Sentences with phrase «negative stereotypes»

"Negative stereotypes" refers to generalizations or assumptions made about a group of people that are usually unfair, biased, or portray them in a negative light, often leading to discrimination or prejudice. Full definition
The ad reinforces negative stereotypes of breastfeeding moms, but doesn't do the same for formula moms.
In this view, members of a minority experience anxiety at the prospect of confirming negative stereotypes about their group, such as low intelligence.
Plus, sometimes companies can reinforce negative stereotypes about the insurance industry.
The last type has to do with negative stereotypes.
Addressing discrimination and negative stereotypes by promoting equality that recognises difference.
The book explores how negative stereotypes associated with a group that one identifies with, can negatively effect multiple parts of one's life.
It's only too bad the story has to use so many negative stereotypes, crude jokes and typical cartoon - type characters to get that positive message across.
Protecting children from negative stereotypes in the classroom benefits the whole classroom.
Unfortunately, insurance companies use negative stereotypes of motorcycle riders against them.
This combination — lack of knowledge and lack of personal contact — provides fertile ground for negative stereotypes to persist.
In some cases, the combination of confidence and jaw power has served to strengthen and reinforce negative stereotypes regarding certain breeds and breed owners.
Negative stereotypes around adoption are so acceptable that a major publishing house apparently agrees with her.
This sad but true fact means that out of about 3.9 million dogs entering shelters annually, 1.2 million are euthanized... sometimes because negative stereotypes leave them unwanted.
Teachers, who have already been in the classroom for some time, also lack knowledge about gifted children - and worse, may develop negative stereotypes about them.
The survey showed that negative stereotypes also affect perceptions of cat owners and cat lovers.
It's comments like these that hold women back, reinforcing negative stereotypes rather than [celebrating] the choice to have a family.
If you walk in the door to a job interview looking sharp and professional, you will set negative stereotypes about Ph.D. s on their heads.
Contrary to expectations, the results showed that there was no significant relationship between reading negative stereotypes and either flow or worry.
The results showed that women who had read an article with negative stereotypes needed significantly more time to complete the exercise than those in the control condition.
A film that reinforces negative stereotypes denying the audience any empathy for the subjects.
But at the same time, I have negative stereotypes about indie comics that try so hard to be artistic and abstract that they forget they're supposed to be entertaining.
The «dark passage» is the journey of gay representation from negative stereotype to positive role model.
Finlay, a Yorta Yorta woman, a member of the #JustJustice team, and a PhD candidate, suggests that, rather than perpetuating negative stereotypes of Aboriginal people, the WA Government and justice systems need to take stock of their own contributions to over-incarceration.
Megan Ransom has been working against negative stereotypes associated with pit bull type dogs since she and her husband, Josh adopted their first pit bull mix in 2008.
It is also good for the health system because it challenges negative stereotypes when you have a cohort of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors who are not just verbally challenging stereotypes and prejudices but are providing a positive story themselves.
These demographic correlations are a feature of standardized exams more generally (e.g., Helms 2009)[11] and may well be the result of stereotype threat, the fear of confirming negative stereotypes about one's own group (Steele & Aronson 1995)[12], [13].
Later, Meghan joined forces with Lydia Zaidman, another one of the active meetup members, to transform the meetup group into a vehicle to change minds and fight negative stereotypes surrounding pit bull type dogs.
I know there are a lot of negative stereotypes surrounding sororities, but I can honestly say that Phi Mu was the BEST decision I made in college.
«Older adults should be careful not to buy into negative stereotypes about aging — attributing every forgetful moment to getting older can actually worsen memory problems.»
The series counters negative stereotypes of Muslim women by showcasing the inspiring stories of women across Canada.
This session offers teachers the tools, courage and expertise to combat negative stereotypes of mathematicians as «nerdy» and «boring.»
Ali Al Saloom, owner and founder of Embrace Arabia, an organisation dedicated to enhancing intercultural relationships and educating newcomers about Emirati culture, argues local students and their families often hold negative stereotypes about careers in the tourism industry.
Carver dispelled negative stereotypes about African Americans» intellectual ability and made science accessible to the layman.
Readers of SLAW know that, as a rule, librarians are passionate about their collections, and despite negative stereotypes, they embrace the electronic resources and developments with alacrity, often way ahead of the pack.
There are a lot of positive stereotypes of Ukraine women for marriage — they're unusually beautiful, they're sweet, they're smart and they're kind — but there are also some outrageous negative stereotypes which may prevent eligible men from seeking a truly qualified match through an online dating service.
Passenger vehicle drivers often believe negative stereotypes of motorcyclists, and sometimes they don't always view them as legitimate sharers of the road.
One such project is a «worker equity» program that attempts, as one of its goals, to eradicate from employers» minds the common negative stereotypes of older employees (they are stubborn, lazy, have less energy, do not adapt to new technologies) Another unit of the organizations the Interreligious Liaison Office, is also involved with the non-material aspects of aging.
One of the most important reasons to work with a Scottsdale motorcycle accident lawyer is the need to overcome negative stereotypes that might be used against you.
«I've known travelling people, and they can do without negative stereotyping
The whole undercurrent of the show was an attempt to inhabit and take control of negative stereotypes attached to genders, playing up to something whilst at the same time ridiculing it and then linking female sexuality to a technological virus — which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data.
This negative portrayal of refugee claimants promotes negative stereotypes of refugee claimants in Canadian society and «victimizes the victims».
If someone tells you that their journey began without abuse or a strict father figure or domineering mother or whatever other negative stereotype that heteronormatives look for their «aha» moment of misguided pathology discovery, then maybe we should just shut up and listen to that.
Pit bulls face abuse, neglect, torture, and overbreeding by people who do not have the dogs» best interests at heart; their owners face negative stereotypes and prejudices, simply because they choose to own pit bulls.
Each subject will represent a word inspired to uplift the WOC psyche and defy negative stereotypes.
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