Sentences with phrase «muscle contract»

When muscle contracts faster, more power is produced.
For example, calcium makes muscles contract, while magnesium allows them to relax.
[4] The potassium in potatoes is also vital for helping muscles contract.
The pelvic floor muscles contract and tighten in response to this pressure to stop you from pushing your organs out.
The heart muscles contract after they are stimulated by an electrical impulse.
When muscles contract repeatedly, they become increasingly acidic.
Tiny muscles contract around the cells that produce milk, squeezing the milk into the ducts.
When the top muscle contracts, the bone moves up.
When the bottom muscle contracts, the bone moves down.
So, if she does not consume enough water, she would feel painful in her stomach when her bowel muscles contract.
The muscle stimulation contacts make even weak muscles contract so every woman can benefit.
When muscles contract, fuel is burned and waste products accumulate.
When the scientists made muscles contract in laboratory dishes, they observed much the same loss of DNA methyl groups.
Kathryn North, a neurologist and clinical geneticist who led the study, suspects that its absence may make muscles contract more slowly and absorb nutrients at a lower speed, which is better for endurance.
Keep your abdominal muscles contracted to support your back.
Our current model for how muscles contract is the sliding filament theory (Huxley, 1985; 2000; 2004).
Simultaneously, in the 1960s, but independently, various physicists postulated the sliding - filament theory of muscular contraction, according to which muscles contract by the sliding of one filament along another and not by a springlike coiling.
For example, the Resistance Stretching technique involves muscle contracting throughout the ROM, which is quite different from traditional stretching methods.
Please Note: Muscles contract by sliding the thin (actin) and thick (myosin) filaments along each other, hence the tag actomyosin.
Typically, these calcium ions are then pumped back into storage, allowing the muscle to relax before it receives any further nerve impulses, but fish swimbladder muscles contract too quickly for this pumping phase to be completed before the next contraction begins.
«Pushing the floor away» is a mental cue, but when you get it right you'll feel your chest muscles contract even more.
Instead, Yau's lab found that even when isolated, the sphincter muscle contracts in response to light, employing a light - sensitive pigment called melanopsin.
Simultaneously, with each heel strike, certain shoulder muscles contract and put tension on the nuchal ligament, pulling up the skull and keeping it level.
They have a condition known as overactive bladder, which sometimes results from an obstruction — an enlarged prostate, for example — that makes the bladder muscles contract involuntarily.
Calf muscles contract less when you wear high - heeled shoes compared to flats, hence, less blood is pushed out of the leg when the calf muscles do not contract.
After years of practice, my core muscles contracted automatically, regrouping my entire body and I landed on my feet — no conscious decision on my part!
Scientists at the Institute of Neuromuscular Research at Children's Hospital in Sydney, Australia, have discovered a variant of a gene called alpha - actinin - 3 that appears to help muscles contract faster and with greater force by making a protein called actinin in muscle fibers.
The scapular muscles and rotator cuff muscles contract before the hand muscles, and poor scapular stability will increase the risk of shoulder injuries and decrease performance.
One of my favorites to train hip and knee stabilization is the Single Leg Standing Isometric where you add band tension around the working leg making the hip and knee muscles contract and work harder to maintain a stable position.
Even though the shoulder rotator muscles contract during chest, shoulder, and back exercises, they must be isolated separately in order to be strengthened.
«Nerves stimulated may induce diarrhea as smooth muscles contract in both intestines and uterus.»
When you're able to successfully start and stop urinating, or you feel the vaginal muscle contract, you are using your pelvic floor muscle, the muscle you should be contracting during Kegel exercises.
When that energy is insufficient, muscle contracts mechanically, or shivers, thereby generating heat.
At first their heart function seemed to improve, then many patients developed arrhythmias, presumably because thigh muscle contracts differently from heart muscle.
Many muscles contract in the nose, throat, abdomen, diaphragm, all the way to the back and even the sphincters.
With the help of high - speed x-ray videos, researchers found that the frog's calf muscle contracts well before its leap begins (see video; red line in graph indicates muscle activity).
For example, using the same biceps curl exercise - as the arm is slowly straightened from the bent position, the Biceps Brachii muscle contracts eccentrically to control the downward movement and increase the angle at the joint.
The human body is a unit, a kinetic chain, where movement is more than just individual muscles contracting and relaxing.
Since the vibration machine is vibrating continuously, muscles contract continuously causing an increase in work output.
Then put your legs in a position as if you are pedaling on a bicycle by bringing the knees near your chest and keeping your abs muscle contracted.
What makes potassium so important for runners is its necessity for muscles contracting properly.
When an agonist muscle contracts (for example the quads, causing knee extension), the antagonist muscle is inhibited, causing it to relax (in this example the hamstrings), allowing the full movement of the antagonist muscle (knee extension).
Pretend the bottom half of the green lower pec muscles contracted, what would happen to the arms?
Restoring the recruitment patterns (order in which different muscles contract) of the core is different than most exercise you will have been used to in the past.
This is qualified in that the actual muscle contracted is not the sphincter muscle nor the muscle which cessates urination, but the muscle equidistant between the two.

Phrases with «muscle contract»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z