Sentences with phrase «movement types»

Since all of the tricks are explosive movements this type of training is going to help develop a tremendous amount of explosive strength.
Secondly, we get to see the different movement types.
But what poses and movement types specifically are reassuring or alarming?
Since that time, he has continued to have some currency among movement types on the conservative side, but has not enjoyed the kind of high profile he had in his FRC days.
Squash, conversely, brings in various movement types spanning one - leg actions, stop - start movements.
2) CAGW movement type models never reconstruct any lengthy past history accurately without creative and unique adjustment of aerosol values used as a fudge factor; that is why models of widely varying sensitivities supposedly all accurately reconstruct the past (different made - up assumed historical values used for each) but fail in future prediction, like they didn't predict how global average temperatures have been flat to declining over the past 15 years.
Studies can be found claiming the end of this interglacial is due around this century or millennium and other studies claiming it is impossible, but the latter are by CAGW - movement types with related assumptions.
... very similar to the Vive controller, in that it alters intensity, pulsing patterns and duration of vibration to mimic the sensation of a range of different movement types.
But what poses and movement types specifically are reassurin
As long as the movement types are willing to «let the chips fall where they may,» the party will continue shrinking, nationally.
An experiment examining the influence of movement type and social task conditions on testiness and anger reduction.
Many people were curious how Rocksteady would handle combat in such a quick car, and they did so by introducing another movement type that can be accessed by pressing L2.
One of the report's sources describes Nintendo NX controller vibration functionality as «very similar to the Vive controller, in that it alters intensity, pulsing patterns and duration of vibration to mimic the sensation of a range of different movement types.
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