Sentences with phrase «negative press»

"Negative press" refers to news or media coverage that portrays a person, organization, or event in a critical or unfavorable way. It usually highlights the faults, mistakes, or controversies, which can potentially harm their reputation or public image. Full definition
This is likely what you've heard a lot of negative press about.
I mean that there has been negative press about the companies after they were bought.
It's not all negative press, of course.
Do you suppose that since the advent of the web and less material advertising dollars being spent has anything to do with negative press coverage of our industry?
The one - two punch of excess capacity combined with negative press has led to lower overall base fares.
It was coming, because this industry has gotten way too much negative press in the Israeli newspapers.
There are a number of concerns regarding the life settlement business, and over the past several years the life settlement industry has received negative press for a variety of reasons.
Negative press on the poor survival rate of many captive marine fish has led environmental groups and animal - rights groups to put pressure on the aquarium trade.
I took that to mean that the chart would be something they could spin in the positive — since there had been so much negative press over the past week.
Why so much negative press when you've never seen it.
In these cases, a few factors worked against the hackers: creating negative press around the targeted company, violating bounty payment rules and appearing immature.
We have seen a lot of negative press regarding certain airlines recently.
There has been a lot of negative press lately about using 3D printing to create plastic guns.
From a sustainability standpoint, it is a shame that hemp has gotten so much negative press because it comes from a similar strain of plant.
While crypto mining seems to only attract negative press, it is a hugely popular and growing field.
I do not like seeing negative press over a rescue that has placed so many dogs in loving, forever homes, mine being one of them.
The resulting consequences included negative press, negative view of the company, and a split in the company.
But in the court of public opinion, a site such as this could be effective in helping to counter negative press.
Nevertheless, the incident and subsequent negative press coverage do not appear to have had a sustained impact on the popularity of the company's trading platform.
Even when I pressed the sales person saying I had heard negative press — «oh, we've fixed all those problems... you have nothing to worry about».
However, it's not just negative press that could be responsible for this increase.
Consequently, the stock is trading near a 6 - month low, well below its IPO closing day price, and the company is suffering through a seemingly endless negative press cycle.
Overall the team did well by not losing any of those two games, otherwise questions would be asked by the ever negative press and pundits.
The problem and the continuous negative press is rooted in something more subjective in my opinion.
The former class was not treated to the traditional complimentary advance screenings, in an uncommon move typically made to minimize negative press, or at least delay it a day.
After all the massive negative press this game has received since launch, I doubt anyone would pay money for it without having the chance to try it out first.
More recently, a considerable amount of negative press has surrounded the company, as has happened occasionally in the past.
It is nearly impossible to turn on the news or open a newspaper without hearing about negative press for public schools these days.
It's a shame they didn't just grant the extra time for performance issues so that we could finally have a title that didn't receive negative press.
I was amazed by how much press he got, including negative press.
You only have to run a search for «online dating» to see how much negative press the industry gets.
There is certainly a copious amount of negative press surrounding the publishing industry and booksellers all over the world.
Von Reusner thinks these shifts were the result of negative press from her group and others, out of fear that consumers will stop buying what they believe to be harmful.
An Oregon youth softball program has decided to move forward with plans to raffle off an AR -15-style assault weapon as part of its fundraiser, despite negative press coverage following the Parkland massacre.
Hysterectomies got more negative press after a landmark 2005 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), study revealed that, unless a woman is at very high risk of ovarian cancer, removing her ovaries during hysterectomy actually raised her health risks.
«Who in the real estate business hasn't complained about or been adversely affected by negative press relating to all aspects of the market?
Aspartame and saccharin are the worst and have received significant negative press as being carcinogenic substances.
Shortly after announcing she was co-sponsoring the bill Bustos dropped her support after negative press and general outrage, and it never gained enough support to be passed into law.
Schmidt, who drew considerable negative press attention when she seemed to refer to Rep. John Murtha (D - Pa.)
If United get negative press for telling a player they are not in their plans, why don't City.
now there's more negative press which he could do without at this stage in his «stop - start» career.
In anticipation of feverish coverage generating a storm of indignant interest, Mitchell's defence team, led by Donald Findlay QC, aim to pre-emptively avoid negative press in the city.
Furthermore, it's also understandable that the party would want to respond to the wave of negative press associated with leaving - and indeed the noise that hardcore remainers are making online and in the occasional demonstration.
And LIBOR has been the subject of much negative press recently as followers of money markets know.
Following a glut of negative press stories, it emerged last night that Corbyn's team has employed Neale Coleman as «director of policy and rebuttal».
George Pataki's post-9 / 11 leadership in comparison to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani ignited a spate of negative press during the 2002 gubernatorial campaign, which Cuomo ended up quitting early).
The article further goes through the ups and downs of eHarmony's success, including their latest negative press regarding gay singles being not allowed to use the site.
To combat negative press, Apple has sliced the cost of new batteries and advising those with older phones to make the replacement.

Phrases with «negative press»

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