Sentences with phrase «nature religion»

"Nature religion" refers to a spiritual or religious belief system that focuses on the worship and reverence of nature. It recognizes the importance of the natural world and views it as sacred. Nature is seen as the source of divine power, and individuals who follow a nature religion often seek spiritual connections and harmony with nature. Full definition
He led us back to the old nature religions as the base from which religion must start once again.
Despite the assertion that faith is the basis of human nature religion has also played a role in wars and plays are that how it controls the human.
What's so frustrating about some of these books is that they sometimes have an element of truth to them, and then go straight from nature religion to «Black Masses» and «Human Sacrifice.»
The Appalachian region still has elements of primal nature religion which clouds their interpretation of the Bible.
At the first Axial Period, the ancient nature religions reacted strongly against the rise and spread of the new world religions, just as the Maori tohungas, for example, strongly resisted the message brought by the Christian missionaries.
Biblical myths are all polemical myths countering nature religions.
Thus the new global religion will draw not only from the more ideological and intellectualized faiths of the Axial Period but from the preceding nature religions.
Those who practiced the earlier nature religions saw the natural world operating with some meaning and purpose because they unconsciously projected their own thoughts and feelings into the supposed gods of nature, including Mother Earth and the Sky Father.
This view had its roots in the desert God Yahweh's antagonism to sacred male prostitution, which was prevalent in the pagan nature religions that competed with Israel.
This animus is commonly identified with all those cultural «enemies» conquered in the past; it is called nature religion, goddess worship, paganism, witchcraft, demonism and the like, For a long time, Judaism also existed in Christian consciousness as a force in this suppressed animus.
In many of the works a cosmic abstract expression is paired with an accurate figurative and archetypal style, incorporating pure and intricate mandala images inspired from Tibetan Buddhism and Native American nature religion and traditional crafts, all meticulously executed in watercolour, mineral colours and gold leaf.
I come from the Pacific Northwest and have elements of primal nature religion.
The monotheistic cultural traditions have long interpreted this ancient struggle between the old nature religions and the worship of the One who ruled from the heavens as a struggle between idolatry and the truth, in which the latter ultimately prevailed.
But on the continent of Asia, where the Axial Period occurred, the nature religions were eliminated, marginalised, or submerged within what we now call the great world religions.
We are learning to appreciate the positive value in the nature religion of indigenous peoples; we see it as a genuine form of spirituality, no longer to be arrogantly dismissed as primitive magic.
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