Sentences with phrase «muscle imbalances»

The phrase "muscle imbalances" refers to a situation where certain muscles in your body are stronger or more developed than others. This can happen when you focus too much on certain exercises or neglect working out certain muscle groups. It can lead to poor posture, pain, or injury. Full definition
This is especially useful for the purposes of correcting muscle imbalances and «weak points» in your physique.
But the majority of injuries that occur do so because of muscle imbalances as a result of some stress to the nervous system.
I started to see some progress... but I created some major muscle imbalances in my shoulders.
-- Since pain can cause muscle imbalance, finding the source of pain, and eliminating it, also can correct muscle problems.
Follow up actions include treatment of abnormal physical findings, such as muscle imbalance, recommending optimal eating, and creating a training program based on individual needs.
And that again is from muscle imbalances of the foot that have been there for a long time.
As for muscle imbalances, various resistance band exercises may reduce the risk of running injuries.
These aerobic / anaerobic imbalances lead to muscle imbalances resulting in pain, injury, illness, and lackluster performance.
One result is that many people developed muscle imbalance by creating too much strength in one muscle in relation to another.
However, you should train all of these positions evenly to avoid muscle imbalances.
This is a basic shoulder mass - builder that allows you to target any existing muscle imbalances between your left and right side of the body when pressing.
If an exercise creates muscle imbalances, this can lead to joint deterioration all over your body and even blunt fat loss.
Simply put, muscle imbalances occur when one muscle is stronger than its opposing muscle.
They have their own aim (for example, to fix muscle imbalances).
If you play a predominantly one - sided sport such as tennis, golf, or baseball you probably have developed muscle imbalances due to the nature of your sport.
So when a ligament or bone problem exists, there is usually an associated muscle imbalance as well.
Plus, the arms move independently of each other, which is a great way to work on muscle imbalances.
To prevent muscle imbalances and the many injuries and issues caused by them.
Most lifting machines focus on single joint exercises, which fail to improve muscle imbalance and does not burn as many calories as hitting the squat rack or swinging a kettlebell.
However, it's important to remember that muscle imbalances lead to all sorts of situations that lend themselves to a metabolic crash.
How you can help treat it: Add exercises to your functional training or cross strength training that focus on eliminating muscle imbalances.
This practice is designed to help runners improve performance and address the typical muscle imbalances runners develop.
I have suffered with back pain and muscle imbalances so know how important a strong core and good posture is especially as we get older.
Not only is this practice important for developing head control and sensory processing skills, it helps baby work through any minor muscle imbalances from being confined in the womb.
You most likely have significant muscle imbalances in the area that need to be corrected.
Whether from unknown sources, or chronic or acute pain from an injury or illness, the presence of pain itself can produce muscle imbalance maintaining a vicious cycle of cause and effect.
Now you're still dealing with the same imbalances and more as that surgery will create more muscle imbalances.
I didn't know that treating a trigger point could help correct neurological muscle imbalances.
These weak links can lead to great muscle imbalances and carry a potential risk of injury in the long - term.
A long history surrounds the concepts, theories, and practices that employ muscle imbalance.
These modalities are warranted in many instances and most therapists would agree that exercise is needed to help restore muscle imbalances.
Today, health - care professionals, sports coaches, and athletes often use the term muscle imbalance.
Unfortunately, there is no consensus about how muscle imbalance is defined.
This would become a common instrument to measure muscle imbalance.
This can help improve one's health, but also repair muscle imbalance.
While treatment by a health - care professional is sometimes necessary, many people are able to correct their own muscle imbalances.
The answer is to identify and correct these underlying muscle imbalances that are placing more strain on the calf muscles.
Today, there is usually a clear division among the many types of therapists who treat muscle imbalance.
Home in on the single — leg muscle imbalances during your assessment.
I suffered a stress fracture 2 years ago, and because of complications, I am still working through muscle imbalance issues as I return to running.
Seeing yourself from different perspectives will tell you and / or a fitness professional a lot about your posture and about possible muscle imbalances or injuries that you may have.
There may be specific muscle imbalances that need to be corrected but I wouldn't know what those are or how to correct them w / o seeing him.
Also, work on core and hamstring strength and on correcting muscle imbalances.
By stretching muscles before running, it's very possible to cause muscle imbalance.
The dream house in this scenario is a healthy body and the sand is a metaphor for muscle imbalances.
The cause of muscle imbalance must be addressed if normal muscle function is to be restored.

Phrases with «muscle imbalances»

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