Sentences with phrase «movement science»

My husband has a degree in human movement science and while he is a high school teacher, he is also a personal trainer.
«With Type 2 diabetes, your body can no longer make or use insulin, the hormone which helps the body regulate glucose levels,» Dr. Sheri Colberg, a professor of human movement sciences at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va., specializing in exercise as it relates to diabetes told the WSJ.
«The cold and gray present significant challenges to all of us,» says Carol Ewing Garber, PhD, an exercise physiologist and professor of movement sciences at Columbia University in New York City.
She is the creator of Pilates Deconstructed ® an innovative interdisciplinary approach that fosters an embodied understanding of Pilates and its relationship to modern movement science.
It is that simple,» said co-lead author Daniel Corcos, professor of physical therapy and human movement sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
«If your building is 50 percent male and 50 percent female, you're already over your estimated cooling demand,» said Boris Kingma, a biophysicist in the department of human biology and movement sciences at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.
Sandi's strengths as a therapist, beyond her background in movement science and human anatomy, are her encouraging attitude, her ceaseless enthusiasm and her ability to make clients feel comfortable and confident in themselves.
In addition, he is collaborating with colleagues in Northwestern's department of physical therapy and human movement sciences to figure out how patients with eczema can exercise to improve their health without worsening their skin flare - ups.
The study, funded by the NFL, was conducted by The Cooper Institute and led by lead author Yang Bai, assistant professor in rehabilitation and movement sciences at the University of Vermont.
After graduating in the spring of 2018 with a degree in movement science, Aubrey will continue her education to become a Physical Therapist.
That allows us to focus on what we are experts on: movement science, biomechanics, therapeutic modalities, hands - on treatments, and progressive exercise programs focusing on teaching the client how to best help their pet.
Santa Barbara About Blog Jenni Rawlings is a yoga teacher with an emphasis on anatomy, physiology, and movement science.
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