Sentences with phrase «nature protection»

They could, for instance, require tourist companies to collect some sort of fee per head from tourists and deposit those fees into a local program for nature protection.
Bonaire plays a leading role in nature protection - both above and under water and it has been used as an example many times for other islands and countries.
The Snow leopard is legally protected in Uzbekistan under the Law on Nature Protection of 1993 and the species is included in the Red Book of Uzbekistan (2009).
ECO2 developed a generic approach for estimating consequences, probability and risk associated with sub-seabed CO2 storage based on the assessment of the environmental value of local organisms as indicated for example by the Natura 2000 network of nature protection areas or the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North - East Atlantic (OSPAR), the vulnerability of environmental resources and possible impacts on them as well as consequences and risks.
After the environment ministry tripled the logging quota in March 2016, eight nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) accused it of breaking EU nature protection laws by not assessing the potential ecological impact of the additional logging and not sparing trees more than a century old.
Until recently he was a founding member and VP of J.P. Morgan Sustainable Finance where he helped develop innovative investment structures such as GHIF (the world's first VC fund for HIV & Malaria Research), Dementia Discovery Fund (a first - of - its kind collaborative effort to accelerate fundamental research in Dementia) and NatureVest, an investment fund focused on nature protection co-developed with The Nature Conservancy.
The 12,000 hectare nature protection area of Monteverde is known worldwide.
By highlighting appropriate methods and measures by which these issues can be addressed, the paper will provide information to facilitate successful EbA implementation and thereby the delivery of the expected benefits for local communities as well as for the authorities coping with climate change - related challenges and nature protection issues.
The unlikely alliance to destroy the ruddy ducks was forged by Spain's nature department, the National Institute for Nature Protection, ICONA.
The German conservation organization BUND claims that traditional concepts of nature protection have failed because conservation goals have not been achieved, even in protected areas, due to agricultural intensification in the surrounding areas.
The team led by Renaud Boistel from CNRS and University of Poitiers, comprised also scientists from Institut Langevin of ESPCI ParisTech, the Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique in Marseilles, the Institute of Systems and Synthetic Biology at the University of Evry (France), the Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles, and the European Synchrotron ESRF in Grenoble.
Survey results show that the benefits family forest owners most value are related to the beauty and privacy the forests provide, along with wildlife and nature protection.
The team led by Renaud Boistel from CNRS and University of Poitiers, comprised also scientists from Institut Langevin of ESPCI ParisTech, Université Paris Sud (Orsay), the Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique (Marseilles), the Institute of Systems and Synthetic Biology at the University of Evry (France), the Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles, and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble.
In 2004 the Uzbekistan Academy of Science, the State Committee for Nature protection and the Snow Leopard Trust developed the Strategy for Snow Leopard Conservation in Uzbekistan.
The resort prides itself on it's involvement with local environmental and nature protection, playing an active role in the protection of important dive sites and underwater sanctuaries.
The resort takes part in the nature protection program and encourages catch and release practice for bill fishes and non food species.
The resort takes part in the nature protection program and encourages catch and release practice for bill fishes and non food...
The Dialogue, co-sponsored by Bioresources Development and Conservation Programme - Cameroon (BDCPC), Cameroon Ecology, the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection, and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED), and WRI's Governance of Forests Initiative (GFI), provided a forum for government and civil society members to talk frankly about strengthening governance as part of Cameroon's REDD + program.
In Neumann's view, the wind industry and nature protection «can not be reconciled» and thus calls for the immediate repeal of the EEG feed - in act.
In an opinion piece at the Mittel Bayerische daily, Harry Neumann, National Chairman of the environmental group Naturschutzinitiative e.V. declares Germany's Energiewende (transition to renewable energies) a failure and writes: «The wind power industry and nature protection can not be reconciled.»
This summer marks the second year of collaboration between First Climate and the nature protection organization Bergwaldprojekt, First Climate's partner for the implementation of local conservation measures.
«Developed countries invest in sustainable programs of forest management and nature protection
The organisation's main campaigns concern renewable energies and climate change, sustainable living, genetically - modified organisms, nature protection — specifically forests and protected areas, and trade.
«We will sell cotton bags and sacks, available in different shapes, which we bought from the Nature Protection Association, at very low prices to the [island's] retailers,» Bozcaada Mayor Mustafa Mutay told the Doğan News Agency.
Almost all of these sites are dominated by concerns about landscape and nature protection.
What's more, «Developed countries invest in sustainable programs of forest management and nature protection,» the authors write.
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