused by the death of neurons, located in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra, that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Lasting neurological conditions, including epilepsy, learning disabilities and movement problems were more common than expected for children from the general population, the study found.
She had long - standing Parkinson's disease, the progressive neurological condition that causes tremor, stiffness and movement problems, but had no history of depression.
Those that survived to adulthood had movement problems, demonstrated by their inability to climb.
«This solves a long - running mystery of how a gene mutation damages the neurons that carry information from the spinal cord to our muscles, resulting in a range of sensory and movement problems,» says Samuel Pfaff, a neuroscience professor at the Salk Institute and one of the senior authors on the paper with Xiang - Lei Yang, a professor at TSRI.
The pigs showed both movement problems and respiratory difficulties common to human patients, and it is hoped that this model will assist in the creation of new treatments for Huntington's — a genetically inherited and fatal disease which affects tens of thousands of people.
When they die, they cause the movement problems associated with Parkinson's, like tremors, slowness of movement, and impaired balance.
If a drug helps the brain, EEG changes might change more quickly than thinking or movement problems.
So if you have bowel movements problems, consider taking Psyllium husk, it cures the issue and no side effects, you can take it for years.
However, there are several digestive disorders that can contribute to intestinal symptoms, including lower abdominal pain, cramping, and bowel movement problems.
Students create a movement problem and demonstrate multiple solutions; choose the most interesting solutions and discuss the reasons for their choice
Hip dysplasia is a condition in which the hip joints develop an abnormal structure, which can cause discomfort and movement problems.
Happily, Misha's pain and movement problem have disappeared, although continued treatment is needed to keep him pain - free and mobile.
Reported nervous system symptoms included lethargy, nervousness, ataxia (movement problems), tremors and seizure.
If the dev team could solve the movement problem so that it didn't induce nausea, Layers of Fear seems like a natural fit for the VR space.
Then, some drugs or therapy may be prescribed for movement problems.
Wireless: So a wireless set solves the movement problem — you're no longer restricted to slow, careful motions in a defined path.
It is a proven method for solving movement problems that can cause chronic pain and stress and enhances health and well - being with proven therapeutic results which include improved mobility, postural alignment, energy level, performance, effective relief from chronic stiffness, tension and stress.
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