Sentences with phrase «nature scenes»

"Nature scenes" refers to the various natural settings or landscapes found outdoors, such as mountains, forests, beaches, rivers, or any place where you can connect with and enjoy the beauty of nature. Full definition
In a pinch, you can even listen to nature sounds and look at nature scenes on your computer.
From awe - inspiring nature scenes to motor - racing photographs, there is a trend in local galleries and museums focused on the lens.
Others were asked to imagine traveling on a magic bicycle — focusing on the details of shapes, colors and textures — before watching a short video of silent nature scenes.
An abstract advertising campaign which showed many picturesque nature scenes but very little of the car may have been to blame as well.
Her large - scale, vibrant nature scenes reflect her positive attitude.
The beautiful blend of nature scenes with modern colors in the Toile Crib Bedding Collection by Sleeping Partners will keep any baby girl happy in her crib.
I have a Stress Reducing Guided Imagery download of nature scenes available that you can order.
Another study, at Johns Hopkins University, found that patients who viewed nature scenes and listened to natural sounds during bronchoscopy reported less pain than those who did not.
I like to collague with his work and photographs that I take and create contemplative psychedelia that are certainly not of this earth, but have a definite everyday peace about them, as if seeing nature scenes from another dimension.
Shower curtains may even feature nature scenes displaying fish or animals, for a look that feels directly connected to nature.
The CARE Channel provides beautiful nature scenes and quiet music.
I have a Guided Imagery Nature Scene Download that you can order for times when you are too busy to get out in nature.
Heart surgery patients in rooms with nature scenes on the wall experienced less anxiety and smoother recoveries than patients with blank walls or abstract art.
In contrast, the standard Alabama plate depicts a bucolic nature scene — a river and green hills backdropped by a golden sky.
Recycling scraps and gathered bits I play around to create little nature scenes in muted colours.
Draw pictures of different nature scenes or practice your hopscotch skills.
If you're looking for a way to de-stress with calming nature scenes we recommend this adult coloring book.
The results showed that spending time in nature (and even looking at pictures of it or visualizing nature scenes) increased participants» energy.
Vintage Gold Asian Nature Scene Brocade, Bead, Rhinestone Dress Absolutely stunning vintage dress.
This soft - pink leather jacket (paired with a flowy skirt in a contrasting print) has a charming nature scene embroidered on both the front and the back that's truly a work of art.
The film's astonishing nature scenes, shot on location in the Korean countryside, are reminiscent of Terrence Malick, while the reflective blend of myth and history is all Hu's own.
Segments are three to six minutes long, and include such things as slow - motion nature scenes, peacefully snoozing puppies, dogs rough - housing and playing fetch, and even the doorbell ringing.
He still has small nature scenes, but now urban canyons as well.
(There's also an image of a devil - face De Miguel spotted graffitied onto a wall, and a rudimentary nature scene that she says was inspired by a residency at Skowhegan, in Maine.)
Layering rich hues of wet oil paint and working from the shoulder, De Vliegher takes an athletic approach to an otherwise banal nature scene, offering a series of large - scale canvases that contrast deep, murky waters with fluorescent patterned figures.
Her subjects include nature scenes interpreted through plein aire observations on the East End of Long Island near her Southampton home.
Highlights include «7 Days of Calm» — a programme to help you learn how to meditate in seven days, and beautiful immersive nature scenes with soothing background sounds.
Recent subjects of the artist's found images — vintage portraits of sailors, digital profile shots from online gay dating sites, newspaper obituaries — are charged with longing and desire, while the depictions of nature scenes such as seascapes and waterfalls nod to Romanticism and human identification with the natural environment.
As a young London artist in the 1950s, Bridget Riley was painting figurative studies and nature scenes when Georges Seurat's Pointillist experiments sparked in her a kind of artistic and perceptual awakening.
That's when Dutch artists began making what they called «landschap» paintings, images entirely composed of land - based nature scenes.
Alexandra Kehayoglou uses scraps from her family's Buenos Aires - based carpet factory to create transformative tapestries and rugs mimicking nature scenes.
If you want to see some of the world's most famous nature scenes, though, head to the Dallas Museum of Art (admission is free!)
Prints like, Garden Ruin 1, broach the subject differently, by superimposing shapes over nature scenes.
Even though the scenery paintings date back to the ancient Greeks and the Romans, after the fall of the Roman Empire nature scenes became just a backdrop for religious stories or a mere setting for human activity.
If you're in the U.S., you can use these quick tricks to get the Assistant - enabled speaker to drown out the noise of the trains, planes, and automobiles outside your window and instead transport you to a serene nature scene — or whatever else you need to be to fall asleep.
I'm about to buy an old German schrank with beautiful hand carved nature scenes.
Choose nature scenes for cushions and posters, layer Native American and lumberjack - check fabrics in your bedroom and bathroom, and mount groupings of trophy heads on your living room walls.
The study is a part of ART (Attention Restoration Theory), a cognitive science field which suggests that individuals experience improved concentration after looking at nature scenes or spending time in nature.
Notable for the diversity of his painting style, his work includes academic portraits, Millet - like scenes of peasant life, and Monet - inspired nature scenes.
Wallpaper is another decorative element that can capture a fun, kid - friendly spirit in a boy's bathroom, featuring nature scenes, sports or beloved characters.
To get a daily dose of the outdoors, bring nature into your home with plants, photographs of nature scenes, or by listening to guided meditations that involve scenes of nature.
You can find some really enjoyable albums made for babies that include classical music or nature scenes.
The CARE Channel with Guided Imagery has spoken narration with nature scenes and music.
If you want to use your 4K camera for action - packed scenes, zoom is an unnecessary feature, but zoom comes in handy for filming athletic events, people, and nature scenes.
The researchers acquired 11.5 hours of fMRI data from each of three women subjects watching 972 video clips, including those showing people or animals in action and nature scenes.
The participants were then made to see some nature scenes like beaches or forests while memorizing two sets of words.
Researchers found that the individuals who viewed the nature scenes showed faster physical recovery from the effects of stress than the subjects who viewed urban scenes.
I have a self - hypnosis recording available of 4 nature scenes, each one 10 minutes long.
Wherever you may live though, nature scenes are always a good choice for art.
In the United States, any nature scene is considered acceptable for forest bathing, however Japan takes a more scientific approach.
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