Sentences with phrase «movement style»

In terms of movement styles: was he gonna be human - like?
The first time you do this exercise, I recommend you just stick to the moderate weight, controlled movement style of training.
The four playable characters possess their own unique movement styles and weapons.
Each vehicle has a different movement style and attacking option.
Specific types of dances and movement styles lend themselves to different parts of the liturgy.
Our classes are powerful and unique, combining vigorous flow, creative sequencing, and mindfulness practices - all with a focus on true breath - to - movement style vinyasa.
The dancers collaborate, research and integrate their personal movement styles, and discover an innovative dance language for choreography.
The thing that's likely the most jarring is the controller's inability to move like the headset, resulting in a bit of a strange dichotomy of movement styles between the two.
The slower movement style and those loud boots that everyone is wearings means that map knowledge, pre-aiming and knowing when and where enemies will be are vitally important.
The studio have also just released patch 1.07 for The Witcher 3 on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC, which includes changes such as an alternative movement style for Geralt, improved DLC manageability and a new book tab.
Wander of the Dragon abandons the straight forward back and forth gameplay of Double Dragon games of the past as the development team went for an 8 - way movement style, but your fighter never really responds as he should in the direction you're trying to move him.
As well as the option to switch from the old «tank» controls to a more modern movement style, there's a new mode that lets you play as regular series villain and sinister sunglasses aficionado Albert Wesker.
I assume you could swap movement styles in the menu but this wasn't unavailable to me.)
The sci - fi shooter boasted an innovative mechanic allowing players to summon a giant robot into the arena, and an incredibly fluid, free - running movement style — all combined into a set of blisteringly loud and detailed map designs.
A stunning archery - focused medieval setting shooter that also supports the classic free movement style.
This period was most notable for the slithery and highly articulated movement style which characterized much of her work during this time.
Brown's rigorous structures, combined with pedestrian or simple movement styles and tongue - in - cheek humor brought an intellectual sensibility that challenged the mainstream «modern dance» mindset of this period.
Use colourful semantics to describe modes of transport and their movement style.
Students competently perform folk and / or classical dances from various cultures; describe similarities and differences in steps and movement styles
The movement style really feels like it would have shined when paired with the ability to soak up more damage too.
Our game is uniquely suited for VR due to the fantasy, setting and movement style.
The slow pace might be a turn - off for a lot of people, but for me it's a refreshing change from the hyperactive nature of most modern games that favor twitch - shooting or a movement style that resembles a squirrel on strong coffee.
This beautiful action RPG replicates the combat and movement style of the first title but with a twist that really sets the two completely apart from each other.
In every other game that I've tried this movement style with, it's only been ten minutes or so before I've started feeling a bit sea sick.
Players are encouraged to keep their distance, not mash attacks, and carefully watch in order to react to one of three movement styles the opponent can choose from, reacting to visual cues on behalf of the enemy.
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