Sentences with phrase «negative view»

Meanwhile, the percentage of teachers holding negative views of unions nearly doubled during this period, from 17 percent to 32 percent.
Before attending E3, I had very negative views on Virtual Reality gaming.
As a community, we need to stand together to challenge negative views about therapy.
That's obviously the more negative view of things, though.
The results show that the public has strong negative views towards climate engineering.
Single interracial matchmaking is on the rise, and these days, even people who held negative views toward dating others of a different race are beginning to come around.
I understand that many have a very negative view of that system.
Investors stepped up their use of fixed - income ETFs to express negative views on debt markets this year.
We recommend to policymakers who are frustrated by negative views of a policy to ascertain whether there are widely - held misconceptions about the policy.
It can be very challenging because the prosecutor or regulator may have an extremely negative view that developed over time.
I do make it very clear it's not up for discussion in front of my daughter as I don't want her to hear negative views.
Some sports and hobbies are simply deemed to be more dangerous than others, and as such, life insurance companies may take at least a somewhat negative view toward them.
Fear and hatred of the body and ambiguous beliefs and feelings about sexuality produced negative views of women, another instance of men experiencing «evil» but projecting it elsewhere.
Because of this, not a few commentators have taken a distinctly negative view of the human city.
They may lose any remaining hope and deepen any existing negative views about themselves.
Public perceptions were poor and there were pervasive negative views about the behaviour of pupils.
It was my first time buying a car so I was not really sure what to expect given the general negative view towards car buying.
Whether people have a positive or negative view on something they usually express it politely and that's the way it should be.
Therefore it could be argued that it wasn't the boredom per se which killed them, but their more negative view of life in general?
But those who saw less conflict prior to the divorce had more negative views of divorce and experienced more stable relationships as adults.
My belief is that forums like these are very helpful, but can only go so far, given that most people with negative views towards Islam are unlikely to participate in an open - dialogue such as this.
«While the public is still broadly positive about the contributions of science to society, there has been a slight rise in negative views across a number of measures, suggesting some softening in the perceived value of science to society.
Shame on CNN for feeding such negative views of Christians.
It's okay for students to hold strongly negative views on a candidate, but it's also important that they recognize what about the current state of United States make that candidate's beliefs and demeanor attractive to a large number of people.
What is most surprising from the study is that 64 percent of Millennials report negative views and attitudes about the self - driving autonomous vehicle shift.
New York State United Teachers President Karen Magee says teachers are angry over what they see as Governor Cuomo's increasingly negative view of their union, and the public education system in general.
Victimization in adolescence was associated with increases in depression and decreases in self - esteem as well as negative views of others in y
The most negative view of the show as a whole that I've seen is by Tom Lubbock in the Independent, but who could object to this acute critic's observations?
Global Currency Strategist Hans Redeker notes that bearish positioning in the futures market shows the most extreme negative view of the dollar since April 2009.
The most recent polls align with data showing the American public still holds an overall negative view of the law and believes the changes will mostly benefit wealthier people.
I asked Pataki about this decidedly negative view Friday, as he left a campaign appearance in Lebanon, New Hampshire.
«Those who expressed negative views stated that running elections in this country was the sovereign and exclusive responsibility of the states, and they did not want federal intrusion, a federal takeover, or federal regulation of that process.»
My problem is not with their policy conclusion, though I do not share their highly negative view of QE.
Pew has released the findings of new research that shows that many white evangelicals in America hold disproportionally negative views of their Muslim neighbors when compared to the rest of...
The respondents were generally misinformed about reverse mortgages, while holding a slightly negative view on reverse mortgages as a retirement tool;
A new Voice of the Voter poll shows that a number of people in the Rochester area have a generally negative view of their elected officials.
My experience taught me that yoga is for everyone, and that my own negative views of the practice, «It's too easy, it won't benefit me enough, I want a «real» workout» were ignorant, self - defeating and short - sighted.
Or are we more stingy than a generation that welcomed our great - grandparents, even if they had stronger negative views against those of different ethnic groups?
This essentially negative view of techno - morality was famously crystallized in Google's original motto, «Don't be evil.»
They will further undermine European confidence and trust in the United States, and reinforce already negative views about Donald Trump.
I'm not sure why people take such an automatically negative view of the Falcon Doors.
The writer takes a purposefully negative view of Christianity, as do many of the comments, here.
However few they may be, we will be left with the unquestioned reference in Romans 1, and with its unquestionably negative view.

Phrases with «negative view»

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